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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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Chapter Law Content

Title: Industrial Water Pollution Control Measure Management Regulations CH
Category: Environmental Protection Administration(行政院環境保護署)
Chapter 10 Discharge and Other Effluent Management Matters
Article 34
The effluent standards for building sewage treatment facilities shall apply to that domestic sewage produced in the office premises, employee dormitories or other activity premises or buildings of an enterprise insofar as it has not contacted any type of industrial waste, and to effluent to be recycled pursuant to Article 29 in any of said premises.
Article 35
If an enterprise obtains water from a water body to use for cooling or cycle purposes, that uncontacted cooling water may be directly released into the original water body if water temperature and pH comply with control limits and other water quality items do not exceed those of intake water.
Article 36
Enterprises may discharge effluent only through discharge points permitted by the competent authority.
Article 37
Enterprises' effluent discharge points shall comply with the following regulations.
1.They shall be installed before the effluent enters the receiving water body, and shall leave sufficient for the competent authority to take samples from outside the periphery. Those enterprises that encounter installation difficulties due to insufficient space, and have obtained the approval of the competent authority, shall not be subject to this restriction.
2.The water shall be well mixed and of uniform quality in those sumps installed at discharge points. Any mixing facilities shall be considered to be a part of the discharge point.
3.Discharge points shall be equipped with cumulative-type water volume measurement facilities to monitor effluent volume.
4.Notices shall be installed.
5.Other items designated by the competent authority.
If installation of the cumulative-type water volume measurement facilities in Subparagraph 3 of the foregoing paragraph poses substantial difficulties, those enterprises that obtain the consent of the competent authority may use alternative measurement facilities or measurement methods sufficient to verify effluent volume.
Article 38
Installation of discharge point notices in Subparagraph 4 of the foregoing article shall comply with the following regulations.
1.Notices shall record the name, control serial number, discharge point serial number, and the maximum actual daily effluent volume of the enterprise.
2.Notices may not be less that 32cm in length and 15cm in width. Background color shall be white, and text shall be in black characters. Characters may not be smaller than a 1.5cm square in size. Irrelevant designs may not be arbitrarily added (see attached diagram 1).
3.Notices shall be attached to the sides of sampling sites. Notices shall be in readily visible locations, and may not be more than two meters higher than the discharge point.
4.Notices shall be made of strong, sturdy materials. The marked text shall be clear and easily-visible; notices that are damaged or unclear shall be replaced immediately.
5.Notices shall be firmly held in place, so that they are not easily moved.
6.Those enterprises that have already installed discharge point notices pursuant to official letter Huan-Shu-Shui-Tzu No. 37271 issued on November 1, 1990 by the central competent authority may continue to use existing notices.
Article 39
Those enterprises discharging effluent into the sea by means of pipelines shall install discharge point at appropriate locations between the joint treatment plant and the marine discharge pipelines. Those enterprises that have not established a joint treatment plant shall install discharge points at appropriate location between the enterprises' boundaries and the marine discharge pipelines.
Article 40
Industrial effluent may not be released by bypass discharge. However, the enterprise shall not be subject to this restriction when one of the following circumstances applies.
1.In an emergency situation, personnel or treatment equipment cannot be saved without bypass discharge.
2.An effluent treatment facility has suffered a malfunction, and is in compliance with Article 59 of this Act.
3.There is no appropriate alternative discharge method apart from bypass discharge during routine maintenance of pollution control equipment.
4.Those enterprises that may use bypass discharge pursuant to Article 32, Paragraph 3 and Article 33, Paragraph 3.
Enterprises in Subparagraph 1 of the foregoing paragraph shall report to the competent authority within three hours after bypass discharge occurs, and shall record the circumstances of the bypass discharge for audit by the competent authority. Those enterprises in Subparagraph 3 of the foregoing paragraph shall apply to the competent authority for approval ten days before implementing pollution control equipment maintenance, and may not perform maintenance without approval.
Article 41
Those enterprises that wish to discharge industrial effluent into irrigation canals may not do so until they have obtained the consent of the management agency (organization) or owner, and shall adopt water pollution prevention measures apart from discharge in accordance with relevant regulations.
Article 42
If enterprises perform effluent discharge, storage, dilution, injection into groundwater bodies, soil treatment, or bypass discharge not in accordance with regulations without having obtained permission, apart from being subject to the punishments designated in this Act, the discharge points and relevant facilities of the enterprise shall be sealed or removed within a limited time period in accordance with the orders of the competent authority.
Article 43
The effluent surface may not have scum or other floating material.
In those circumstances in which a visible deposit of sludge forms below where effluent is discharged from a pipeline or near where effluent enters a water body, the enterprise shall clean up the sludge on its own, or shall remove it within a limited time period in accordance with the orders of the competent authority.
Article 44
Those enterprises that treat and discharge mixed wastewater from two or more different types of industry shall comply with the effluent standards for those industry types.
In those circumstances in which the controlled water quality items of each said industry type in the foregoing paragraph are identical, wastewater from one industry type accounts for 75% or more of total wastewater volume, and the enterprise has installed cumulative-type water volume measurement facilities or uses a measurement method approved by the competent authority sufficient to prove water volume, the enterprise may apply to the competent authority to control common items using the effluent standards of the said industry type.
The percentage of total wastewater volume in the foregoing paragraph shall be calculated using records from the previous half year.
Article 45
Those enterprises that install and use cumulative-type water volume measurement facilities shall install, calibrate, and maintain said facilities in accordance with the specifications of the maker, so that they provide the functionality of those types of cumulative-type water volume measurement facilities.
The cumulative-type water volume measurement facility specifications in the foregoing paragraph may not, within the scope of measurable flow, have an error in excess of 10% of the actual value. Those circumstances in which motor operating time is used to calculate flow of uncontacted cooling water not used cyclically shall not be subject to this restriction.
Cumulative-type water volume measurement facilities and other recording facilities shall be sealed with lead. The competent authority shall apply the lead seal, which may not be arbitrarily destroyed.
Enterprises shall report to the competent authority before breaking the seal on cumulative-type water volume measurement facilities and performing calibration, maintenance or replacement. Water volume shall still be recorded during the calibration or maintenance period. Enterprises shall request the competent authority to apply a lead seal within one week after performing calibration or maintenance.
Those enterprises in the foregoing paragraph that, due to technological or manpower limitations, are unable to perform calibration or maintenance in a timely manner, and have obtained the approval of the competent authority, shall not be subject to this restriction.
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)