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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

Print Time:2024/07/28 00:30

Chapter Law Content

Title: Land Act CH
Category: Ministry of the Interior(內政部)
Part III. Land Use
Chapter II. Restrictions on Land Use
Article 90
In cities and municipalities, lands to be used for roads, ditches, sewers, and other public purposes shall be delimited in advance accordingly to the City Planning Act.
Article 91
All the lands in cities and municipalities may, according to the City Planning Act, be demarcated into one area wherein the use of land is subject to restrictions and another area wherein the use of land is free.
Article 92
The Government may, according to Act, expropriate all the lands or part of them in a newly establish urban for the purpose of readjustment and consolidation in accordance with the Urban Planning Law, and resell the consolidated plots individually and severally at the purchase price originally paid plus an additional charge to cover the expenses required for replanning.
The lands subject to expropriate according to the provisions of the preceding paragraph may be so expropriated at different times and offered for development area by area. The lands in areas not yet offered for development may be reserved for expropriation, and any use thereof which obstructs the execution of the urban plan shall be prohibited.
Article 93
Lands which have been announced to be used as roads or for other public purposes according to the urban plan may be reserved for expropriation, and any construction thereon shall be prohibited except structures of a temporary nature.
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)