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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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Chapter Law Content

Chapter XII: Other Registrations
Section I: Registration of Change in Name and Registration of Change of Administrator
Article 149
Registration of change in name of the right holder having been changed after a land right has been registered, shall be applied; the same shall apply to the change of the name of administrator.
In the case that a right holder or administrator as natural person and whose name has been changed at the competent household agency, the registration agency may comprehensively register name change for all of the concerned land rights directly according to the household information provided on the application form and, upon the completion of the registration, notify the right holder or the administrator to renew the certificate of right.
Article 150
If a legal person or temple acquires the ownership of or other rights over land during the preparatory period and has registered under the name of the representatives of the originators, the registration of a change in name shall be applied after the qualification of the legal person is granted or after the registration of the temple.
Article 151
If there is a change of the administrator of public land, a registration of the change of the administrator shall be requested of the registration agency.
Section II: Registration of Change in Domicile
Article 152
If there is a change of the address of the nominee whose name is registered, the registration of the change in domicile shall be applied with submission of the photocopy of the identity card or of the household certificate. If the ID number indicated in the identity card is not in accord with that registered in the register or there is no registration of the ID number in the register, additional documents of evidence with the original domicile shall be furnished to prove the nominee’s status.
If the nominee is a legal person and its ID number indicated in the documents of evidence for registration is not in accord with that registered in the register, the documents of the change of the registration of its domicile shall be furnished.
Article 153
The registration agency may directly undertake the registration of change in domicile after due investigation if the domicile of the nominee whose name is registered has changed and he fails to apply for the registration of change in domicile.
Section III: Registration of the Exchange and Re-issue of the Certificate
Article 154
If the certificate of ownership or other rights of land is damaged or destroyed, the nominee whose name is registered shall apply for its exchange or re-issue.
Article 155
Whenever the registration of exchange or re-issue of the certificate of the ownership or other rights of land is applied, the nominee whose name is registered shall state clearly the reason of destruction by furnishing the recognizance or other related documents of evidence. The registration agency shall publicly announce for 30 days and notify the nominee whose name is registered. The certificate shall be re-issued if no one raises objections within the publicly announced period.
The nominee, whose name is registered, referred to in the preceding paragraph shall personally present himself at the registration agency and follow the procedure prescribed by Article 40, except for when conforming to the conditions provided by Subparagraphs 2, 7, 8, 10, 15 and 16 of Article 41.
Section IV:Registration for Use and Management
Article 155-1
The registration agency shall clearly state the reception date and document number, the details of use, management, and partition of the jointly owned property on the registration form and compile a management booklet if the joint owners apply for registration according to Paragraph 1, Article 826-1 of the Civil Code.
The joint owners filing for the abovementioned registration according to Paragraph 1, Article 820 of the Civil Code pertaining to the decision for management or court ruling shall clearly state on the proper column on the application form that other joint owner(s) have been notified and have signed the application form. The same shall apply to the application of registration due to change of such decision or court ruling.
Article 155-2
In the case where the holder of superficies over a partition and the holder of rights to use and acquire profits apply for registration according to their agreement regarding the restrictions on the use and acquisition of profits, the registration agency shall indicate the reception date, document number and the booklet for the agreements regarding the restrictions on land use and acquisition of profits in the other registered matters column of the superficies over the partition, as well as property rights subject to the restrictions on the use and acquisition of profits.
After obtaining approval of the landowner concerning the abovementioned agreement, the registration agency shall register the agreed matters in the other registered matters column of the land ownership section. The registration method is subject to the stipulations in the preceding paragraph.
Article 155-3
Upon the completion of the above-mentioned registration, the registration agency shall photocopy and compile a use and management booklet for the jointly owned property or a booklet for the agreements regarding the restrictions on the use and acquisition of profits, which shall include the copies of the agreement, decision, or court ruling, and make the booklet available for reading or photocopy purpose. The content of information, qualification of applicants and fees for reading or photocopy shall apply mutatis mutandis to Article 24-1 of this Regulation and Article 79-2 of the Land Act.
Article 155-4
Any change made after the registration as set forth in Article 155-1 or Article 155-2 shall require registration of change; the applicant shall present an application of registration and document(s) pertaining to such change or approval of cancellation to the registration agency.
Upon the acceptance of applications for registration of change, the registration agency shall clearly state the reception date and document number, subjects of change, and date of change in the other registered matters column of the section for ownership of rights concerning the superficies over a partition and associated rights to use and acquire profits, or the other rights section of the descriptions of the register. In the event of registration of cancellation, the notes originally registered shall be cancelled.
Upon completion of the aforementioned registration, the registration agency shall make a photocopy of the application, and store the photocopy in the use and management booklet for the jointly owned property or the booklet for the agreements regarding the restrictions on the use and acquisition of profits.
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)