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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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Chapter Law Content

Chapter XI Special Management Measures for High Risk Fishing Vessels
Article 70
Matters related to the management of high risk fishing vessels categorized by the competent authority shall be governed by this Chapter. Matters not stipulated in this Chapter shall be governed by these Regulations.
Article 71
Any distant water fisheries operator of the high risk fishing vessels shall, starting from the date that the competent authority informs the distant water fisheries operator of such vessel, comply with the special management measures as follows:
(1) Any high risk fishing vessel shall not engage in fisheries cooperation by means of being chartered to any foreigner.
(2) For each fishing trip of such vessel, the observer dispatched by the competent authority shall be carried on board, or the functional electronic monitoring equipment shall be installed on board before leaving a port. For such vessel that has carried on board the observer who meets the requirement of the international fisheries organization(s), it shall be exempted.
(3) Vessel positions shall be transmitted in accordance with Chapter VI.
(4) Catch reports shall be conducted in accordance with provisions stipulated in Chapter VII.
(5) Such vessel shall not conduct at-sea transshipment.
(6) For transshipment in port, the Transshipment Notification shall be filled in to apply for the approval of the competent authority, no later than seven days before the estimated date for transshipment.
(7) For landing in port, the Advance Notice of Landing shall be filled in to apply for the approval of the competent authority, no later than seven days before the estimated date for landing.
(8) In case of transshipment or landing in port, inspections shall be conducted by the competent authority or the independent third party.
Article 72
In the event that any high risk fishing vessel does not violate any regulation for one year starting from the date of being listed as high risk fishing vessel, such vessel shall be de-listed and exempted from the special management measures.
Article 72-1
For the purpose of these Regulations, the catch amount is the unprocessed round weight.
The conversion factors between the weights of processed fish and round fish are as shown in Appendix 15.
Article 72-2
For any fishing vessel stranded or damaged on the high seas or in the EEZ of other country and thus affecting navigation or berthing of other vessels or at the risk of ocean pollution, the concerned distant water fisheries operator shall take necessary action(s). The competent authority may require he/she who fails to do so to take action(s) within a timeframe
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)