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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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Chapter Law Content

Chapter 2 Management
Article 6
The following public and private premises will be officially announced batch by batch following overall consideration by the central competent authority of the premises' crowd capacity, entry and exit capacity, risk of indoor air pollutant hazards and their special needs, their indoor premises shall be considered officially announced premises under this Act.
I.Schools at the senior secondary level and below, and other premises that mainly provide child and youth education or child and youth activities.
II.Universities and colleges, libraries, museums, fine arts museums, cram schools or other cultural or social education institutions.
III.Premises that house medical institutions, nursing institutions, other medical care institutions, and social welfare institutions.
IV. Office space of government agencies and public or private enterprises.
V.Passenger carrying spaces and stations (terminals) of rail transportation enterprises, civil aviation enterprises, mass rapid transit system transportation enterprises and passenger transport services enterprises.
VI. The business premises of financial institutions, post offices, and telecommunications enterprises.
VII. Premises for physical education, sports, or fitness.
VIII. Classrooms, reading rooms, laboratories, performance halls, auditoriums, exhibition rooms, conference halls (rooms).
IX. Opera houses, cinemas, KTV/MTV businesses, computer entertainment businesses, or other public recreational entertainment premises.
X. Hotels, shopping malls, markets, restaurants, and other business premises for public consumption.
XI. Other premises intended for public use, and means of mass transportation.
Article 7
The indoor air quality of the officially announced premises in the foregoing article shall meet indoor air quality standards. However, officially announced premises that do not meet indoor air quality standards for reasons that are not attributable to the owners, managers, or users of the premises shall not be subject to this restriction.
The standards in the foregoing paragraph shall be determined by the central competent authority after consultation with the central industry competent authority based on the type of the officially announced premises and their usage.
Article 8
The owners, managers or users of officially announced premises shall determine an indoor air quality maintenance and management plan and shall implement it accordingly. When changes to the use of the indoor area of officially announced premises affect indoor air quality, the content of the said plan shall be immediately reviewed and revised.
Article 9
The owners, managers or users of officially announced premises shall install dedicated personnel for indoor air quality maintenance and management (herein called dedicated personnel), to implement management and maintenance according to the indoor air quality maintenance and management plan in the foregoing article.
The dedicated personnel in the foregoing paragraph shall comply with the qualifications designated by the central competent authority and undergo training in order to obtain a qualification certificate.
The central competent authority shall determine management regulations for the establishment of dedicated personnel positions, the qualifications and training of dedicated personnel, the acquisition, revocation and cancellation of qualification certificates, and other binding matters.
Article 10
The owners, managers or users of officially announced premises shall commission analysis laboratories to regularly perform analyses of indoor air quality, and shall regularly make public the analysis results, and make records.
Premises that have been officially announced by the central competent authority shall install automatic monitoring equipment for continuous monitoring of indoor air quality, immediately make public the latest automatic monitoring results inside the said premises or in a prominent place at the entrance, and shall make records.
The central competent authority shall determine the items, frequency, sample size and sample distribution method for the analyses in the foregoing two paragraphs, the monitoring items and monitoring frequency, monitoring equipment standards and result publication methods, the record preservation period, preservation method, and other binding matters.
Article 11
Analysis laboratories shall obtain permits issued by the central competent authority before they may perform analysis pursuant to this Act.
The central competent authority shall determine regulations on the conditions and facilities that the analysis laboratories in the foregoing paragraph shall provide; the qualifications of analysis personnel; permit application, review, validity period, issuance, replacement, revocation, cancellation, suspension of business, resumption of business, checking and evaluation procedures for permits, and other binding matters.
The central competent authority shall officially announce the indoor air pollutant testing methods and quality control matters of this Act.
Article 12
The competent authority may dispatch personnel presenting verification documents verifying their implementation of duties or other distinguishing markings to perform on-site inspections, indoor air quality analyses or review testing (monitoring) records, and may order the provision of relevant data; The owners, managers or users of the officially announced premises may not evade, obstruct or refuse this.
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)