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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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Chapter 3 Decentralization of responsibility
Article 12
the Director-General handle the items is as follows:
Subparagraph 1
the practice direction and pit argument itemses of various task policies.
Subparagraph 2
this station administration regulation, significance ordinance backs-order to issue, revise, the items of vouch of the abolishment.
Subparagraph 3
the dispensation of the higher authority ordinance and heading up the class submittal, instruct or report the items.
Subparagraph 4
the pit argument items of the administration work program and annual budget.
Subparagraph 5
the significance table it presides and attends items.
Subparagraph 6
the personnel it appoint, the submittal and vouch itemses of the evaluation of one’s performance, reward and punishment.
Subparagraph 7
the command and operation itemses of the organ that this station belong to
Subparagraph 8
the items of transaction of other significance public duties
Article 13
the Deputy Director-General handle the items is as follows:
Subparagraph 1
helps Director-General’s councilor this station whole sort business items.
Subparagraph 2
sanction the wipe off and substitutions of handle the causes are definitely the items.
Subparagraph 3
administer the items of submittal of the task project and annual budget.
Subparagraph 4
versus the cooperativeness and contact itemses of the business of organ that higher authority and this stations belong to.
Subparagraph 5
the Director-General hands over to handle affairs the paragraph.
Article 14
Each unit of lordtube, accept the life of the above superior in Deputy Director-General, transact each the items of unit, it belong to handle affairs
the personnel, accept each said unit lord ( tube) its life, transact espectively each unit knows the rush hour.
Article 15
this station sanction each unit transaction items scope is as follows:
Subparagraph 1
the common cause turns the organ that hong belong to know to shine on the items.
Subparagraph 2
need the handle a case piece it and should make to urge to do, urge the report and urge to check or urge to deliver the items.
Subparagraph 3
the collection items of the in reference to statute and data.
Subparagraph 4
each organ comes to text occurrence doubt or procedures to be unsuited to or leak to send the proviso, shoulding please to state or the revamp handles affairs the paragraph.
Subparagraph 5
convoke the notice of the table, its table needs not the above superior in Deputy Director-General personally preside items.
Subparagraph 6
ask for leave to this the personnel of unit, in the items of vouch in the scope of authority.
Subparagraph 7
routine file for reference cause items.
Subparagraph 8
every kind of accountant public duty statistics reports the wipe off of the table, edits collected materials and survey report items.
Article 16
Each unit head is in its scope of authority, in addition to thinking that fact of legal case significance or
conditions are special to instruct the necessity, getting the axiom of this business transaction decentralization of responsibility table investiture, contract for job the draft of station to
issue in advance, and the weekly will transact the situation compile row simplified statement reports the above superior in vice-bureau chief to examine.
Article 17
This station handle the business enforce Decentralization of responsibility System, gradually the class sanctions to decide, its each organ power belong to divide the line items and this each unit of station businesses handle decentralization of responsibility table another settle it.
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