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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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Chapter Law Content

Title: Income Tax Act CH
Category: Ministry of Finance(財政部)
Chapter 4 Assessment & Collection Procedure
Section 2 Annual Income Tax Return
Article 71
A taxpayer shall, within the period from May 1 to May 31 of each year, fill out and file to the tax collection authority-in-charge an annual income tax return declaring therein the items an amounts that make up his gross consolidated income (for an individual ) or the gross profit-seeking income (for a profit-seeking enterprise) for the preceding year together with the tax deductions/exemptions, and/or offsets associated therewith, if any. The taxpayer shall further calculate the amount of income tax actually payable by him / her or it by deducting the provisional income tax payment, the unused withholding tax and the amount of tax credit as specified in the provisions of Paragraph 4, Article 15 from the amount of the income tax payable for the whole year, and shall make payment voluntarily before filing the annual income tax return. However, the withholding tax from the income subject to separate taxation in accordance with the Act shall not be deductible.
A profit-seeking enterprise organized as a sole proprietorship or a partnership shall declare an annual income tax return as per the preceding Paragraph and be exempt from computing and making a tax payment before filing its income tax return; the amount of income of a profit-seeking enterprise shall be included in “Business Income” as defined in Category 1, Paragraph 1 of Article 14, and the consolidated income tax shall be levied in accordance with this Act. However, a sole proprietorship or a partnership recognized as a small-scale profit-seeking enterprise shall not file an annual income tax return; the amount of the profit-seeking enterprise income assessed by the collection authority shall be included in “Business Income” and the consolidated income tax shall be levied in accordance with this Act.
Filing of an annual income tax return shall be exempt for an individual residing in the territory of the Republic of China whose annual gross consolidated income does not exceed the sum of the amount of exemption plus the standard deduction for the current year provided, however, that if an application has been filed for refund of the tax withheld and the tax credit as specified in the provision of Paragraph 4, Article 15, or subject to separated taxation as stipulated in the provision of Paragraph 4, Article 15, the said taxpayer shall still be required to file the annual income tax return.
Article 71-1
In case an individual residing in the territory of the Republic of China dies in the taxable year, his taxable income occurred in the year of his death and in the previous year, except those who are exempt from filing an annual income tax return as provided in Article 71, shall be subject to the annual income tax return which shall be filed by the will executors, heirs or estate administrators within three months from the date of death of the decedent. In such a case, the will executors, heirs or estate administrators shall, within the total value of the estate, be responsible for all the obligations concerning the tax return. However in case the deceased in survived by his spouse who is an individual residing in the territory of the Republic of China, the spouse shall file the annual income tax return and make tax payment thereof in accordance with the provision of Article 71.
Any individual residing in the territory of the Republic of China, who abolishes his domicile or residence in the territory of the Republic of China and is going to leave the territory of the Republic of China, shall file his annual income tax return in the taxable year before his departure. However, in case the spouse in an individual residing in the territory of the Republic of China, and continues to live in the territory of the Republic of China, he(she) shall file the annual income tax return and make tax payment in accordance with the provisions of Article 71.
In conformity with the provisions of Paragraph 13 Article 4, an organization or institution established for educational, cultural, public welfare or charitable purposes or its operating subsidiary shall file its income tax return in accordance with the provisions of Article 71, and still shall pay income tax, if it is not qualified to be exempt from income tax.
Article 72
The period for filing annual income tax return as provided in Paragraph 1 of Article 71-1 may, before the time limit and under special circumstances, through the application of the will executors, or heirs, or estate administrator and upon the approval of the collection authority, be extended to a date not later than the time limit prescribed for filing estate tax.
Any taxpayer as provided in Paragraph 2 of Article 71-1 and Article 73 may, under special circumstances, not being able to file his tax return within the time limit personally and upon the approval of the collection authority, appoint an individual residing in the territory of the Republic of China to file tax return and make tax payment on his behalf. In the case of delinquent payment of failure to entrust a legally registered accountant or any other lawful agent to file the tax return and make tax payment on his behalf, the collection authority-in-charge may notify the exit/entry control office to deny exit clearance to such a taxpayer.
Article 73
In the case of an individual not residing in the territory of the Republic of China or a profit-seeking enterprise having no permanent establishment or business agent within the territory of the Republic of China, in the event of having income within the territory of the Republic of China as provided in Article 88, the income reporting provisions under Article 71 shall not apply and the tax withholder shall withhold the income tax payable in accordance with prescribed withholding rates. In case the taxpayer has income which does not fall within the withholding scope as provided in Article 88, and is going to leave the territory of the Republic of China prior to the time limit prescribed for filing income tax return in the taxable year, he shall file a tax return with the local collection authority-in-charge prior to his departure and make tax payment according to the prescribed tax rates, and in case he does not leave within the time limit prescribed for filing income tax return in the taxable year, he shall file a tax return and make tax payment in accordance with the regulations concerned.
In the case of a profit-seeking enterprise with no permanent establishment but having a business agent in the territory of the Republic of China, except where computation of income is made in accordance with Article 25 and 26 where income tax is withheld and paid in accordance with the provisions concerned, the business agent concerned shall be responsible for filing of income return with the local collection authority-in-charge and for payment of income tax in accordance with the provisions of this Act.
Article 73-1
Except for those which are tax-exempt according to the Act, all interests derived from loans extended to individuals, legal entities, government agencies or financial institutions within the territory of the Republic of China, by branches of international banking business institutions (Off-shore Banking Branches) shall be reported for tax assessment based on the total amount of interest received against the prescribed tax withholding rates within the time limit as stipulated in the provision of Article 71 of this Act.
Article 73-2
Article 74
Where a profit-seeking enterprise changes its fiscal year with the approval of the local collection authority-in-charge, it shall. Within one month from the date of change, file with the local collection authority-in-charge on a prescribed form the amount of income accured prior to the change, compute the income tax payable in accordance with the provisions of Article 40 and effect payment thereof voluntarily prior to filing its income tax return.
Article 75
A profit-seeking enterprise shall make its current final report up to the date of dissolution, closure, amalgamation or ownership transfer, and then its total business income and taxable amount on a prescribed form to the tax collection authority-in-charge within forty-five days, and further make payment voluntarily before filing the income tax return.
Any income earned from liquidation during the period of liquidation shall be reported on a prescribed form to the tax collection authority-in-charge within thirty days from the date of completion of liquidation, and the taxpayer shall, before filing his tax return, make payment voluntarily at the prescribed rates applicable to the profit-seeking enterprise in the taxable year. But this is not applicable to those enterprises which are exempt from the liquidation process in accordance with other acts.
The term "period of liquidation" as referred to in the preceding Paragraph for the company organization shall be the time limit in accordance with the Company Act; for the limited partnership organization shall be the time limit in accordance with the Limited Partnership Act; and for others shall be three months from the date of dissolution, closure, amalgamation, or ownership transfer.
A profit-seeking enterprise organized as a sole proprietorship or a partnership shall make its current final report or liquidation income report in accordance with Paragraphs 1 and 2 and be exempt from computing and making a tax payment before filing its income tax return. The amount of income of a profit-seeking enterprise shall be included in “Business Income” as defined in Category 1, Paragraph 1 of Article 14, and the consolidated income tax shall be levied in accordance with this Act.
However, a sole proprietorship or a partnership recognized as a small-scale profit-seeking enterprise need not make its current final report or liquidation income report. The collection authority shall assess the amount of profit-seeking enterprise income and incorporate the income into its sole proprietor’s or partners’ consolidated income and levy consolidated income tax in accordance with this Act.
In the case of failure to submit a current final report or liquidation income report within the time limit as provided in Paragraphs 1 and 2, the collection authority shall assess and determine the amount of business income and tax payable; if a profit-seeking enterprise is organized as a sole proprietorship or a partnership, the collection authority shall assess its taxable income, and incorporate the income into its sole proprietor’s or partners’ consolidated income and levy consolidated income tax in accordance with this Act.
In the event of bankruptcy, a profit-seeking enterprise shall, within ten days prior to the time limit prescribed for credit filing announced by the court, file its current business income tax return with the tax collection authority-in-charge. In the case of failure in filing tax return within the time limit, the collection authority shall assess and determine its amount of business income and taxable amount immediately according to the finding made by itself.
The court shall, at the same time of announcement of credit filing, notify the local collection authority of the bankruptcy declared on that profit-seeking enterprise.
Article 76
A taxpayer shall attach to his annual income tax return, receipts for taxes paid voluntarily, and other related documents of evidences and, in the case of a profit-seeking enterprise, also the balance sheet, inventory of properties and profit and loss statement.
At the time of filing an income tax return by a company, cooperative, or other juristic person, its responsible person shall submit a statement listing the names and residences of shareholders, members, or investors and the amount of dividends or earnings payable or paid. In the case of partnership, its responsible person shall submit a statement listing the names and residences of partners and their respective percentages of investment and profit or loss allocation.
Article 76-1
Article 77
Profit-seeking income tax return forms shall be used in accordance with the following provisions:
1. Ordinary return - to be used by profit-seeking enterprises other than those authorized to use the Blue return;
2. Blue return - to be used by profit-seeking enterprises duly authorized by tax collection authority. The Blue return refers to the tax form which is printed according to the prescribed form on blue paper and designed for encouraging profit-seeking enterprises to make honest reporting of their income. Rules governing the use of blue and simplified income return forms shall be prescribed by the Ministry of Finance;
There are two kinds of consolidated income return forms namely the general return and the simplified return. The forms and the usages thereof shall be prescribed by the Ministry of Finance.
Article 78
The local collection authority-in-charge shall at all times assist and urge taxpayers to file annual income tax returns within the prescribed period and shall, fifteen days prior to expiration thereof, send a reminder pointing out the responsibility associated with belated reporting.
Reminder as provided in the preceding paragraph may be sent in the form of a public notice.
Article 79
Where a taxpayer fails to file an annual income tax return within the prescribed period the collection authority shall serve a delinquent notice, requesting the taxpayer to complete annual income tax return within fifteen days from the date of receipt of the notice. In the event of failure in filing the annual income tax return after expiration of the prescribed period, the collection authority shall make provisional assessment of the amount of income and tax payable on the basis of available taxation data or the profit standard of the same trade and serve the taxpayer the assessment notices along with a tax demand notice. In case other taxation information is afterwards found out by the collection authority, the case shall be handled in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Tax Collection Act. Where a profit-seeking enterprise is organized as a sole proprietorship or a partnership, the collection authority shall assess its taxable income and incorporate the income into its sole proprietor’s or partners’ consolidated income and levy consolidated income tax in accordance with this Act.
The provisions of the preceding Paragraph shall not apply to a taxpayer subject to consolidated income tax. In the event of failure on the part of such a taxpayer in filing annual income tax return after expiration of the prescribed period, the collection authority shall forthwith determine the amount of income and tax payable based on the available taxation data or the profit standard of the same trade and notify the taxpayer of making tax payment within the time limit. In case any additional taxation data one afterwards discovered upon investigation by the collection authority, the case shall be still dealt with in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Tax Collection Act.
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)