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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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Chapter Law Content

Title: Labor Union Act CH
Category: Ministry of Labor(勞動部)
Chapter Ⅱ Organizations
Article 6
Labor unions can be classified into the following three types; however, teachers can only organize and join the labor unions referred to in Subparagraphs 2 and 3:
1. Corporate union: a labor union organized by employees of the same factory or workplace, of the same business entity, of enterprises with controlling and subordinate relationship between each other in accordance with the Company Act, or of a financial holding company and its subsidiaries in accordance with the Financial Holding Company Act,
2. Industrial union: a labor union organized by workers in the industry, and.
3. Professional union: a labor union organized by workers with the same professional skills.
Organizational district of a professional union in accordance with Subparagraph 3 of the preceding paragraph shall be limited in the municipal city or county (city) where it locates.
Article 7
Employees shall join the corporate union organized in accordance with Subparagraph 1, Paragraph 2 to the preceding article.
Article 8
Labor unions may organize a confederated labor union. The name, level, district and type of the confederated labor union shall be prescribed in its union charter.
A confederated labor union shall have full-time personnel to handle its union affairs.
In case a confederated labor union is organized on a nation basis, the number of labor unions proposing to organize it shall reach over one-third of the total amount of labor unions of the same type, and the labor unions proposing shall spread in no less than one half of municipal cities, counties (cities) of the whole nation.
Article 9
The number of corporate union of the same scope organized in accordance with Subparagraph 1 of Paragraph 1 to Article 6 of the Act shall be no more than one.
The number of professional union of the identical type organized in the same municipal city or county (city) shall be no more than one.
Article 10
The name of a labor union shall not be identical to any other labor unions.
Article 11
A labor union shall be organized by the signatures of no less than thirty workers. A preparatory committee shall be set up to openly recruit members, draft union charter, and convene the inaugural general meeting.
The preparatory committee referred to in the preceding paragraph shall, within thirty days following the convention of the inaugural general meeting, submit the union charter and name lists of its members, members of the board of director and members of the board of supervisors, to the competent authority of the municipal city or county (city) where the labor union is located, to apply for a registration certificate. However, a confederated labor union organized on a nation basis in accordance with Article 8 of the Act shall register with the Central Competent Authority and apply for a registration certificate.
Article 12
A union charter shall contain the following subparagraphs:
1. Name,
2. Objectives,
3. Organizational district,
4. Address,
5. Tasks,
6. Organization,
7. Initiation, withdraw, suspension and expulsion of members,
8. Rights and obligations of members,
9. Number, authority, election, removal and suspension of members’ representatives, directors and supervisors; if standing members of the board of directors, standing members of the board of supervisors and deputy chairperson of the board of directors are elected, they shall be also recorded,
10. The appointment and dismissal of secretary-general or chief of staff, if any,
11. The authority, election, dismissal and suspension of chairpersons of the board of directors and the board of the supervisors,
12. Meetings,
13. Budget and accounting,
14. Establishment and management of funds,
15. Disposal of property,
16. Amendment of union charter, and
17. Other matters that shall be prescribed in accordance with related statutes and regulations.
Article 13
The adoption of a union charter shall be agreed upon by no less than two-thirds of members or members’ representatives who presented at the inaugural general meeting which is attended by one half of members or members’ representatives.
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)