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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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Chapter Law Content

Title: Securities and Exchange Act CH
Category: Financial Supervisory Commission(金融監督管理委員會)
Chapter V Stock Exchange
Section 3 Company-Type Stock Exchange
Article 124
(Organization of a Company-Type Stock Exchange)
The organization of a company-type stock exchange shall be limited to a company limited by shares.
Article 125
(Articles of Incorporation)
The articles of association of a company-type stock exchange shall contain, in addition to those required under the Company Act, the following particulars:
1. the total number of seats in the centralized securities exchange market for brokers and dealers and their necessary qualifications.
2. duration of existence.
The duration of existence referred to in subparagraph 2 of the preceding paragraph shall not exceed a period of ten years; in the event the development of the local securities transactions warrants it, an application for extension may be filed with the Competent Authority during the period three months prior to the expiration of the duration of existence.
Article 126
(Prohibition of Concurrent Service by Securities Firms and Their Shareholders or Employees)
Directors, supervisors, shareholders, or employees of a securities firm shall not serve concurrently as managerial officers of a company-type stock exchange.
At least one-third of the directors and supervisors of a company-type stock exchange shall be appointed by the Competent Authority from among relevant experts who are not shareholders; the provisions of paragraph 1 of Article 192 and paragraph 1 of Article 216 of the Company Act shall not be applicable.
Standards and regulations governing the election of non-shareholder directors and supervisors as referred to in the preceding paragraph shall be prescribed by the Competent Authority.
Article 127
(Prohibition of Trading of Stock)
The stocks of a company-type stock exchange shall not be listed on its own centralized securities exchange market nor on a stock exchange owned by any other person.
Article 128
(Prohibition of Issuance of Bearer Stock)
A company-type stock exchange shall not issue bearer stocks. Transferees of its shares shall be limited to the securities firms incorporated under this Act.
The shareholding percentage of each securities firm in the stock exchange shall be prescribed by the Competent Authority.
Article 129
(Entering Into a Contract for Use of the Market)
Securities brokers and dealers that engage in transactions on a company-type stock exchange shall enter into a contract with the stock exchange for the usage of the centralized securities exchange market; the contract, together with other relevant materials shall be registered with the Competent Authority for its recordation.
Article 130
(Grounds for Termination of the Contract)
In addition to grounds for termination specified in the contract referred to in the preceding Article, such contract shall also be terminated upon the dissolution of either party, or the voidance of the approval or the suspension of business operation of a securities broker or dealer which is a party to the contract.
Article 131
Article 132
(Contribution to the Settlement and Clearing Fund and Payment of Transaction Charges)
The contract prepared by a company-type stock exchange for the usage of its centralized securities exchange market shall contain provisions regarding the deposit of the settlement and clearing fund and the securities transaction charges to be paid by the securities broker or dealer.
The standards governing the amount of settlement and clearing fund shall be prescribed by the Competent Authority.
The standards for calculating the securities transaction charges referred to in the first paragraph of this Article shall be jointly drafted by the stock exchange and the securities dealers association and filed with the Competent Authority for its approval.
Article 133
(Penalties for Violation of Article 110)
A company-type stock exchange shall specify in the contract that the violation of Article 110 by a securities broker or a securities dealer which trades on its centralized securities exchange market shall result in a fine for breach of contract, or the imposition of suspension or restriction of its trading rights, or the termination of the contract.
Article 134
(Provisions Applied Mutatis Mutandis to Termination of Contract)
The provisions of Article 111 shall apply mutatis mutandis in the event a company-type stock exchange terminates its contract with a securities broker or dealer in accordance with the preceding Article.
Article 135
(Contractual Obligation to Wind Up Trades for Others)
A company-type stock exchange shall consult with the provisions of Article 112 of this Act and include in the contract for the usage of its centralized securities exchange market provisions requiring that a securities broker or dealer designated to wind up or settle the transactions of other securities brokers or dealers shall have the obligation to fulfill that duty.
Article 136
(Obligation to Wind Up)
A securities broker or dealer whose contract has been terminated or whose trading right was suspended pursuant to Article 133 shall have the obligation of winding up and settling its transactions in a centralized securities exchange market.
Article 137
(Provisions Applicable Mutatis Mutandis)
The provisions of Articles 41 and 48, subparagraphs 1 through 4 and subparagraph 6 of Article 53, Articles 58, 59, 115, 117, 119 through 121, and 123 shall apply mutatis mutandis to a company-type stock exchange.
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)