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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

Print Time:2024/07/18 02:26

Chapter Law Content

Chapter 1 General Provision
Section 1 Administrative Appeal Affairs
Article 1
Anyone who’s right or interest was unlawfully or improperly injured by a center or local government agency’s administrative action is entitled to file an administrative appeal according to this Act, provided that other Acts stipulated otherwise.
Each level of autonomy or other public law entity could have file an administrative appeal as well, while it’s right or interest was unlawfully or improperly injured by the supervised agency’s administrative action.
Article 2
Anyone who’s right or interest was unlawfully or improperly injured by a center or local government agency’s inaction to his application according to Acts during the period stipulated by this Act is entitled to file an administrative appeal as well.
The period stipulated in last Paragraph is two month after the application was accepted by an agency provided that there is no other stipulation in other Acts or Regulations.
Article 3
An administrative action stipulated under this Act is referred to as an ex parte administrative action which directly creates legal effect to the people by a decision or measures decided or adopted by a center or local government agency by its ex officio derived from public law in a concrete public law affair.
The decision or measures stipulated in last Paragraph is an administrative action as well, while the range might be ascertained under specified circumstance despite the parties affected is not specified. The creation, modification and decease or use of public facility by the agency shall be treated as an administrative action too.
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)