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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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Chapter IV Payment (Disbursement), Guarantee, and Modification of Pension and Benefit Payments
Section 1 Payment of Pension and Benefit Payments
Article 64
The right to claim for pension and severance pay is the exclusive right of a staff member. No other person may apply for or receive them in place of the staff member, except in the following circumstances:
1. When a staff member who has reached the age of 65 refuses to duly undergo age-mandated retirement, and the employing school takes the initiative to submit the relevant documents to the competent authority for review and approval of the age-mandated retirement.
2. When the employing school submits the relevant documents to the competent authority to carry out compulsory requirement pursuant to Article 22.
3. When a severanced employee fails to duly complete the Facts of Severance Form and to submit the relevant certifying documents for the employing school to forward to the competent authority to review and approve the years of service and the payment for purposes of the severance, and it is necessary for the employing school to carry out these procedures on the staff member's behalf.
4. When the staff member is under a declaration of guardianship or assistance which has not been lifted, and it is necessary for the legal guardian to apply for retirement or severance on the staff member's behalf of the staff member.
5. When the staff member's survivors apply in his or her place for payment in accordance with lump-sum pension payment standards pursuant to Article 26, paragraph 3.
Article 65
In all cases in which a staff member or his or her survivor or survivors apply for pension or benefit payments under this Act, the relevant competent authority for the respective case shall dispose the case by rendering a written administrative disposition.
When the monthly retirement income of a staff member whose retirement becomes effective before this Act comes into force is recalculated pursuant to Article 36, 37, or 39, the competent authority shall dispose the case by rendering a written administrative disposition.
Article 66
All pension and benefit payments set out in this Act shall without exception be made by means of direct remittance into an account by a financial institution, and shall be paid in accordance with the following provisions:
1. A lump-sum pension payment and initial installment of monthly pension, after having been reviewed and approved by the competent authority, shall be paid beginning from the effective date of retirement. However, if a deferred monthly pension is opted for under Article 31, paragraph 3 or Article 32, paragraph 4, subparagraph 2 or 4, it shall be paid beginning from the date the person reaches the statutory starting age for payment. The second and subsequent installments of monthly pension shall be paid once a month according to the uniform operations for such payments.
2. Severance pay, after the years of service and the payment have been reviewed and approved by the competent authority, shall be paid beginning from the effective date of severance.
3. Lump-sum survivor benefit and lump-sum bereavement compensation shall be paid after they have been reviewed and approved by the competent authority.
4. Survivor annuity, after it has been reviewed and approved by the competent authority, shall be paid beginning from the regular payment date for the next monthly pension following the death of the retired staff member. However, in the case of a spouse who has not remarried and who opts for survivor annuity under Article 45, paragraph 2, it shall be paid beginning from the date the spouse reaches the statutory starting age for payment. The second and subsequent installments of a survivor annuity will be paid once a month according to the uniform operations for such payments.
5. The initial installment of monthly bereavement compensation, after having been reviewed and approved by the competent authority, shall be paid beginning from the next month following the death of the staff member. The second and subsequent installments of monthly bereavement compensation will be paid once a month according to the uniform operations for such payments. The same shall apply to additional monthly bereavement compensation payments paid monthly according to the number of minor children among the survivors pursuant to Articles 58 and 59.
The central competent authority shall separately adopt regulations prescribing the operational procedures for verification of the qualifications of recipients, and for the payment, of the pension and benefit payments, and other relevant matters, under the preceding paragraph.
Article 67
The payment amount of the monthly pension received by a staff member after retirement, or of the monthly bereavement compensation or survivor annuity received by survivors, will be adjusted when the cumulative growth rate of the consumer price index published by the central authority for budget, accounting, and statistics reaches plus or minus 5 percent. The adjustment ratio will be decided by the Executive Yuan jointly with the Examination Yuan, taking into consideration the economic environment of the nation, government finances, and the Pension Fund's reserve ratio. Otherwise, the payment amounts shall be reviewed at least once every four years. Provisions relating to the execution of such adjustments shall be set out in the Enforcement Rules to this Act.
If after an adjustment to the monthly pension received by a staff member after retirement or to the monthly bereavement compensation or survivor annuity received by survivors, the adjusted payment amount will exceed the originally received payment amount by 5 percent or greater or will be lower than the originally received payment amount, the adjustment shall require the approval of the Legislative Yuan.
Article 68
For a staff member who has years of service both before and after the implementation of the New Pension System, the pension and benefit payments and preferential deposit interest shall be disbursed in accordance with the following provisions:
1. For pension and benefit payments and preferential deposit interest receivable for years of service in employment before the implementation of the New Pension System, the competent authority shall prepare a budget for the disbursement thereof.
2. Pension and benefit payments receivable for years of service in employment after the implementation of the New Pension System shall be paid out of the Pension Fund.
3. For pension to be additionally paid pursuant to Article 33, paragraph 2 the competent authority shall prepare a budget for the disbursement thereof.
4. For lump-sum salary-and-allowance relief payment additionally paid under Article 41, the competent authority of the employing school shall prepare a budget for the disbursement thereof.
5. For the payments set out in the items listed below, the competent authorities at each level shall prepare a budget for the disbursement thereof:
(1)Additional lump-sum bereavement compensation awarded under Article 54, paragraph 2, subparagraph 1, item 2; additional bereavement compensation for death from an occupational cause awarded under Article 55, paragraph 3 and Article 57.
(2)Additional bereavement compensation awarded under Articles 58 and 59.
(3)Funeral and burial subsidy and meritorious service bereavement compensation awarded under Article 61.
Article 69
The right of a staff member or his or her survivors to claim pension and benefit payments may not be assigned, offset, attached, or provided as security. However, this restriction shall not apply in the case of distribution of a share of a staff member's pension under Article 83.
A recipient of pension or benefit payments may open a personal account at a financial institution to be used exclusively for the deposit of pension or benefit payments.
Funds deposited in a personal account referred to in the preceding paragraph may not be offset, attached, provided as security, or be an object of compulsory execution.
If a recipient of pension or benefit payments has received any payment from a false claim or has received any excess amount, the paying or disbursing agency shall verify and recover the falsely claimed or excess amount received, and shall not be be subject to the restrictions of paragraph 1 and the preceding paragraph.
Article 70
If the right of a staff member or any of his or her survivors to claim pension or benefit payments shall be suspended, terminated, or lost because of the occurrence of a statutory cause or because of the voidance or revocation of an administrative disposition, or if any thereof receive an excess amount of, or receive in error, any pension or benefit payment because of an erroneous payment by an agency or institution, the paying or disbursing agency shall issue a written administrative disposition ordering the party to return, within a certain deadline, the amount received in excess or errroneously from the date the right of claim should have been suspended, terminated, or lost. If the party does not return the amount by that deadline, it shall be subject to compulsory execution in accordance with the applicable provisions of the Compulsory Execution Act.
If an amount received in excess or erroneously by a person under the preceding paragraph is a regular payment, the paying or disbursing agency may notify the party that it will be recovered from the next and subsequent regular payments of the pension or benefit. If the party objects and has not yet returned the amount by another means, the paying or disbursing agency shall take the measures set out in the preceding paragraph.
In the case of a person who has received disbursement of a lump-sum pension payment or a Civil Servant and School Staff Insurance lump-sum old-age payment and has taken out a preferential-interest savings deposit, in the event that the pension or benefit payments claimed by the person are subject to suspension, termination, loss of entitlement, or lawful voidance or revocation, the preferential-interest savings deposit shall be terminated, and and shall be restored only when the cause has ceased to exist. If such deposit it is not duly terminated, the paying or disbursing agency shall take the recovery measures set out in paragraph 1.
If any person referred to in the preceding three paragraphs fails to return the returnable amount within the deadline and the responsibility for the failure is attributable to that party, the paying or disbursing agency shall charge interest at an annual interest rate of 2 percent, and shall take the recovery measures set out in paragraph 1.
When any party referred to in the preceding 4 paragraphs fails to meet the deadline to return the pension or benefit payments or preferential deposit interest received in excess or erroneously, or fails to return the full amount of the pension or benefit payments or preferential deposit interest received in excess or erroneously, if, before the paying or disbursing agency has recovered the excess or erroneous amount through compulsory execution under the Administrative Execution Act, the party once again retires, is severanced, or claims a lump-sum survivor benefit, survivor annuity, or bereavement compensation, the disbursing agency may verify and offset or recover that excess or erroneous amount from any pension or benefit payment approved and issued for that re-retirement, severance, or claim. The same shall apply to cases dating from before this Act has come into force.
Article 71
If the whereabouts of a retired staff member receiving a monthly or partial monthly pension or a survivor receiving monthly bereavement compensation or survivor annuity are unkown or the disbursing agency is unable to contact the person, payment of the pension, bereavement compensation, survivor annuity shall be suspended, and the institution hosting the preferential-interest savings deposit shall be notified to simultaneously suspend payment of the preferential deposit interest. The payment will subsequently be made up in accordance with regulations only after the retired staff member or survivor has personally made an application.
Article 72
If a retired staff member receiving a monthly or partial monthly pension or a survivor receiving monthly bereavement compensation or survivor annuity resides in the Mainland Area long-term, without obtaining household registration in the Mainland Area or holding a Mainland Area passport, the disbursing agency shall, during the period of his or her residence in the Mainland Area, suspend the payment of the pension, bereavement compensation, or survivor annuity. The payment will subsequently be made up in accordance with regulations only after the staff member has personally duly applied to instead receive a lump-sum pension payment or has returned to reside in Taiwan.
Article 73
The rights of a staff member or his or her survivors such as to claim pension and benefit payments and preferential deposit interest shall be exercised within the effective period for rights of claim under public law as set out in the Administrative Procedure Act.
If after a staff member resigns, the staff member subseqeuently serves in employment at a public or private entity or private school, and claims pension under the Labor Standards Act, the Labor Pension Act, the Private School Retirement and Compensation Act, or any regulation thereunder, the person may exercise the right under Article 10 to claim for return of the principal, with interest, of the Pension Fund premium originally contributed by the person himself or herself, by applying, no later than within 6 months from the date of reaching age 65, to the Pension Fund management institution for its return and the time limitation of the preceding paragraph shall not apply.
Article 74
Monthly consolation payments, or annual consolation payments to survivors of deceased staff members, that were already reviewed and approved before his Act comes into force, shall continue to be handled on the basis of the payment standards set out in the provisions that were originally applicable before the promulgation and enforcement of this Act.
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