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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

Print Time:2024/07/18 04:31

Chapter Law Content

Chapter 2 Procedure for Retirement
Article 26
Retirement of faculty of a national (provincial) school shall be reviewed and approved by the Ministry of Education; those of a school in a Special Municipality under the Executive Yuan shall be reviewed and approved by the education department of that Municipality, those of a county (municipal) school shall be reviewed and approved by that county (municipal) government.
Article 27
Personnel applying for, due for, or required for retirement shall submit two (2) copies of factual statement of retirement, four (4) recent one-inch passport photos, certificate of employment prior to the enactment of the Statute, and other relevant proving documents to the school of services, who shall then report said application to the governing agency for review and approval.For personnel applying for, due for, or required for retirement who have failed to comply with the stipulations in the preceding paragraph, their school of services shall fill out factual statement of retirement on the personnel’s behalf to be submitted along with other proving documents to the governing educational agency for review and approval.
Article 28
Factual statement of retirement, certificate of employment, and other relevant proving documents shall be reviewed for authenticity by the head personnel officer of the school of services, and application should be rejected or the applicant be notified for corrections or submissions in the event of any deviation from facts, undue process or lack of relevant proving documents.
Article 29
For personnel due or required for retirement, should the school of services have not reported for retirement on the personnel’s behalf or applied for service expansion of said personnel, the governing educational authority shall immediately notify the school of services to undergo due process accordingly upon proven discovery of said conditions. Failure to compliance shall result in notification to the auditing agency, which shall reject the expense justification of remuneration payments made to said personnel.
Article 30
When retired teaching and administrative staff or their surviving dependents disagree with the results of authorized retirement case or survivor annuity,they can appeal in accordance with Appeal Law or Civil Service Protection Act.If preceding authorized case finds reasons in article 128 of Administrative Procedure Act to restart the procedure,it shall be handled in accordance with relevant regulations.
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)