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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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Chapter Law Content

Title: Regulations for the Administration of Hotel Enterprises CH
Category: Ministry of Transportation and Communications(交通部)
Chapter II Establishment and Issuance of Licenses
Article 4
Before commencing operations, a hotel enterprise shall, apart from going through the formality of obtaining corporate registration or business registration as required by the law, submit an application to the local administrative authority for registration and obtain a certificate of registration.
The following documents shall be produced when the application for registration is filed by the hotel enterprise:
1.Application form.
2.Certifying document of corporate registration or business registration.
3.Photocopy of certifying document of building use permit.
4.Photocopy of documentation evidencing consent for use of the premises (not required when the applicant is the owner of the premises) and for use of the building (not required when the applicant is the owner of the building).
5.Photocopy of business liability insurance policy.
6.Photos of guest rooms and other service facilities
7.Other documentation as designated by the central or local administrative authority.
The local administrative authority may, when necessary, request the applicant to produce the original copy of documentation mentioned above.
Article 5
A hotel shall have a fixed business premises, and the same premises shall not be jointly used by other hotels or by other lodging service operators.
A hotel whose name is not a registered trademark shall use its name as the distinguishing part of the name of its enterprise. The operator of a hotel enterprise whose name is a registered trademark shall be the person possessing exclusive rights to this trademark or a person with authorization from the former.
Article 6
A hotel shall have at least the following designated spaces on its business premises:
1.Tourist reception area.
2.Guest rooms.
Article 6-1
In the event any one of the following conditions apply to a hotel enterprise, the local administrative authority shall annul the hotel enterprise’s registration and cancel its hotel enterprise registration certificate:
1.The information on the hotel enterprise registration certificate is false or untrue or the hotel provided false documentation in the application for registration.
2.The hotel enterprise registration certificate was acquired by fraud, threats, or other improper means.
Article 7
Article 8
A hotel enterprise, as its business requires, may provide restaurants, audio/video rooms, conference rooms, gymnasiums, swimming pools, ball courts, entertainment rooms, ballrooms or other related service facilities in accordance with relevant laws and regulations.
Article 9
Each hotel enterprise shall purchase liability insurance with the pertinent coverage and minimum insured value as specified below:
1.Human bodily injury or death: NT$3 million per person.
2.Human bodily injury or death caused in each incident: NT$15 million.
3.Loss of or damage to property in each incident: NT$2 million.
4.Total insured value per annum for the insured period: NT$34 million
Each hotel enterprise shall submit certifying documents of the purchased liability insurance policy covering the current year to the local administrative authority for record.
Article 10
The local administrative authority shall designate and publicize a fixed period of time for the processing of hotel business license and registration applications.
The local administrative authority, when necessary, may ask building, firefighting and other relevant competent authorities for joint on-site inspection concerning an application for hotel enterprise licensing and registration.
A hotel or a home stay facility whose operation has been approved prior to the promulgation of these Regulations may be exempt from on-site inspection by the local administrative authority concerning its application for business licensing and registration.
Article 11
In the event of any items needing to be submitted or corrected concerning an application for hotel enterprise registration, the local administrative authority shall notify the applicant in writing to demand that the specified items be submitted or corrected within a fixed period of time.
Article 12
The local administrative authority shall reject an application for hotel enterprise registration, in written documentation stating the reasons for rejection, when any of the following cases arises:
1.The required items are not submitted or corrected within the fixed period of time after notification is issued.
2.The application fails to comply with the related provisions of the Statute or these Regulations.
3.The application is found by other competent authorities to have failed to comply with laws and regulations, and the required corrections are not made within the fixed period of time.
Article 13
When an application for hotel enterprise registration has been found to comply with all requirements, the local administrative authority should notify the applicant in writing to pay the stipulated fees for and collect a hotel enterprise registration certificate and a designated hotel enterprise trade symbol.
Article 14
A hotel enterprise registration certificate shall specify the following items:
1.Name of hotel.
2.Name of representative or person-in-charge of hotel.
3.Address of hotel.
4.Name of business registration.
5.Date of registration approval.
6.Registration certificate serial number.
7.Business premises.
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)