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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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Chapter Law Content

Chapter III Mobilization Readiness System
Article 13
During the Mobilization Readiness Phase, the authorities of the Mobilization Readiness Classifications and municipal city governments and county (city) governments should conduct investigations and planning for possible manpower resources, material resources, technology, facilities, and transportation tools as well as facilities for mobilization, and then verify their validity with drills.
Article 14
In order to propagate All-out National Defense, the authorities in charge of mobilization of morale should integrate school education into public media for the cultivation of the ideology of patriotism and national security. Meanwhile, municipal city governments and county (city) Governments should also include this topic in their policy statements.
For the purpose of integration of national security knowledge into school education, the Ministry of Education should stipulate the regulations related to All-out defense education,
Moreover, in coping with the requirements for the Mobilization Implementation Phase, the National Communications Commission and Ministry of Culture should stipulate relevant regulations for enterprises and practitioners in the public media industry.
Article 15
For human resource sufficiency in the Mobilization Implementation Phase, the authorities in charge of mobilization of human resources should conduct investigations, calculations and organization of professional citizens, civil defense forces, volunteer firefighters and volunteer disaster rescuers, as well as of arrangement planning for school youths, retired veterans, and those who had been injury, or physical or mental impediment during wars.
All of the municipal city governments and county (city) governments have to cooperate with the proceedings mentioned above; the related enterprises and organizations should provide support and relevant resource information about important professional personnel.
The civil defense works that are related to military services will be supervised by the Ministry of the Interior and the Ministry of National Defense in the Mobilization Readiness Phase.During the Mobilization Implementation Phase, the Ministry of National Defense will coordinate with the Ministry of the Interior for the utilization of civil defense forces as military service support.
For the requirements of the Mobilization Implementation Phase, the Ministry of National Defense should stipulate regulations for resource allocation of military human resources.
Article 16
For sufficient supplies of military, industrial and basic livelihood demands during the Mobilization Implementation Phase, the authorities in charge of mobilization of material resources should estimate future requirements, complete investigations and calculations of important material resources and fixed facilities, and select some important material resources for strategic material stockpiles; the municipal city governments and county (city) governments should provide cooperative support.
Related public and private sectors of enterprises and organizations should provide support and relevant resource information about strategic materials and make sufficient stockpiles to the stock control levels regulated by the Ministry of Economic Affairs.
Regulations about contents, stock levels, investigations and stockpiles of strategic materials, as well as investigations of fixed facilities and allocation arrangement of daily necessities, should be prescribed by the authorities of mobilization of material resources.
The Ministry of Economic Affairs should stipulate emergency contingency measures, as well as maintenance and repairs proceedings, for petroleum, power and water supplies.
For the requirements of the Mobilization Implementation Phase, the Ministry of National Defense should stipulate the regulations governing requisition, purchase and compensation of material resources and fixed facilities.
Article 17
For the purpose of rooting the National Defense Industry among the private sector, the Ministry of National Defense should integrate the military and public/private sectors into a National Defense Industry Mobilization Production System in collaboration with the Ministry of Economic Affairs for the development of the National Defense Industry and investigations on Military Supply Capacity in the military and public and private enterprises. When necessary circumstances, some National Defense Industrial Plants will be commissioned for conversion contracts of supplies in compliance with the prescribed operation specifications.
The commissioned plants mentioned above should participate in military drills.
The rules governing contract conversions, military drills and confiscation should be prescribed by the Ministry of National Defense.
Article 18
For stabilization of financial orders and capital allocations during the Mobilization Implementation Phase, the authorities in charge of mobilization of financial resources should stipulate regulations regarding war expense funding, budget balancing and foreign exchange controls.
Article 19
For enhancement of transportation capacity during the Mobilization Implementation Phase, the authorities in charge of mobilization of transportation should plan the readiness proceedings for land, water and air transportation and enhance the planning and drilling for ship outfitting and loading & unloading operations, as well as mobilization readiness operations of airports and navigation aids and training of emergency repairs.
The owner of that ship should cooperate with the ship outfitting matters mentioned above.
For the requirements of the Mobilization Implementation Phase, the Ministry of National Defense should work with the Ministry of Transportation and Communications and the Ministry of the Interior regarding the rules governing Military Mobile Traffic and Military Supplies Transportation in the Mobilization Implementation Phase.
When under a blockade, the mechanism of emergency acquisitions and shipping controls of foreign-purchased materials should be prescribed by the Executive Yuan and other related authorities.
Article 20
For the enhancement of mobility and maintenance capacities during the Mobilization Implementation Phase, the authorities in charge of mobilization of transportation should conduct regular investigations, calculations and corrections for vehicles, sea vessel, aircrafts, engineering equipment, repair shops and operational personnel.
The owners and the keepers of the vehicles, sea vessel, aircrafts, engineering equipment and repair shops mentioned above should provide their full support and related resource information.
The contents, investigation procedures, controls and utilizations of the vehicles, sea vessel, aircrafts and engineering equipment should be prescribed by the authorities in charge of mobilization of transportation.
Article 21
For the enhancement of communication capacity during the Mobilization Implementation Phase, the authorities in charge of mobilization of transportation and communications should conduct inspections and calculations for public and private sectors in industries of controlled communication materials, telecommunication enterprises and dedicated telecommunications, as well as the mobilization readiness proceedings of unified communications controls and facility protection.
The public and private sectors in industries of controlled communications materials, telecommunication enterprises and dedicated telecommunications mentioned above should provide their full support and related resource information.
The related combat readiness governing public and private sectors for supporting military controls of regulations should be prescribed by the Ministry of National Defense and the National Communications Commission.
Article 22
In coping with the emergency medical care system during the Mobilization Implementation Phase, the authorities in charge of mobilization of health should complete the related measures for investigations and calculations of medical organizations, facilities and personnel, as well as temporary medical care centers and evacuation contingencies. All of the municipal city governments and county (city) governments should fully cooperate.
The public and private medical organizations mentioned above should provide their full support and related resource information.
Article 23
In coping with wars and disasters, the authorities in charge of health in the municipal city governments and county (city) governments should integrate policies for counseling public and private hospitals to carry out the stockpiling of medicines and medical instruments for major injury care.
All of the public and private hospitals should cooperate and provide support for the medicines stockpiles and medical instruments mentioned above.
The related stockpiling of medicines and medical instruments governing items, quantities, renewals and mobilization of regulations should be prescribed The related stockpiling of medicines and medical instruments governing items, quantities, renewals and mobilization of regulations should be prescribed by the Department of Health, Executive Yuan and the Ministry of National Defense.
Article 24
For the enhancement of National Defense science and technology capacity, the authorities in charge of mobilization of science and technology should integrate the industries, academics and research institutes for R&D mechanism of Weapon Systems and conduct investigations, calculations and organization of industries, academics and research institutes for the establishment of a manpower resources database.
The related industries, academics and research institutes should provide their full support and their manpower resources database mentioned above.
The related Science and technology talents supporting military services of regulations should be prescribed by the authorities of mobilization of science and technology.
Article 25
For the quick formation of troops for effective defense during the Mobilization Implementation Phase, the authorities of mobilization of military services should proceed with arrangement, training and counseling of reserve forces.
For any requirements of military mobilization, the authorities of Administrative Mobilization should provide their full support and participate in military drills.
The establishment regulations of counseling organizations for organizing, training, serving, and assisting with reserve forces and their related rights and interests should be prescribed by the Ministry of National Defense.
Since the day of its promulgation on November 14, 2001, any personnel who gets injured or disabled or dies during training or serving while participating in counseling organizations for reserve forces should be compensated based on the clauses stated in Article 36.
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)