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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

Print Time:2024/07/18 04:31

Chapter Law Content

Title: Civil Code CH
Category: Ministry of Justice(法務部)
Part Ⅳ Family
Article 1122
A house is a community of relatives who live in the same household with the object of maintaining the common living permanently.
Article 1123
Each house shall institute a head.
Persons belong to the same house are, except the head of the house, the members of the house.
Persons who are not relatives but who live in the same household with the object of maintaining the common living permanently are deemed to be the members of the house.
Article 1124
The head of a house shall be elected from among the community of the relatives. If there is no such election, the headship shall fall on the person who is the highest in rank [of relationship]; or where the ranks are equal, on the person who is senior in age. Where the person who is the highest in rank [of relationship] or senior in age is unable or unwilling to manage the house affairs, he shall designate a member of the house to act for him.
Article 1125
The affairs of a house shall be managed by the head of the house, but he may entrust a part of its affairs to be looked after by the members of the house.
Article 1126
In the management of house affairs, the head of the house shall take care of the interests of all the members of the house.
Article 1127
A member of a house who has reached majority may demand to be separated from the house.
Article 1128
The head of a house may order a member of the house who has reached majority to be separated from the house, provided that he or she has a good cause for doing so.
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)