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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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Chapter Law Content

Title: Social Order Maintenance Act CH
Category: Ministry of the Interior(內政部)
Part 3 Sub-Provisions
Chapter 1 Public Nuisance
Article 63
People engaged in any of the following behaviors shall be punishable by detention of not more than three days or a fine of not more than of NTD 30,000:
1. Carrying harmful instruments, chemical compound, or other hazardous items without justifiable reasons.
2. Firing a gun without justifiable reasons.
3. Carrying tools for opening or tampering with doors, windows, locks, or other safety devices without justifiable reasons.
4. Placing, casting, or launching harmful articles in a way that may jeopardize another person’s body or property.
5. Spreading rumors in a way that is sufficient to undermine public order and peace.
6. Scaring another person by wearing a disguise of mask, or using other ways to a degree of that may undermine safety.
7. Running businesses that manufacture, transport, sell, or store flammable, explosive items or other dangerous items without prior permission from the competent authority; or running business equipment and methods that violate relevant regulations.
8. Manufacturing, transporting, selling, carrying, or publicly displaying instruments prohibited by the competent authority.
Severe or repeated violations prescribed in the subparagraph 7 and 8 of the preceding paragraph are subject to suspension or termination of business alone or each in combination with other penalties.
Article 64
People engaged in any of the following behaviors shall be punishable by detention of not more than 3 days or a fine of not more than NTD 18,000:
1. Intending to cause trouble by gathering a crowd at parks, stations, wharfs, airports, or other public places and refusing to leave that may hamper public order after having been ordered to disperse by the competent authorities.
2. Buying transportation or entertainment tickets with no intention to use and reselling them for profits.
3. Bus, boat, hotel service staff, porters or other reception staff who pester tourists or engage in aggressive solicitation of passengers.
4. Transportation drivers overcharging a passenger after a fare has been set, intentionally making the ride difficult for a passenger, or deceptively overcharging a passenger by an amount exceeding common practice.
5. Heading, controlling, or joining a gang that might undermine social order.
Article 65
People engaged in any of the following behaviors shall be punishable by detention of not more than 3 days or a fine of not more than NTD 18,000:
1. Sailing a boat in high wind or at night that may raise safety concern despite having been dissuaded.
2. Burying or relocating corpses of people whose death were non-disease related or suspected of non-disease related without reporting it to the authority for a death investigation.
3. Carrying toy guns that resemble real guns and may undermine safety without justifiable reasons.
4. Failure to pay attention to the storage and use of flammables articles or carrying or placing items that tend to cause fire near fuel despite having been dissuaded.
Article 66
People engaged in any of the following behaviors shall be punishable by-detention of not more than 3 days or a fine of not more than NTD 18,000:
1. Smoking, sniffing or injecting hallucinogenic drugs other than opiate or narcotic drugs.
2. Using another person’s identity or certificates.
Article 67
People engaged in any of the following behaviors shall be punishable by-detention of not more than 3 days and a fine of not more than NTD 12,000:
1. The person in charge or the manager of a business establishment to which specific people are not allowed to go does not dissuade them from entering the establishment despite knowing their identities and does not report it to the police authority.
2. Providing a false name, permanent or current residency or refusing to make a statement while being investigated or inspected by police in accordance with the law.
3. Filing a malicious accusation to the police against another person with intent of having them being punished by this Act.
4. Giving false testimony or interpretations to the police about another person’s violation of this Act.
5. Harboring or hiding offenders of this Act.
6. Forging, altering, destroying, or concealing evidence concerning someone else’s violations of this Act.
People who conduct any acts prescribed in subparagraphs 4 to 6 of the preceding paragraph to benefit their spouse, blood relatives within the fifth degree of kinship or in-laws within the third degree of kinship shall be subject to reprimands or be exempted from any punishments.
Article 68
People engaged in any of the following behaviors shall be punishable by detention of not more than 3 days or a fine of not more than NTD 12,000:
1. Setting fire without justifiable reasons at places near public places or houses and thus posing a public hazard.
2. Using an excuse to harass residents factories, businesses, public places or publicly accessible places.
3. Purchasing or peddling goods or demanding money aggressively.
Article 69
People engaged in any of the following behaviors shall be punishable by detention of not more than 3 days or a fine not more than NTD 12,000:
1. Collecting tolls higher than the amount authorized by the competent authorities or trying to block access to ferries, ports, bridges or roads.
2. Taking public transportation or entering a playground without a ticket or without paying the due fare and refusing to comply or to buy the ticket or to pay the full fare.
Article 70
People engaged in any of the following behaviors shall be punishable by detention of not more than 3 days or a fine of not more than NTD 12,000:
1. Raising dangerous animals that poses a hazard to neighbors.
2. Allowing dangerous animals to roam on the streets, buildings, or other places where people are present.
3. Encouraging or allowing animals to scare people.
Article 71
A person who enters a place to which access is prohibited by the competent authority despite having been dissuaded shall be punishable by a fine of not more than NTD 6,000.
Article 72
People engaged in any of the following behaviors shall be punishable by a fine of not more than NTD 6,000:
1. Getting drunk and rowdy, swearing, or making noises in public places or publicly accessible places despite having been dissuaded.
2. Blowing a police whistle or setting off other police alarming signals without justifiable reasons.
3. Making noises or talking loudly at midnight to disturb public tranquility.
Article 73
People engaged in any of the following behaviors shall be punishable by a fine of not more than NTD 6,000:
1. Quarrelling, fighting or making noises or troubles at schools, museums, libraries, exhibition halls, stadiums or other public places despite having been dissuaded.
2. Having not installed covers or protective barriers for ditches, wells, dents, or caves on the pathway within its business perimeters.
3. Lingering at an accident scene where an emergency is unfolding and obstructing rescue operations despite having been dissuaded.
4. Staining and damaging a shrine, church, tombstone a public memorial site or facilities.
Article 74
People engaged in any of the following behaviors shall be punishable by a fine of not more than NTD 6,000:
1. Wandering at midnight, looking suspicious. Giving no justifiable reasons while being questioned and posing a threat to public safety despite having been dissuaded.
2. Hiding in deserted or unattended buildings, mines, dugouts, cars, boats, or aircrafts without justifiable reasons and likely posing a threat to public safety.
3. Providing shelter to or hiring a person of unknown identity without reporting it to police authorities immediately and thus likely posing a threat to public safety.
4. Burning plants and objects on both sides of a road without prior permission from the police and thus likely undermining visibility for car drivers and traffic safety.
5. Gathering people for a wedding, funeral or religious parade without reporting the parade route to the police authorities and having obstructed traffic safety.
6. Retaining a corpse without putting it in a coffin or keeping a corpse in a house without burying it or using an excuse to make trouble by marching with a coffin or a corpse without justifiable reasons.
Article 75
People engaged in any of the following behaviors shall be punishable by a fine of not more than NTD 6,000:
1. Manipulating street lights or traffic signs without authorization.
2. Damaging street lights, traffic signs, roadside trees or other public facilities.
Article 76
People engaged in any of the following behaviors shall be punishable by a fine of not more than NTD 30,000:
1. Pawnshops, various processing, storage, trading, and repairing businesses failing to report dubious objects in a timely manner to the police authorities after becoming aware of them.
2. Not reporting discovered firearms, ammunition, or other explosives to the police authorities.
Severe or repeated violations as prescribed in subparagraph 1 of the preceding paragraph shall be subject to suspension or termination of business alone or each in combination with other penalties.
Article 77
The person in charge or manager of a public amusement arcade who allows children and teenagers to stay inside after midnight and does not report it to the police authority immediately shall be punishable by a fine of not more than NTD 15,000. Severe or repeated violations shall be subject to suspension or termination of business alone or each in combination with other penalties.
Article 78
People engaged in any of the following behaviors shall be punishable by a fine of not more than NTD15,000:
1. Making a photocopy, a reduced copy or an enlarged copy of current banknotes, and circulating or selling them.
2. Manufacturing, circulating, or selling counterfeit banknotes or coins.
Article 79
People engaged in any of the following behaviors shall be punishable by a fine of not more than NTD 3,000 or a reprimand:
1. Peddling in public places and blocking traffic despite having been dissuaded.
2. Hanging clothes to dry across alleys, lanes, or pathways despite having been dissuaded.
3. Abusing animals despite having been dissuaded.
Chapter 2 Vice
Article 80
Any of the following behaviors shall be punishable by a fine of not more than NTD 30,000:
1. Being engaged in sexual transactions. The punishment does not apply to circumstances prescribed in paragraph 1 to 3 of Article 91-1 of local government regulations.
2. Soliciting with the intent to commit prostitution in public places or publicly accessible places.
Article 81
Any of the following behaviors shall be punishable by detention of not more than three days and a fine between NTD 10,000 and NTD 50,000. A detention of up to five days may be imposed for an act with aggravated circumstances:
1. Procuring, The punishment shall not apply to procuring for prostitution prescribed in the Subparagraph 1 of the preceding article.
2. Soliciting with the intent to procure a prostitute in public places or publicly accessible places.
Article 82
Any of the following behaviors shall be punishable by detention of not more than three days or a fine of not more than NTD 12,000:
1. Begging in a public place or a publicly accessible place despite having been dissuaded
2. Singing a lewd song, playing an obscene video, or performing other obscene skills in public places or publicly accessible places.
When the song or video mentioned in the preceding two paragraphs is sung or played in a theater, a storytelling store, a night club, a dance club or other similar establishments, termination of business or suspension of business or each along with other punishments may be imposed for severe or repeated violation.
Article 83
Any of the following behaviors shall be punishable by a fine of not more than NTD 6,000:
1. Intentionally peeping into another person’s bedroom, bathroom, restroom, or dressing room that has constituted a privacy invasion.
2. Wantonly exposing one’s naked body or presenting lascivious posture in a public place or publicly accessible place that has constituted a violation of moral code despite having been dissuaded.
3. Harrassing people with obscene words, acts, or other ways.
Article 84
A person who gambles on property in non-public places or non-publicly accessible casinos shall be punishable by a fine of not more than NTD 9,000.
Chapter 3 Interference with Public Duties
Article 85
Any of the following behaviors shall be punishable by detention or a fine of not more than NTD 12,000:
1. Using obviously inappropriate language or actions against government officials who are carrying out their duties in accordance with the law, yet not to the degree of using coercion or hurling an insult.
2. Gathering people and making noises to interfere with government officials who are performing their official duties.
3. Making a false disaster report purposely to government officials.
4. Dialing the police hotline for no good reason especially after being asked not to.
Article 86
Any person who willfully makes noises or sells goods at government agencies or other office buildings and persists despite having been dissuaded shall be subject to a fine of not more than NTD 3,000 or a reprimand.
Chapter 4 Interference with Another Person’s Body and Properties
Article 87
Any of the following behaviors shall be punishable by a fine of not more than NTD18,000:
1. Inflicting violence upon others.
2. Fighting.
3. Gathering people for the purpose of fighting.
Article 88
Any of the following behaviors shall be punishable by a fine of not more than NTD 3,000:
1. Setting free another person’s animal, boat and raft, or other goods or driving another person’s car or boat without permission.
2. Freely plucking someone’s trees, vegetables and fruits, flowers, or other plants.
Article 89
Any of the following behaviors shall be punishable by a fine of not more than NTD 3,000 or a reprimand:
1. Hypnotizing or administering medication to others without justifiable reasons.
2. Stalking another person without justifiable reasons despite having been dissuaded.
Article 90
Any of the following behaviors shall be punishable by a fine of not more than NTD 3,000 or a reprimand:
1. Staining and damaging another person’s house inscription, store sign, or other notices or signs.
2. Posting, smearing, painting or engraving on another person’s transportation, wall, house, or other buildings without permission.
Article 91
Any of the following behaviors shall be punishable by a fine of not more than NTD 1,500 or a reprimand:
1. Staining or wetting another person’s body, clothes, or belongings to a severe degree.
2. Trampling on another person’s farming land on purpose or releasing livestock onto the land.
3. Fishing or raising livestock without permission in another person’s land despite having been dissuaded.
4. Digging out stone and soil, disposing of waste or fetching water without permission in another person’s land despite having been dissuaded.
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)