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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

Print Time:2024/07/01 23:19

Chapter Law Content

Part 1 General Provisions
Chapter 7 Combined Punishment for Several Offenses
Article 50
Punishments for several offenses committed before judgment is finalized shall be combined. This provision does not apply to one of the following circumstances:
1.the punishment which may be commuted to a fine and the punishment which may not be commuted to a fine.
2. the punishment which may be commuted to a fine and the punishment which may not community service
3. the punishment which may community service and the punishment which may not be commuted to a fine.
4. the punishment which may community service and the punishment which may not community service
In the preceding section exists, if the sentenced request the prosecutor to apply to ascertain the sentence execution pursuant, pursuant to Article 51.
Article 51
In combining punishments for multiple offenses, the punishment for each offense shall be pronounced separately and executed in accordance with the following provisions:
1. When multiple death sentences have been pronounced, only one death sentence shall be executed.
2. When the most severe sentence pronounced is the death sentence, no other punishment except fines and ancillary punishments shall be executed.
3. When multiple sentences of life imprisonment have been pronounced, only one life imprisonment sentence shall be executed.
4. When the most severe sentence pronounced is life imprisonment, no other punishment except fines and ancillary punishments shall be executed.
5. When multiple sentences of imprisonment have been pronounced, the period of punishment shall be fixed at not less than the longest period of these punishments and not more than the sum of the periods of these punishments, but shall not exceed thirty years.
6. When multiple sentences of short-term imprisonment have been pronounced, the period of punishment to be executed shall be fixed in accordance with the preceding subparagraph but shall not exceed one hundred and twenty days.
7. When multiple fines have been pronounced, the amount of the fine to be paid shall be fixed at not less than the largest of these fines and not more than the sum of these fines.
8. When multiple deprivations of citizen’s rights for a definite period have been pronounced, only the longest one shall be executed.
9. All the punishments fixed in accordance with subparagraphs 5 through 8 shall be executed together; provided the punishments to be executed are imprisonment for not less than three years and a short-term imprisonment, the short-term imprisonment shall not be executed.
Article 52
After the judgment of combined punishments for several offenses has been finalized, a separate decision shall be made for an offense committed before but discovered after the judgment
Article 53
When there exists two or more judgments, the punishments shall be fixed in accordance with the provisions of Article 51 on combining punishments for several offenses.
Article 54
After a judgment of combined punishments has been finalized, if any of these offenses is pardoned, the punishment for the remaining offenses shall be fixed in accordance with the provision of Article 51. When only one offense remains not pardoned, the punishment shall be executed as pronounced.
Article 55
Where an act constitutes several offenses, only the most severe punishment shall be imposed. The punishment so imposed shall be not less than the minimum principal punishment for the least severe offense.
Article 56
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)