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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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Chapter Law Content

Chapter 3 Community-Base Services
Section 11 Transportation Services
Article 77
Providing transportation services to disabled senior citizens during the use of the following services:
1. Medical service.
2. Community health care service.
3. Community medical service.
4. Community rehabilitation service.
5. Aids service.
6. Day-care service.
7. Family support service.
8. Other community-base services.
Article 78
Transportation services are provided by the following institutions:
1. Medical care institutions, nursing institutions, and medical treatment legal persons.
2. Welfare institutions for senior citizens and welfare institutions for physically and mentally disabled citizens.
3. Incorporated charitable associations, foundations, and social entities.
4. Public bus transportation enterprises, municipal bus transportation enterprises, taxi enterprises, tour bus enterprises, and car rental enterprises.
Article 79
Transportation service providers shall equip with necessary facilities and equipment, and place general supervision and management personnel for their service operation.
Article 80
Drivers providing transportation services shall possess occupational driver licenses, and shall be physically and mentally healthy.
Article 81
Transportation service providers shall handle the following matters:
1. Providing relevant information of transportation for selector’s reference.
2. Based on fair and open principle to accept reservations for car rental.
3. Establishing service monitoring and examination mechanism.
4. Enlisting records for delivery of cars.
5. Establishing recruiting and management mechanism of drivers.
6. Charging fees pursuant to the fee schedule set by the municipal and county (city) competent authorities; should not charge any additional fees based on any alternative items from service recipients.
7. Car model and age should follow the regulations, and conducting maintenance, repairs, and cleaning of cars regularly.
8. Joining compulsory automobile liability insurance.
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)