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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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Chapter Law Content

Title: Land Act CH
Category: Ministry of the Interior(內政部)
Part III. Land Use
Chapter I. General Provisions
Article 80
By land use shall be meant the utilization of land through the application of labor and capital.
Article 81
The Special Municipal or County (City) Land Administration Agency may, in consultation with other government authorities concerned, classify the lands under its jurisdiction into different categories for specific uses with reference to national economic policies and due consideration of local needs and the possible uses for which the nature of the lands is suitable.
Article 82
Any land which is classified for a specific use shall not be put to some other use, unless such other use is approved by the competent Special Municipal or County (City) Land Administration Agency.
Article 83
Any land which is classified for a specific use may continue to be utilized for its original purpose pending the time when such specific use begins.
Article 84
The classification of lands into different categories for specific uses or any subsequent changes therein shall be made by the competent Special Municipal or County (City) Land Administration Agency and announced by the Special Municipal or County (City) Government.
Article 85
After the classification of lands into different categories for specific uses has been announced, the superior Land Administration may issue instructions to make changes therein, if, in its judgment, some more important interests are to be served thereby or some more important uses justify such change.
Article 86
In respect of agricultural lands under its jurisdiction, the Special Municipal or County (City) Land Administration Agency may, in consultation with the competent agriculture and forestry authorities, prescribe the size of collective farms to be operated according to the methods of collective farming.
Regulations governing collective farms shall be separately prescribed by Act.
Article 87
Any land which is classified for constructional use but is not so used according to Act shall be regarded as vacant land.
Any land on which the value of constructional improvements is less than 20 per cent of its declared land value shall be regarded as vacant land.
Article 88
Any land which is classified for agricultural use or for other purposes of direct production but is not so used according to Act shall be regarded as uncultivated land. But this provision shall not apply to lands lying fallow as necessitated by agricultural production.
Article 89
In respect of private vacant lands and uncultivated lands under its jurisdiction, the Special Municipal or County (City) Land Administration Agency may mark off areas and prescribe a time limit within which such lands shall be duly used according to law.
If the private uncultivated lands referred to in the preceding paragraph are not duly used according to Act after the expiration of the prescribed time limit, the competent Special Municipal or County (City) Government may purchase them at their declared values.
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)