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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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Chapter Law Content

Chapter Ⅱ Industrial board of trade
Section One: Establishment
Article 4
Regarding factories with both industrial and commercial business licenses, if they set up sales department or sales offices outside of factories, they should affiliate to both industrial board of trade and commercial trade council .
Article 5
Factories conforming to industrial group’s standards of multi-occupation should organize each relevant industrial boards of trade according to Article 7 of the act if they have not organized the relevant industrial boards of trade.
Article 6
In organizing the industrial board of trade in accordance with Article 11 of the act, the factories should submit requisition together with the scroll of initiators and copies of registered business licenses for check and approval of competent authorities; upon approval of competent authorities, initiators convene initiating meetings and elect staff of preparatory committee to organize preparatory meetings and go through procedures and matters concerned.
Initiators should elect one person as a convener.
The preparatory committee should be dissolved after the inaugural meeting and directors & supervisors have been elected.
Article 7
The tasks of preparatory committee are as follows:
A. Investigate the detailed situations of certain industry within its ruling area.
B. Enact enrollment procedures for applicants and publicly absorb members.
C. Draw out the draft of articles for industrial board of trade.
D. Censor the qualification of members and member representatives and compile scroll of members or member representatives..
E. Draw out annual work plan and decide annual budget for industrial board of trade.
F. Draw out overtures for discussion in inaugural meeting.
G. Raise and prepay money for establishing industrial board of trade, and report the money in inaugural meeting for retroactive admission.
H. Decide the date and locale of inaugural meeting.
I. Elect and appoint the chairman or members of the presidium of inaugural meeting.
The content and example prescriptions of Subparagraph C in Article 7 is as stipulated in supplementary provisions.
The execution of the tasks mentioned in Subparagraph from C to F of Article 7 should be submitted to competent authorities before the inaugural meeting.
The preparatory committee should finish all the preparatory work within 3 months since the day of its existence, and one more month may be allowed with application to and approval from competent authorities under special circumstances.
Article 8
Within 15 days after establishment, industrial board of trade should submit its articles along with the scroll of its members and member representatives, resumes of its staff in two folds to competent authorities for files, one copy to purpose enterprise competent authorities and another copy to upper organizing group respectively for future reference and check, the competent authorities should then submit one copy to upper competent authorities for future reference.
The competent authorities should issue registration certificate and seal to the approved industrial board of trade established in accordance with the above-mentioned procedures.
Article 9
After the establishment of industrial board of trade, it should be dissolved immediately if its factory members decrease to less than five.
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)