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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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Chapter Law Content

Title: Sewerage Act CH
Category: Ministry of the Interior(內政部)
Chapter Ⅲ Use and Management
Article 19
Before commissioning the use of the sewers, the sewerage institution shall publicly announce the drainage area, date of commissioning of use, connection procedure and sewerage management regulations.
Except as otherwise permitted by the local competent authority, the sewage within the drainage area shall be drained off in the sewer subject to a public announcement.
Article 20
The sewer user shall be responsible for the management and maintenance of its own drainage facilities.
Article 21
The sewer user's drainage facilities shall be installed by a registered and qualified sewer user's drainage facility installation contractor or water pipe installation contractor. The technician employed by the contractor shall pass the skills certification and training held by the central competent authority.
The Regulations for the Management of the Sewer User's Drainage Facility Installation Contractor shall be set up by the central competent authority.
Article 22
The sewer user may not connect its drainage facilities to the sewer before it passes the sewerage institution's inspection. If it fails the inspection, the sewerage institution shall order the sewer user to improve within a limited period.
The Standards for the Sewer User's Drainage Facility shall be set up by the central competent authority.
Article 23
If the sewer user may not drain off without using another's drainage facility, it shall first obtain approval from the sewerage institution before connection and use and shall share the expenses incurred from the installation, use and maintenance based on its level of benefit.
If the sewer user's drainage facility in the preceding Paragraph needs to be expanded or improved before connection and use, the expenses incurred from such expansion and improvement shall be borne by the sewer user applying for such connection.
Article 24
The sewerage institution may dispatch its personnel with identification documents to examine sewer users' drainage facilities and inspect water flow rate and water quality.
Article 25
The water quality standards of the sewage that the sewer may contain shall be set up by the sewerage institution and reported to authorities of the special municipality or county or city for their approval and announcement.
If the sewage drained off by the sewer user exceeds the standard stipulated in the preceding Paragraph, the sewerage institution shall order it to be improved within a limited period; in severe circumstances, the sewerage institution may notify the sewer use to stop use.
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)