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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

Print Time:2024/09/27 16:00

Chapter Law Content

Chapter 2 Services of Ranking Officer and Non Commissioned Officer
Article 7
Conscription of Service Age Male and mobilization of Reserved Military Men and Replacement Soldiers with technical abilities shall be done base on their abilities. The period of educating Reserved Ranking Officer and Reserved Non Commissioned Officer may be accelerated depending on the military education needs.
Those who have attended and passed the Educations stated in the preceding paragraph shall be issued with an appropriate certificate of a special technical Reserved Ranking Officers and Reserved Non Commissioned Officer or be appointed a rank according to the law.
Article 8
Those accepting Ranking Officer or Non Commissioned officer education but unable to complete due to sickness and inappropriate to take Ranking Officer Service, Non Commissioned officer Service, and Standing Service shall be transferred to Substitute Services, if qualified, or exempted from service according to the law base on their physical situations.
The Compulsory Reserved Ranking Officers and Non Commissioned Officers who changes physical status to Substitute Services during the period of Active Service shall be transferred to Substitute Services.
Article 9
Article 16 and Articles 18 to 20 of the Act of Military Service System shall apply mutatis mutandis to the Compulsory Reserved Ranking Officers and Non Commissioned Officers during the period of Active Service.
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)