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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

Print Time:2024/07/28 00:40

Chapter Law Content

Title: Land Act CH
Category: Ministry of the Interior(內政部)
Part III. Land Use
Chapter VI. Land Consolidation
Article 135
The Special Municipal or County (City) Land Administration Agency may, with the approval of its superior authorities, mark out consolidation areas in the territorial limits under its jurisdiction and carry out land consolidation and demarcate anew the plots of land in such areas in any one of the following cases:
(1)Where a city planning project is to be implemented.
(2)Where the plots are so small or so narrow in size as to be unsuitable for purposes of construction.
(3)Where farmland is so ill distributed as to be unsuitable for farming or unfavorable to drainage and irrigation.
(4)Where scattered small plots are to be exchanged or consolidated to form standard farms.
(5)Where collective farms are to be set up the introduction of mechanical farming.
Article 136
The consolidated plots of land shall be redistributed to their original owners in proportion to the area or value of the original plots, but if, owing to practical difficulties, they cannot be redistributed in exact proportion to the area or value of the original plots, due compensation thereof shall be paid instead.
Article 137
Where plots of land are so small or narrow in size that their area is smaller than the minimum unit prescribed in Article 31, such plots may be abolished as independent units or consolidated by consolidation.
Article 138
In areas subject to consolidation, parks, roads, embankments, dikes, ditches, sewers, and other lands used for public purposes may be put to a different use or abolished, or new ones be set up, by consolidation.
Article 139
After the consolidation of land, the landowners who have sustained loss thereby shall be compensated by those who have gained thereby. The compensation for the value of lands used as roads or for other public purposes shall be paid by the Government.
Article 140
If, within thirty days from the date when any project of land consolidation is announced, objections to the project are raised by more than half of the interested landowners who own among themselves over half of the total area of the lands to be consolidated, excluding public lands, the competent Special Municipal or County (City) Land Administration Agency shall immediately report the case to its superior authority for instructions.
Article 141
The land consolidation provided for in Article 135 may be initiated by a joint request of more than half of the landowners who own among themselves over half of the total area of the lands to be consolidated, excluding public lands, and be carried out upon approval by the competent Special Municipal or County (City) Land Administration Agency.
Article 142
In newly created cities the consolidation of land shall be carried out before the land is offered for development area by area.
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)