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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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Chapter Law Content

Title: Sand and Gravel Excavation Act CH
Category: Ministry of Economic Affairs(經濟部)
Chapter 1 General
Article 1
To excavate sand and gravel resources rationally, protect natural environments, integrate administrative system, and prevent inappropriate sand and gravel excavation that may result in related hazards, this Act is then made accordingly for the purpose of achieving sustained national development. Provisions of other Acts shall apply when such are not included in this Act.
Article 2
The Government authority as referred hereunder shall be Ministry of Economic Affairs at Central Government, Municipal Government at Municipal City and County (City) Governments at County (City).
Article 3
To excavate sand and gravel, the excavation permit need to be obtained according to the regulations listed in this Act. However, if the following conditions occur, the acquisition of the excavation permit shall be exempted.
1. Small quantity sand and gravel excavation for household usage.
2. Sand and gravel obtained through land preparation and construction related works.
3. Sand and gravel obtained along with the mining operation in which sand and gravel are co-existed with the mineral deposit in the same mine of the owner of mine operation right.
4. Sand and gravel obtained for the purpose of urgent reconstruction of public works due to natural disaster.
5. Sand and gravel obtained for important construction work initiated by governmental departments.
6. Brick, tile or ceramic industries excavate sand and gravel for it own usage.
The location, acreage, quantity and excavation duration of the sand and gravel excavation administrative regulations listed in above paragraphs 1 to 5 shall be determined by Central Government Authority.
Article 4
The terminology used in this Act are defined as follows:
1. Sand and gravel: Natural resources such as soil (including clay and silt) , sand, gravel and stone, etc which are not included in Article 3 of MiningAct along with other minerals.
2. Land sand and gravel: The sand and gravel deposited in land.
3. River and water sand and gravel: The sand and gravel deposited in river and lake and their vicinity area.
4. Costal and sea sand and gravel: The sand and gravel deposited along the costal line and outside of costal line.
5. Sand and gravel excavation area: The field that is approved for sand and gravel excavation by Government Authority.
6. Sand and gravel excavation field: The site that is used for sand and gravel excavation, storage, and its related operations such as handling, crushing, washing and beneficiation.
7. Sand and gravel excavation person: Person or entity who hold the sand and gravel excavation permit.
8. Person who is responsible for sand and gravel excavation field: Person who actually managing the overall operation of sand and gravel excavation field.
9. Technical manager of the sand and gravel excavation field: The technical person who managing the technical and safety aspects of the sand and gravel field.
10. Total quantity control: The restrictive measures imposed to control the total quantity of sand and gravel excavation for a specific area.
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)