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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

Print Time:2024/07/23 00:27

Chapter Law Content

Chapter I - General Provisions
Article 1
This Act is enacted for the purpose of promoting the national energy policy, improving the efficiency of energy use, elevating the technology of the refrigeration and air conditioning enterprises, promoting the upgrading of the refrigeration and air conditioning industry, purifying indoor air quality and protecting the health of all citizens.
Article 2
The competent authority shall mean the Ministry of Economic Affairs in the case of the central government; the municipal government in the case of a municipality; or the county/city government in the case of a county/city.
Article 3
The refrigeration and air conditioning enterprises under this Act shall mean enterprises engaging in manufacturing freezing equipment, refrigeration equipment, air conditioning equipment, environmental control equipment, clean rooms, chillers, energy storage equipment, and ventilation equipment as well as planning, designing, supervising the construction of, appraising, inspecting, constructing, installing, testing, servicing and maintaining related engineering work.
The planning, designing and construction supervision of the engineering work under the preceding Paragraph shall be carried out in accordance with the Professional Engineers Act and the applicable laws and regulations.
Where the equipment as referred to in the first Paragraph of this Article is not for public use, the simple designs, construction supervision, installations or maintenance thereof are not subject to this Act.
Article 4
When used in this Act, the following terms shall be defined as follows:
1. Freezing equipment: Equipment capable of lowering the temperature to below 0℃.
2. Refrigeration equipment: Equipment capable of lowering the temperature to below 10℃ but above 0℃.
3. Air conditioning equipment: Equipment capable of controlling and adjusting the quality of indoor air temperature, humidity, etc.
4. Environmental control equipment: Equipment that provides indoor environmental control needed by industrial manufacturing processes.
5. Clean room: Special air treatment equipment that controls environmental factors, such as air particles, micro-organisms, temperature, humidity, air pressure, type of air pressure motion, and air movement.
6. Chiller: Refrigerating equipment that provides chilled water and brine needed by refrigeration and air conditioning systems and processes.
7. Energy storage equipment: Storage tanks and equipment needed for freezing, refrigeration or air conditioning.
8. Ventilation equipment: air conditioning equipment capable of intake of or output of air.
9. Full-time technician: A person having a refrigeration and air conditioning installation and repair technician license.
10. Full-time engineer: A person having a refrigeration and air conditioning engineer, electrical engineer or mechanical engineer license.
Article 5
A refrigeration and air conditioning enterprise shall not operate unless it has received a permit from the competent authority in the municipality or county/city where the enterprise is located, has obtained a business registration certificate, and joins a refrigeration and air conditioning engineering industrial board of trade within one month.
The board of trade shall not unreasonably reject a membership application under the preceding Paragraph.
Article 6
The central competent authority may entrust or commission the competent authority in a municipality or county/city to grant a permit to a refrigeration and air conditioning enterprise, approve its registration, revoke or rescind the permit, revoke or rescind the registration, order it to suspend business or wind up its business, grant incentives or impose punishments, issue registration certificates and perform other relevant tasks.
Article 7
A refrigeration and air conditioning enterprise shall faithfully operate its business using its expert knowledge and shall not commit unjust acts in violation of its professional responsibilities when performing designated or entrusted duties.
If a refrigeration and air conditioning enterprise causes damage to its principal or interested party due to negligence, the enterprise shall be liable for damages.
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)