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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

Print Time:2024/09/27 15:24

Chapter Law Content

Chapter III Treatment Procedure
Article 11
A drug abuse treatment is enforceable for a maximum period of one year; that is from a minimum treatment period of six months until such time as mandatory treatment shall no longer be necessary.
The drug abuse treatment shall be conducted in three stages in the following order:
1. Adjustment period
2. Psychological counseling period
3. Social adaptation period
Article 12
The primary purpose of the adjustment period is to enable the illicit drug abusers under treatment to develop their stamina and sense of determination, thereby enhancing their confidence in their ability to eliminate drug dependency.
Article 13
The primary purpose of the psychological counseling period is to stimulate the illicit drug abusers’ motion of eliminating drug dependency and starting a new life, thereby assisting them in getting rid of their psychological dependency on illegal substances.
Article 14
The primary purpose of the social adaptation period is to rebuild the illicit drug abusers’ interpersonal skills and problem-solving abilities, thereby helping them reestablish a life in the society.
Article 15
The drug abuser treatment center should formulate an individual drug abuse treatment program for each illicit drug abuser under treatment pursuant to his/her requirements and conditions.
Article 16
Where excursions or trips outside the drug abuser treatment center shall be necessary to aid the treatment of illicit drug abusers in the social adaptation period, a pertaining request may be submitted to the Ministry of Justice for approval; thereafter, the illicit drug abusers under treatment may be allowed to leave the center. The Ministry of Justice shall draw up the pertaining rules within six months after the implementation of this Act.
Article 17
The efficiency of each stage of the treatment provided to the illicit drug abusers under treatment should be assessed by the drug abuser treatment center; assessment shall serve as reference for determining the continuation or conclusion of the drug abuse treatment period. The pertaining assessment rules shall be subject to the discretion of the Ministry of Justice.
Article 18
The drug abuse treatment is first executed through a court ruling, followed by imprisonment, detention, disciplinary education, and protective measures, and thereafter by a special education program at a halfway school.
An illicit drug abuser under treatment temporarily released to the custody of the court or the prosecutors’office shall be returned to the respective drug abuser treatment center within the same day of his/her release; where return to the drug abuser treatment center is impossible, the illicit drug abuser under treatment shall be temporarily incarcerated to a drug abuser treatment center within the locality or neighboring area for a maximum period of one month only.
The drug abuse treatment period of an illicit drug abuser released to the custody of the criminal investigation authorities for purposes of facilitating criminal investigation matters shall be suspended for the duration of his/her absence from the center and shall be resumed on the date that he/she is returned to the custody of the drug abuser treatment center.
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)