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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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Chapter Law Content

Chapter 2 Application for Installation and Examination of Wireless Radio Stations and Wireless Television Stations
Article 3
Those who apply for establishment of a wireless radio or television station(referred to as the Applicant hereinafter)shall submit the application, along with the following documents, to the competent authority for the approval of application after acquiring the permit of establishment and frequency allocation as required by Radio and Television Act. The establishment shall not commence until the competent authority has reviewed and approved the request for establishment of the said station:
1. Completed application form for the establishment approval certificate;
2. Station equipment specifications and quantity, which shall specify the manufacturer of equipment, model, original catalogue(s)of equipment issued by the manufacturer, system diagram(s), and, in case of radio equipment, transmission power, radio station frequency and method of transmission; in addition, data regarding antenna gain, coordinate of establishment site, antenna pattern diagram(s)and other necessary materials shall be provided;
3. A detailed map showing estimated radio wave coverage;
4. Interference evaluation chart;
5. Curriculum vitae of engineering supervisor; and
6. Radio station installation affidavit.
The competent authority may request the applicant to perform a field test for the approval mentioned in the preceding paragraph.
If the applicant fails to submit its application as per Subparagraph 6, Paragraph 1 or submits an untrue affidavit, the competent authority may revoke or abolish the tower installation permit or station license.
The establishment permit is valid for 2 years for the establishment of wireless television station, and 1 year for that of wireless radio station. If necessary, the applicant may apply for extension to the competent authority with reasons in writing and the original establishment permit in 30 days prior to the expiration. Only one extension is permitted and is valid for 1 year. However, the validity of the extension shall not go beyond that of the establishment permit.
The establishment mentioned above shall specify the following:
1. Name of Station
2. Location of Establishment
3. Brand, Model Number and Quantity of Transmitter and Quantity of Power Amplifier
4. Range of Station Frequency
5. Bandwidth of Station
6. Transmission power
7. Call sign of the station
8. The manufacturer, model and number of antenna(s).
The competent authority shall take national security concerns of relevant government agencies into consideration for the decision of approving the station establishment permit.
Article 4
The establishment of an antenna tower of a wireless radio station and the location of such a tower shall not violate the broadcasting service zone that has been announced or appointed by the competent authority.
Where two or more wireless radio or television stations are operating on a shared tower or at a shared base location with other wireless radio, television or telecommunication stations, the wireless radio station shall operate on a directional antenna, which the competent government authorities have assessed without concerns of interference, and also does not deviate from the initial primary service area, the radio antenna tower may be installed within a three-kilometer radius beyond the broadcast service area, and not restricted by the preceding paragraph.
For Class B and C frequency modulation(FM)radio stations, a broadcasting station of the same frequency may be established in the broadcasting service zone appointed by the competent authority, provided that such a station or its establishment does not generate interference to other existing legally established radio stations and a proper request is made as per Paragraph 1.
If the application of Paragraph 1 involves a new installation and changes of an antenna tower, the competent authority, at the time of approving and issuing the tower installation permit, shall notify the municipalities or county(municipal)governments relevant to where the site is located.
Article 5
The applicant who has established a station and conducted a test of the range covered by radio wave and interference estimation to the system operation inside of station shall apply to the competent authority for inspections pursuant to the technical specifications for inspections specified in Paragraph 4, Article 39 of the Act. The operation of the station shall not commence until the inspection is qualified and the station license issued by the competent authority.
During a test in Paragraph 1 above, only a test tone or inspection diagram for transmission test shall be used to measure radiated electric field intensity as well as estimate the range covered by radio wave and interference, and shall not apply for other use. However, both existing radio stations and relay stations may be allowed to use its programs for transmission test.
The testing of a station shall not interfere with the broadcasting of other stations.
Article 6
The license of a wireless radio or television station is valid for 5 years. The operator of a station who wishes to continue operating the station after the expiration its license shall inspect their own equipment in 30 days prior to expiration, and complete and submit a self-evaluation checklist for transmitter to apply to the competent authority for approval of license renewal.
The station license mentioned in the preceding paragraph shall specify the following:
1. Name of the station
2. Organization or corporate body owning the station
3. Verified electric power
4. Engineering supervisor
5. Frequency
6. Bandwidth
7. Call sign of the station
8. Location of the establishment
9. Brand, model number, quantity, parts number and transmission power of main and spare transmitter as well as the quantity of power amplifier
10. Location of main control room or broadcasting room
11. Manufacturer, model, number and power gain of antenna(s).
Article 7
In cases of relocation of an existing radio station for transmission, change of frequency, transmission power, antenna, transmission equipment, and adding transmission equipment, a request for permit shall be made to the competent authority for the establishment permit by submitting the documents specified in Paragraph 1 of Article 3, and for review according to Article 5. The station shall not be operated until the review is approved and a new radio station license is issued.
In case that the change mentioned in the preceding paragraph is to add or change transmitter, the required documents specified in Subparagraphs 1 through 3, Paragraph 1 of Article 3 may be omitted; for the relocation of transmission location, change of frequency, transmission power, or antenna, the documents specified in Subparagraph 5, Paragraph 1 of Article 3 may be omitted.
Article 8
For changes of information in a station establishment permit or station license that are not specified in the preceding article, corresponding document(s)of proof shall be provided to the competent authority for approval of reissue.
For a station establishment permit or station license that is lost or damaged beyond recognition, the applicant shall report to the competent authority for approval of reissue.
Permits or licenses reissued or renewed pursuant to the proceeding 2 paragraphs shall have the same term of validity as that for the original ones
Article 9
The transmission power and transmitting field strength of transmitter for each type of station are stipulated as follows:
1. For amplitude-modulated radio stations:
(1)The transmission power of transmitter for Type A AM radio station shall be 3 kW or lower. The field strength of ground wave beyond a radius of 40 km from the transmitting antenna shall not be greater than 500 μV/m or 54 dBμV/m. If isotropic curve for transmission field strength is not a true circle, the widest point-to-point distance, referred to as the widest radial length hereinafter, of the station transmission antenna through which the field strength mentioned in the preceding paragraph passes shall not exceed 80km.
(2)The transmission power of transmitter for Type B AM Broadcasting station shall be 5 kW or lower. The field strength of ground wave beyond a radius of 60 km from transmitting antenna shall not be greater than 500 μV/m or 54 dBμV/m. If isotropic curve for field strength of transmission is not a true circle, the widest radial length of field strength mentioned in the preceding paragraph shall not exceed 120 km.
(3)The transmission power of transmitter for Type C AM radio station may be greater than 5 kW. The field strength of ground wave beyond a radius of 100 km from transmitting antenna shall not be greater than 500 μV/m or 54 dBμV/m. If isotropic curve for field strength of transmission isn’t a true circle, the widest radial length of field strength mentioned in the preceding paragraph shall not exceed 200 km.
(4)Output electric power of transmitter and field strength of transmission for other type and overseas AM radio stations shall be stipulated by the competent authority depending on practical situations.
2. For frequency-modulated radio stations:
(1)The transmission power of transmitter shall be 1.5 kW or lower for Type A FM radio station in Yilan, Hualien, Taitung(hereinafter referred to as Eastern)and offshore islands, and 750 W or lower for the rest of regions. The field strength of ground wave for Eastern and offshore islands beyond a radius of 15km from transmitting antenna shall not be greater than 500 μV/m or 54 dBμV/m. If isotropic curve for field strength of transmission is not a true circle, the widest radial length of field strength mentioned above shall not exceed 30km; field strength of ground wave for the rest of areas beyond a radius of 10km from transmitting antenna shall not be greater than 500 μV/m or 54 dBμV/m. If isotropic curve for electric field intensity of transmission is not a true circle, the widest radial length of field strength mentioned in the preceding paragraph shall not exceed 20 km.
(2)The transmission power of transmitter for Type B FM radio station shall be 3 kW or lower. Field strength of ground wave for Eastern and offshore islands beyond a radius of 30km from transmitting antenna shall not be greater than 500 μV/m or 54 dBμV/m. If isotropic curve for field strength of transmission is not a true circle, the widest radial length of field strength mentioned above shall not exceed 60 km; field strength of ground wave beyond a radius of 20km from transmitting antenna shall not be greater than 500 μV/m or 54 dBμV/m. If isotropic curve for field strength of transmission is not a true circle, the widest radial length of field strength mentioned above shall not exceed 40km.
(3)The transmission power of transmitter for Type C FM radio station shall be below 30kW. The field strength of ground wave beyond a radius of 60km from transmitting antenna shall not be greater than 500 μV/m or 54 dBμV/m. If isotropic curve for field strength of transmission is not a true circle, the widest radial length of electric field intensity mentioned in the preceding paragraph shall not exceed 120 km.
(4)The transmission power of transmitter and transmission field intensity for other types of FM radio station shall be stipulated by the competent authority depending on the practical situations.
3. The transmission power of transmitter shall be 10 kW or lower for wireless television stations. The intensity of the transmission field shall be stipulated by the competent authority depending on the practical situations.
For the stations mentioned in the preceding paragraphs, if it is deemed by the competent authority necessary for broadcasting management or in case of electric interference that shall be resolved by adjusting transmission power, the transmission power and transmission field strength may be adjusted by the competent authority at the authority’s discretion; Interference resulted from transmission power adjustment shall be resolved through negotiation. The failure to resolve the interference may be brought to the attention of the competent authority and resolved in accordance with the competent authority’s concluded decision.
Article 10
The regulations of interference protection for each type station are as follows:
1. For amplitude-modulated radio stations:
(1)Intra-frequency(a frequency span of 0 kHz): the field strength for a newly established station shall not exceed 100 dBμV/m within the range covered by an established station with 2000 μV/m or 66 dBμV/m of field strength; the field strength for a newly established station shall not exceed 2000 μV/m within the range covered by an established station with 100 μV/m or 40 dBμV/m of field strength.
(2)The first adjacent channel(a frequency span of 9kHz): the field strength for a newly established station shall not exceed 500 μV/m within the range covered by an established station with 500 μV/m or 54 dBμV/m of field strength.
(3)The second adjacent channel(a frequency span of 18kHz): the field strength for a newly established station shall not exceed 2000uV/m within the range covered by an established station with 25000 μV/m or 88 dBμV/m of field strength; the field strength for a newly established station shall not exceed 25000 μV/m within the range covered by an established station with 2000 μV/m or 66 dBμV/m of field strength.
(4)The third adjacent channel(a frequency span of 27kHz): Field strength for a newly established station shall not exceed 25000 μV/m within the range covered by an established station with 25000 μV/m or 88 dBμV/m of field strength. However, in cases that a new(or relocated)radio station presents a concern of interference due to specific need of location, and the interference persists to fail the requirements specified in this subparagraph even after all necessary engineering improvement has been made, the applicant of such a station may reach an agreement with the operator(s)of existing radio station(s), provided that such an agreement is approved by the competent authority.
2. For frequency-modulated radio stations:
(1)Intra-frequency(a frequency span of 0 kHz): the field strength for a newly established station shall not exceed 40 dBμV/m within the range covered by an established station with 60 dBμV/m of field strength.
(2)The first adjacent channel(a frequency span of 200kHz): the field strength for a newly established station shall not exceed 54 dBμV/m within the range covered by an established station with 60 dBμV/m of field strength.
(3)The second adjacent channel(a frequency span of 400kHz): the field strength for newly established station shall not exceed 80 dBμV/m within the range covered by established station with 60 dBμV/m of field strength. However, in cases that a new(or relocated)radio station presents a concern of interference due to specific need of location, and the interference persists to fail the requirements specified in this subparagraph even after all necessary engineering improvement has been made, the applicant of such a station may reach an agreement with the operator(s)of existing radio station(s), provided that such an agreement is approved by the competent authority.
(4)The third adjacent channel(a frequency span of 600 kHz): the field strength for a newly established station shall not exceed 100 dBμV/m within the range covered by an established station with 60 dBμV/m of field strength. However, in cases that a new(or relocated)radio station presents a concern of interference due to specific need of location, and the interference persists to fail the requirements specified in this subparagraph even after all necessary engineering improvement has been made, the applicant of such a station may reach an agreement with the operator(s)of existing radio station(s), provided that such an agreement is approved by the competent authority.
If an existing AM station which has been set up for 15 years or longer is relocated to a new site located less than 15 km from the existing site, the relocated station shall negotiate with stations on interfered adjacent frequencies and reach an agreement, and the requirements set forth in item 2 and 3, subparagraph 1 of paragraph 1 do not apply to relocated stations when the agreement is approved by the competent authority.
The interference protection of the wireless radio stations owned by the same wireless radio business shall be approved by the competent authority.
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)