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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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Chapter Law Content

Chapter 3  Division of Authorities and Responsibilities
Article 24
The president presides over the University with the following authorities and responsibilities:1. Enactment of educational policies.2. Decision of implementation plans and budgets.3. Presiding over academic research and development on police.4. Determination of Establishment, amendment, abolishment, and explanation of decrees and regulations.5. Signing contracts.6. Directing and supervising the units' performance and improvement.7. Determination of employment or dismissal of teachers.8. Proposal for appointment, removal, transfer, and promotion of personnel of the senior (police) rank, as well as determination of appointment, removal, transfer, and promotion of personnel not higher than the intermediate (police) rank, except the personnel in charge of personnel and accounting.9. Determination of evaluation, rewarding and punishment of the staff.10. Presiding over or
attending important meetings.11. Execution of important orders issued by the upper level, and suggestion, reply or report to the
upper level, and asking for instructions. 12. Tasks assigned by ministers or vice ministers.13. Disposal of other important official business.
Article 25
The vice president assists the president to administrate the University with the following authorities and responsibilities:1. Participation in administration and disposal of important affairs.2. Assisting the president to supervise and evaluate the units' performance and improvement.3. Review of drafts and processing of official documents.4. Presiding over or attending relevant meetings5. Tasks assigned by the president.
Article 26
The chief secretary coordinates the units' work under the direction of the chancellors, and has the following authorities and responsibilities:1. Suggestions for making decisions over important matters.2. Supervision and promotion of the units' performance.3. Review of manuscripts as well as supervision of document processing and archive management. 4. Planning and supervision of R&D and evaluation.5. Presiding over relevant meetings and preparing important meetings.6. Other tasks assigned by upper-level leaders.
Article 27
A director of a unit deals with the business within the unit under the direction of the chancellors, and has the following authorities and responsibilities:1. Judgment of the routine documents in the unit. 2. Disposal of approved cases.3. Ratification of the reports and bulletins in the unit.4. Presiding over and attending relevant business meeting in the unit.5. Assignment, direction and supervision of the work in the unit.6. Attendance examination and approval of 2-day leave of the personnel in the unit.7. Proposal for performance evaluation and rewarding & punishment of the personnel in the unit.8. Research and review of the doubtful points of the regulations under his jurisdiction9. Other tasks assigned by upper-level leaders.
Article 28
The teachers assumes teaching, academic research, and tutoring students and graduate students, and may undertake other work in the University according to the actual requirements.
Article 29
The vice commander assists the commander to preside over the Student Corps.
Article 30
The battalion chiefs and section chiefs process the following operations under the direction of the upper-level leaders:1. Preparation or review and approval of work plans, schemes, acts, and administrative reports.2. Assignment, examination and execution of services and duties.3. Preliminary approval of documents or preparation of important documents.4. Direction, supervision, evaluation, and proposed rewarding and punishment of the subordinate personnel. 5. Other tasks assigned by upper-level leaders.
Article 31
A vice battalion chief assists the battalion chief to deal with the affairs of the battalion.
Article 32
The technical directors, secretaries, editors, lochus chiefs, supervisors, section members, technical specialists, division chiefs, clerks, chief and members of the Security Brigade, and amanuenses deal with the official business under the direction of the upper-level leaders.
Article 33
The University adopts the hierarchical responsibility system in dealing with official business, and the business shall be decided and authorized level by level; the table of hierarchical responsibility will be prescribed otherwhere.
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)