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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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Chapter Law Content

Title: Fair Trade Act CH
Category: Fair Trade Commission(公平交易委員會)
Article 7
The term "monopolistic enterprise" as used in this Act means any enterprise that faces no competition or has a dominant position to enable it to exclude competition in the relevant market.
Two or more enterprises shall be deemed monopolistic enterprises if they do not in fact engage in price competition with each other and they as a whole have the same status as the enterprise defined in the preceding paragraph.
Article 8
An enterprise shall not be deemed a monopolistic enterprise as defined in the preceding article if none of the following circumstances exists:
1. the market share of the enterprise in the relevant market reaches one half of the market;
2. the combined market share of two enterprises in the relevant market reaches two thirds of the market; and
3. the combined market share of three enterprises in the relevant market reaches three fourths of the market.
Under any of the circumstances set forth in the preceding paragraph, where the market share of any individual enterprise does not reach one tenth of the relevant market or where its total sales in the preceding fiscal year are less than the threshold amount as publicly announced by the competent authority, such enterprise shall not be deemed as a monopolistic enterprise.
An enterprise exempted from being deemed as a monopolistic enterprise by any of the preceding two paragraphs may still be deemed a monopolistic enterprise by the competent authority if the establishment of such enterprise or any of the goods or services supplied by such enterprise to the relevant market is subject to legal or technological restraints, or there exists any other circumstance under which the supply and demand of the market are affected and the ability of others to compete is impeded.
Article 9
Monopolistic enterprises shall not engage in any one of the following conducts:
1. directly or indirectly prevent any other enterprises from competing by unfair means;
2. improperly set, maintain or change the price for goods or the remuneration for services;
3. make a trading counterpart give preferential treatment without justification; or
4. other abusive conducts by its market power.
Article 10
The term "merger" as used in this Act means any one of the following conditions:
1. where an enterprise and another enterprise are merged into one;
2. where an enterprise holds or acquires the shares or capital contributions of another enterprise to an extent of more than one third of the total number of voting shares or total capital of such other enterprise;
3. where an enterprise is assigned by or leases from another enterprise the whole or the major part of the business or assets of such other enterprise;
4. where an enterprise operates jointly with another enterprise on a regular basis or is entrusted by another enterprise to operate the latter's business; or
5. where an enterprise directly or indirectly controls the business operation or the appointment or discharge of personnel of another enterprise.
In computing the shares or capital contributions referred to in subparagraph 2 of the preceding paragraph, the shares or capital contributions held or acquired by an enterprise that is controlled by, controlling, or affiliated with the acquiring enterprise, and by an enterprise where both it and the acquiring enterprise are controlled by the same enterprise or enterprises shall be included.
Article 11
Any merger that falls within any of the following circumstances shall be filed with the competent authority in advance:
1. as a result of the merger the enterprise(s) will have one third of the market share;
2. one of the enterprises in the merger has one fourth of the market share; or
3. sales for the preceding fiscal year of one of the enterprises in the merger exceeds the threshold amount publicly announced by the competent authority.
The threshold amount of the sales referred to in Subparagraph 3 of the preceding paragraph shall include the sales amount of an enterprise that is controlled by, controlling, or affiliated with the enterprise in the merger, and of an enterprise where both it and the enterprise in the merger are controlled by the same enterprise or enterprises. The calculation method shall be publically announced by the competent authority.
A person or a group that has controlling interest in an enterprise is deemed as an enterprise pertinent to the provisions of this Act with regards to merger.
The controlling interest as referred to in the preceding paragraph means that the person or the group, as referred to in the preceding paragraph, and their related persons, hold a majority of the total number of outstanding voting shares or the total capital of the said enterprise.
The scope of the related persons as referred to in the preceding paragraph is defined as follows:
1. The same natural person, and the natural person’s spouse, as well as the person’s blood relatives within the second degree of kinship.
2. An enterprise in which the person, referred to in the preceding subparagraph, holds more than one half of the total number of outstanding voting shares or total capital.
3. An enterprise in which the person, referred to in Subparagraph 1, acts as its chairman, president or the director representing a majority of directors.
4. The same group and its representative, manager, or any other person with representing authority, and his/her spouse, as well as his/her blood relatives within the second degree of kinship.
5. The same group and the enterprise in which the natural person of the preceding subparagraph holds more than one half of the total number of outstanding voting shares or total capital.
The sales amount as referred to in Paragraph 1 Subparagraph 3 shall be announced separately by the competent authority in different industries.
Enterprises shall not proceed to merge within a period of 30 working days starting from the date the competent authority accepts the complete filing materials, provided that the competent authority may shorten or extend the period as it deems necessary and notifies in writing the filing enterprise of such change.
Where the competent authority extends the period in accordance with the proviso of the preceding paragraph, such extension may not exceed 60 working days; for cases of extension, decisions on the filing shall be made in accordance with the provisions of Article 13.
Where the competent authority fails to notify of the extension as referred to in the proviso of Paragraph 7 or make any decision as referred to in the preceding paragraph before the period expires, the enterprises may proceed to merge provided that the merger may not proceed under any of the following circumstances:
1. Where the filing enterprises consent to a further extension of the period.
2. Where the filing contains any false or misleading item.
The competent authority may ask for external opinions for the merger filed, and if necessary, entrust the academic research institutions to provide the opinion of the industrial economic analysis. Provided that one of the enterprises in the merger does not agree to the merger, the competent authority shall provide the cause of the merger to it and ask for its opinion.
The competent authority shall make a decision of the merger of the proviso of the preceding paragraph in accordance with the provisions of Article 13.
Article 12
The provisions of Paragraph 1 of the preceding Article shall not apply to any of the following circumstances:
1. Where any of the enterprises participating in a merger, or its 100% held subsidiary, already holds no less than 50% of the voting shares or capital contribution of another enterprise in the merger and merges such other enterprise.
2. Where enterprises of which 50% or more of the voting shares or capital contribution are held by the same enterprise merge.
3. Where an enterprise assigns all or a principal part of its business or assets, or all or part of any part of its business that could be separately operated, to another enterprise newly established by the former enterprise solely.
4. Where an enterprise, pursuant to the proviso of Article 167, Paragraph 1 of the Company Act or Article 28-2 of the Securities and Exchange Act, redeems its shares held by shareholders so that its original shareholders’ shareholding falls within the circumstances provided for in Article 10, Paragraph 1, Subparagraph 2 herein.
5. Where a single enterprise reinvests to establish a subsidiary and holds 100% shares or capital contribution of such a subsidiary.
6. Any other designated type of merger promulgated by the competent authority.
Article 13
The competent authority may not prohibit any of mergers filed if the overall economic benefit of the merger outweighs the disadvantages resulted from competition restraint.
The competent authority may impose conditions or undertakings in any of the decisions it makes on the filing cases referred to in Article 11, Paragraph 8 herein in order to ensure that the overall economic benefit of the merger outweighs the disadvantages resulted from competition restraint.
Article 14
The term "concerted action" as used in this Act means that competing enterprises at the same production and/or marketing stage, by means of contract, agreement or any other form of mutual understanding, jointly determine the price, technology, products, facilities, trading counterparts, or trading territory with respect to goods or services, or any other behavior that restricts each other's business activities, resulting in an impact on the market function with respect to production, trade in goods or supply and demand of services.
The term "any other form of mutual understanding" as used in the preceding Paragraph means other than contract or agreement, a meeting of minds whether legally binding or not which would in effect lead to joint actions.
The mutual understanding of the concerted action may be presumed by considerable factors, such as market condition, characteristics of the good or service, cost and profit considerations, and economic rationalization of the business conducts.
The act of a trade association or other groups, as referred to in Article 2 Paragraph 2, to restrict activities of enterprises by means of its charter, a resolution of a general meeting of members or a board meeting of directors or supervisors, or any other means, to restrict activities of enterprises is also deemed as concerted action as used in this Act.
Article 15
No enterprise shall engage in any concerted action; unless the concerted action that meets one of the following requirements is beneficial to the economy as a whole and in the public interest, and the application with the competent authority for such concerted action has been approved:
1. unifying the specifications or models of goods or services for the purpose of reducing costs, improving quality, or increasing efficiency;
2. joint research and development on goods, services, or markets for the purpose of upgrading technology, improving quality, reducing costs, or increasing efficiency;
3. each developing a separate and specialized area for the purpose of rationalizing operations;
4. entering into agreements concerning solely the competition in foreign markets for the purpose of securing or promoting exports;
5. joint acts in regards to the importation of foreign goods, or services for the purpose of strengthening trade;
6. joint acts limiting the quantity of production and sales, equipment, or prices for the purpose of meeting the demand orderly, because of economic downturn, that the enterprises in the same industry have difficulty to maintain their business or encounter a situation of overproduction;
7. joint acts for the purpose of improving operational efficiency or strengthening the competitiveness of small and medium enterprises ; or
8. joint acts required for the purposes of improving industrial development, technological innovation, or operational efficiency.
After receipt of the application referred to in the preceding Article, the competent authority shall make a decision within three months, the period of which may be extended once if necessary.
Article 16
The competent authority may impose conditions or undertakings in the approval it grants pursuant to the provisions of the preceding article.
The approval shall specify a time limit not exceeding five years. The enterprises involved may, with justification, file a written application for an extension thereof with the competent authority within three to six months prior to the expiration of such period; provided, however, that the term of each extension shall not exceed five years.
Article 17
After a concerted action is approved, the competent authority may revoke the approval, alter the contents of the approval, or order the enterprises involved to cease from continuing the conduct or rectify its conduct, or to take necessary corrective actions, because the cause for approval no longer exists, the economic condition changes, the enterprises involved engage in any conduct beyond the scope of approval, or violate the conditions or undertakings which the competent authority imposed pursuant to Paragraph 1 of the preceding Article.
Article 18
The competent authority shall voluntarily make public the approvals, and their relevant conditions, undertakings, and time limits, referred to in the preceding three articles.
Article 19
An enterprise shall not impose restrictions on resale prices of the goods supplied to its trading counterpart for resale to a third party or to such third party for making further resale. However, those with justifiable reasons are not subject to this limitation.
The provision of the preceding paragraph shall apply mutatis mutandis to services provided by an enterprise.
Article 20
No enterprise shall engage in any of the following acts that is likely to restrain competition:
1. causing another enterprise to discontinue supply, purchase or other business transactions with a particular enterprise for the purpose of injuring such particular enterprise;
2. treating another enterprise discriminatively without justification;
3. preventing competitors from participating or engaging in competition by inducement with low price, or other improper means;
4. causing another enterprise to refrain from competing in price, or to take part in a merger, concerted action, or vertical restriction by coercion, inducement with interest, or other improper means;
5. imposing improper restrictions on its trading counterparts' business activity as part of the requirements for trade engagement.
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)