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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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Chapter Law Content

Chapter 2 Review Committee and Inspectors
Article 3
In order to conduct the accreditation and management of drug abuse urine testing and medical institutions (hereinafter referred to as "testing institutions"), the Ministry has set up the Testing Institution Accreditation Review Committee (hereinafter "the Review Committee " for short).
Article 4
The Review Committee has the following duties:
1. To provide consultation services about the policies of accreditation of testing institutions;
2. To review the operation procedures of certifying testing institutions;
3. To review the accreditation and performance test results and inspection reports of testing institutions;
4. To review the termination of testing accreditation practice, revocation and abolishment of the accreditation qualification of testing institutions as well as appeals for reexamination; and
5. To review other matters concerning accreditation of testing institutions.
Article 5
In the Review Committee shall be set nine to fifteen committee members, including a convener and a vice convener. The committee members shall be appointed by the Director-general of Ministry from the personnel engaged in narcotics analysis, medicine, pharmacy, and law.
The tenure of members of the preceding Paragraph is two years and a member may be reappointed consecutively upon expiration of the tenure. The number of members of each gender shall not be lower than one third of the total number of the members.
Article 6
In the Review Committee shall be set one executive secretary and one to three clerks, which shall be assumed by the staff of the executive institution on a part-time basis.
Article 7
The Review Committee shall hold at least a meeting every year, and may call temporary meetings if necessary.
Article 8
The meetings of the Review Committee shall be presided over by the convener. In absence of the convener, the meeting shall be presided over by the vice convener. In absence of both convener and vice convener, one representative shall be selected by and from the committee members to be the chairman of the meeting.
The opening of a meeting requires the attendance of more than one half of the committee members. When a decision is made by means of voting, it shall be approved by more than one half of the attending committee members.
Article 9
The committee members of the Review Committee are all no-pay positions.
Article 10
The executive institution may employ inspectors to conduct inspection. The inspectors shall be acquainted with the relevant provisions, attend the training held by the executive institution, and submit inspection reports.
The tenure of inspectors is three years, and an inspector may be employed consecutively upon expiration of the tenure.
Relevant expenses may be paid to the inspectors in accordance with relevant provisions.
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)