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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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Chapter Law Content

Chapter 3 Occupational Accieent Prevention and Rehabilitation
Section 2 Occupational Accident Prevention and Juridical Person for Rehabilitation
Article 70
To consolidate and organize occupational accident prevention and occupational accident worker rehabilitation activities under the Act, the central competent authority shall donate and establish an occupational accident prevention and rehabilitation center as a juridical person (hereinafter referred to as the “Occupational Accident Prevention and Rehabilitation Center”). The central competent authority shall prescribe the articles of association for donation.
Article 71
The source of funds for the Occupational Accident Prevention and Rehabilitation Center is as follows:
1.Donation (subsidy) budgeted in accordance with Article 62.
2.Donation (subsidy) from government authorities (institutions).
3.Income from entrusted activities and provision of services.
4.Proceeds from the fund created.
5.Income from donations and gifts.
6.Other income related to the performance of activities.
Article 72
The Occupational Accident Prevention and Rehabilitation Center shall establish personnel, accounting, internal control and audit systems and report them to the central competent authority for approval.
To supervise and ensure normal operation and sound development of the Occupational Accident Prevention and Rehabilitation Center, the central competent authority shall establish supervisory and management regulations about the selection of its directors or supervisors, the qualifications thereof, utilization of funds and budgets, property management and major annual measures, etc.
The central competent authority shall perform a regular audit on the business and financial operation status of the Occupational Accident Prevention and Rehabilitation Center. The results of the audit shall be published on its website.
The central competent authority may invite representatives from worker organizations, representatives from employer organizations, representatives from relevant authorities, scholars and experts to conduct a performance evaluation of the Occupational Accident Prevention and Rehabilitation Center. The result of the evaluation shall be filed with the Legislative Yuan.
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)