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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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Chapter Law Content

Title: Company Act CH
Category: Ministry of Economic Affairs(經濟部)
CHAPTER V Company Limited by Shares
Section 8.Issue of New Shares
Article 266
The provisions contained in this section shall govern the issue of new shares by installments under Article 156, Paragraph Four.
The issue of new shares of a company shall be determined by the Board of Directors by a resolution adopted by a majority vote at a meeting attended by over two-thirds of the directors.
The provisions of Article 141 and Article 142 shall apply mutatis mutandis to the issue of new shares.
Article 267
Unless otherwise approved specifically by the central authority in charge of the object enterprise, when a company issues new shares, there shall be ten to fifteen per cent of such new shares reserved for subscription by employees of the company.
When a government operated enterprise issues new shares, it may, after obtaining the special approval from the competent authority in charge of the said enterprise, reserve no more than ten per cent of such new shares for subscription by its employees.
In issuing new shares, a company shall make public announcement and advise, by notice, its original shareholders to subscribe for, with preemptive right, the new shares, except those reserved under either of the preceding two paragraphs, in proportion respectively to their original shareholding and shall state in the notice that if any shareholder fails to subscribe for new shares, his right shall be forfeited. Where a fractional percentage of the original shares being held by a shareholder is insufficient to subscribe for one new share, the fractional percentages of the original shares being held by several shareholders may be combined for joint subscription of one or more integral new shares or for subscription of new shares in the name of a single shareholder. New shares left unsubscribed by original shareholders may be open for public issuance or for subscription by specific person or persons through negotiation.
The right to subscription of new shares as provided for in the preceding three paragraphs, except those reserved for subscription by employees, may be separated from the rights in original shares and transferable independently.
The provisions provided in Paragraphs One and Two under this Article for reserving the right of subscribing new shares by employees shall not apply to the case where the new shares are distributed to original shareholders as dividend shares capitalized with the reserve fund or the value increments of assets.
A company may restrain the shares subscribed by its employees under Paragraph One or Paragraph Two of the article from being transferred or assigned to others within a specific period of time which shall in no case be longer than two years.
Qualification requirements of employees, including the employees of parent s or subsidiaries of the company meeting certain specific requirements, entitled to receive shares in accordance with the provision of Paragraph One, may be specified in the Articles of Incorporation.
The provisions set out in this Article shall not apply to the company which is merged by or with another company, or is split up, or is under reorganization, or is issuing new shares in accordance with the provisions set out in Article 167-2, Article 235-1, Article 262, or Paragraph I, Article 268-1 of this Act.
A company issuing restricted stock for employees shall not apply Paragraphs One to Six of this Article and shall adopt such resolution, at a shareholders’ meeting, by a majority of the shareholders present who represent two-thirds or more of the total number of its outstanding shares.
In the event the total number of shares represented by the shareholders present at a shareholders’ meeting of a public company is less than the percentage of the total shareholdings required in the preceding Paragraph, the resolution may be adopted by two-third of the voting rights exercised by the shareholders present at the shareholders’ meeting who represent a majority of the outstanding shares of the company.
Qualification requirements of employees, including the employees of parents or subsidiaries of the company meeting certain specific requirements, entitled to receive restricted stock for employees in accordance with the provision of Paragraph Nine, may be specified in the Articles of Incorporation.
The competent authority in charge of securities shall prescribe rules governing the issuance amount, issuance price, issuance conditions and other matters for compliance for a company offering its shares to the public and issuing new shares in accordance with the preceding three Paragraphs.
The responsible person of a company violating the provisions of Paragraph I under this Article shall be subject to a fine of not less than NT$ 20,000 but not more than NT$ 100,000.
Article 268
For issue of new shares, a company shall, unless such new shares are fully subscribed by its original shareholders and employees or by specific persons by agreement without any new share being open for public issuance, file an application, setting forth therein the following particulars, with the competent authority in charge of securities affairs for approval of public issuance:
1. The name of the company;
2. The originally authorized total number of shares, number of shares issued, and the value thereof;
3. The total number of new shares to be issued, par value of each share and other terms of issue;
4. The financial statements as required by the competent authority in charge of securities affairs;
5. The capital increase plan;
6. Where special (preference) shares are to be issued, the kinds and number of such shares, and the par value of each share, together with the matters specified in Items One to Three, Six and Eight of Paragraph One, Article 157;
7. The number and amount of shares can be subscribed by each holder of a share subscription warrant or the person entitled to subscribe preferred shares;
8. The name and address of bank or post office to collect payment on shares on behalf of the company;
9. The name of the underwriter or distribution agency, if any, and matters agreed upon between the company and the underwriter or distributing agency;
10. The minutes indicating the resolution for the issue of new shares; and
11. Other matters as may be required by the competent authority in charge of securities affairs.
In the event of any change in any of the particulars required under the preceding paragraph, the company shall apply to the competent authority in charge of securities affairs for correction. The responsible person of the company who fails to apply for such correction shall be imposed a fine by the competent authority in charge of securities affairs of not less than NT$ 10,000 but not more than NT$ 50,000.
All matters specified in Items 2 to 4 and 6 of Paragraph I shall be examined and certified by a certified public accountant, and those in Items 8 and 9, Paragraph I under this Article shall be examined and certified by a practicing lawyer.
The provisions of Paragraphs I and II under this Article shall not apply to the issue of new shares as referred to in Paragraph V of Article 267 of this Act.
In case the aggregate of the number of new shares to be issued by a company and the number and amount of share subscription warrants or the shares subscribable under the ancillary special share subscription rights plus the total number of outstanding shares, the total number of shares which can be acquired under outstanding convertible corporate bonds, the total number of shares subscribable under outstanding corporate bonds vested with share subscription rights, the total number of special shares subscribable under outstanding ancillary special share subscription warrants, and the total number of shares subscribable under outstanding share subscription warrants exceeds the total number of shares authorized by the Articles of Incorporation, such excessive number of shares may be issued only after completing the procedure for capital increase by making necessary changes or alterations in the Articles of Incorporation.
Article 268-1
The company issuing share subscription warrants or special shares under ancillary share subscription rights shall have the obligation to allot the shares in accordance with the share subscription regulations, without being bond by the provisions set out in Article 269 and Article 270 of this Act provided, however, that the holders of such share subscription rights shall have the option whether to exercise such subscription rights or not.
The provisions set out in Paragraph II, Article 266; Paragraphs I and II, Article 271; Article 272; and Paragraphs II and III, Article 273 hereof shall apply, mutatis mutandis, to company issuing share subscription warrants.
Article 269
Under any of the following circumstances a company shall not publicly issue special shares with preference;
1.Where its average net profit of the most recent three years or, in case the company has commenced its business for less than three years, of the years the company is in operation, after paying taxes, is not sufficient to pay dividends on special shares already issued and intended to be issued;
2.Where it has been in default in making regular payment of dividends on special shares already issued.
Article 270
Under any of the following circumstances a company shall not publicly issue new shares:
1.Where it has incurred losses in the most recent two consecutive years; this, however, shall not apply where the nature of business requires a longer period for preparation or it has a sound business plan under which its profit-making capability will be improved; or
2.Where its assets are not sufficient to meet liabilities.
Article 271
After approval to issue new shares publicly is granted to a company, if any of the particulars in the application shall be found contrary to law or ordinance or to be fraudulent, the authority in charge of securities affairs may annul the approval.
In case of the annulment in accordance with the preceding paragraph, all unissued shares shall be withheld from issuing and holders of issued shares may, from the time of annulment, demand repayment at the original fixed value of the shares together with legal interest and may claim compensation for loss or damage resulting there-from.
The provisions of Article 135, Paragraph 2 shall apply, mutatis mutandis, to this article.
Article 272
When a company publicly issues new shares, the payment on such shares shall be in cash; where such shares are not issued to the public; however, but rather subscribed to by shareholders or by particular persons by agreement, any property necessary to the business of the company may be in lieu thereof.
Article 273
When a company publicly issues new shares, the board of directors shall prepare forms of subscription, setting forth therein the following particulars, to be filled by each subscriber with the number of shares subscribed, the kind and value thereof, and his domicile or residence, and to be signed and sealed by the subscriber:
1. Particulars specified in Article 129 and Paragraph One of Article 130;
2. The total number of shares originally authorized or the number of shares already issued out of the total number of authorized shares after increase of capital and the value thereof;
3. Particulars specified in Article 268, Paragraph 1, Items 3 to 11; and
4. The time of payment for shares subscribed.
When a company publicly issues new shares, the company shall insert in the aforesaid forms of subscription the serial number of the document of approval and the date of approval by the competent authority in charge of securities affairs and shall, within thirty days after receipt of the notice of approval from such authority, publicly announce the particulars specified in the preceding paragraph together with the serial number of the document of approval and the date of approval and issuance of such shares. The business report, inventory, meeting minutes and the matters agreed upon with underwriter or distributing agency need not be publicly announced.
After the expiration of the time-limit set forth in the preceding paragraph, if a company still desires to invite public subscriptions, a new application shall be filed.
If the director designated to represent the company fails to prepare the forms of subscription in accordance with the provisions of Paragraph I under this Article, such director shall be subject to a fine of not less than NT$ 10,000 but not more than NT$ 50,000 to be imposed by the competent authority in charge of securities affairs.
Article 274
Where a company issues new shares other than to the public, under the proviso to Article 272, it shall still be required to make the forms of subscription available as required by Paragraph I of the preceding Article. If property other than cash is paid by subscribers, additional particulars such as the name/title of the subscriber, the type, the quantity and the value of or the standards for evaluation of the value of the property furnished by the subscriber, and the number of shares allotted to the subscriber by the company shall also be stated in the form of subscription.
After accepting property other than cash payment, the Board of Directors shall pass it on to the supervisor for inspection and comment, and shall report to the authority for approval.
Article 275
Article 276
Upon expiration of the time limit set forth for payment on new shares, if there are still some not subscribed or some subscribed but withdrawn or not yet paid for, the shareholders who subscribed the new shares and paid for them may set a time limit of over one month to press the company for full subscription and full payment on shares, failing which the shareholders may withdraw their subscriptions and the company shall refund the money paid on shares together with legal interest.
Directors whose acts are responsible for loss or damage to the company under the aforesaid circumstance shall be jointly liable for compensation.
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