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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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Chapter Law Content

CHAPTER 3 Reserved Commissioned Officers and Reserved Non Commission Officers Military Services
Article 19
The rules and regulations for Reserved Officers or Reserved Non-commissioned Officers to serve Reserve Service or to be mobilized to undergo Active Service of according to the law, starting from the day of their service, are as follows:
Subparagraph 1 Mobilized to undergo Active Service during their Reserve Service periods in accordance with the regulations of the Military Service Act and its enforcement regulations.
Subparagraph 2 Served in Reserve Service or Active Service or totaling to less than ten years, are required to serve First Reserve Service. More than ten years but less than twenty years, serve Second Reserve Service.More than twenty years, serve Third Reserve Service.
Reserved Officers or Reserved Non-commissioned Officers who wish to serve Active Service from the first day of their service, the service period will be one to five years for Reserved Officers, and one to three years for Reserved Non-commissioned Officers. When completed the previous period, still needed in the military, and under their discretion, can continue to serve in Active Service, unless dead, missing, captured, or with other causes not attributable to the personnel and approved by the Ministry of National Defense the period of continuing service can be less than a year, the unit of the service period is a year and the maximum of a term will be three years.
The rules of selecting the voluntary personnel stipulated in the preceding Paragraph shall be stipulated by the Ministry of National Defense.
Article 20
The suspension, reinstatement of Standing Officers or Standing Non-commissioned Officers during their Active Service periods, except for those during the period of mobilization or temporary mobilization for Active Service due to illness for six months and still not healed are allowed for a suspension and reinstatement upon healed , the others are subject to Article14.
Article 21
The mobilization of undergoing Active Service, retirement, lifting of mobilization, discharge, and extension of the Reserved Officers or Reserved Non-commissioned Officers, except for those provided in this Chapter, shall apply mutatis mutandis to relevant regulations governing Standing Officers or Standing Non-commissioned Officers in Chapter 2.
Article 22
The Reserved Officers after completing Active Service for six years or the Reserved Non-commissioned Officers after completing Active Service for four years, and having outstanding performance during their service can transfer under their discretion to Active Service of Standing Officers or Standing Non-commissioned Officers under military needs.
The completing years for the Reserved Officers who serveas the Standing Non-commissioned Officers in Active Service before can be added into their seniority asthe years for the Reserved Officersin Active Service when they transfer to The Standing Officers.
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)