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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

Print Time:2024/07/28 00:34

Chapter Law Content

Title: Labor Standards Act CH
Category: Ministry of Labor(勞動部)
Chapter Ⅹ Supervision and Inspection
Article 72
To enforce the Act, other labor statutes and administrative regulations, the Central Competent Authority shall either establish a labor inspection agency or delegate this power to the competent authorities in the municipal cities. The local competent authority may also as necessary, dispatch staff members to conduct inspections.
The organizational structure of the labor inspection agency referred to in the preceding paragraph shall be prescribed by the Central Competent Authority.
Article 73
An inspector in the course of performing his official duties shall display the Labor Inspection badge. No business entity may reject such inspection. In the event the said business entity rejects inspection, the inspector may enforce the visit in concert with the local competent authority or the police.
An inspector in the course of performing official visit may request the business entity to produce necessary reports, records, books of account and other relevant documents or written explanations as prescribed by the provisions of the Act. If it becomes necessary for the inspector to obtain any raw materials, supplies, samples, or information, a prior notice shall be given to the employer or his agent and a receipt shall be issued to acknowledge the materials given to him.
Article 74
A worker, upon discovery of any violation by the business entity of the Act and other labor laws or administrative regulations, may file a complaint to the employer, competent authorities or inspection agencies.
An employer may not terminate, transfer, reduce the wages of, or harm the rights and benefits in accordance with the law, contract or norm of such a worker nor take any unfavorable measures against the worker who files a complaint in accordance with the preceding paragraph.
If the employer commits any of the actions mentioned in the preceding paragraph, that action shall be null and void.
Upon receipt of a complaint of the type from the first paragraph, the competent authority or the inspection agency shall conduct the necessary investigations and notify the worker in writing of its handling within sixty days.
The competent authority or the inspection agency shall keep the identity of the complainant confidential and shall not disclose any information which might reveal the identity of the complainant.
For those who violate the provisions of the preceding paragraph, in addition to civil servants being held liable to criminal laws and administratively responsible, shall be liable for damages to the worker.
The central competent authority shall establish the rules and regulations for competent authorities regarding the confidentiality of accepting reported complaints and other matters that must be complied with.
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)