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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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Chapter Law Content

Title: Gender Equity Education Act CH
Category: Ministry of Education(教育部)
Chapter 1 General Provisions
Article 1
This Act is prescribed in order to promote substantive gender equality, eliminate gender discrimination, uphold human dignity, and improve and establish the education resources and environment for gender equality.
The definitional scope of a campus sexual harassment incident shall be determined in accordance with the provisions of this Act. In cases where the relationship between the parties involved does not fall within the definitional scope stipulated in this Act, the relevant provisions of the Gender Equality in Employment Act or the Sexual Harassment Prevention Act shall be applied as appropriate to the circumstances.
Article 2
The competent authority as referred to in this Act shall be as follows: in the central government, the Ministry of Education; in special municipalities, the municipal government; in counties (cities), the county (city) government.
When handling matters specified in this Act at military academies, preparatory schools, police academies of all levels, and juvenile correctional institutions, the competent authority with jurisdiction shall be deemed the competent authority as referred to in this Act.
When matters specified in this Act involve the affairs of competent authorities with their responsibilities, each shall comply with this Act in its handling of these matters.
Article 3
The following terms that appear in this Act are hereby defined:
1. Gender equity education: to generate respect for gender diversity, eliminate gender discrimination and promote substantive gender equality through education.
2. School, teacher, staff, worker, and student:
1. School: public and private schools of all levels, military academies, preparatory schools, police academies of all levels, and juvenile correctional institutions.
2. Teacher: full-time instructors, part-time instructors, acting faculty, substitute teachers, military instructors, volunteer teaching assistants, education interns directly involved in teaching, education internship program supervisors, and other individuals engaged in teaching or research.
3. Staff (member) or worker: individuals other than those listed above who perform fixed or regular school-related duties, volunteers assisting in school operations, student affairs innovation specialists, and individuals as designated by the central competent authority.
4. Student: individuals currently enrolled at a school, individuals not currently enrolled but in the process of transitioning from enrollment in one school to another within the educational system, continuing education program enrollees, exchange students, educational internship students or trainees, and other individuals as designated by the central competent authority.
3. Gender-related incident on campus: incidents in which one party is a school principal, teacher, staff member, worker, or student, and the other party is a student, and which meets one of the following conditions:
i) Sexual assault: acts constituting criminal sexual assault as defined in the Sexual Assault Crime Prevention Act.
ii) Sexual harassment: acts meeting one of the following criteria but not constituting sexual assault:
1. Engaging in unwelcome sex- or gender-related speech or behavior, whether explicit or implied, which adversely affect the other party's personal dignity, learning, or work opportunities or performance.
2. Sex- or gender-related behavior that serves as the condition for oneself or others to gain or lose rights or interests in learning or work.
iii) Sexual bullying: ridicule, attacks, or threats directed at another person’s gender characteristics, gender temperaments, sexual orientation, or gender identity by using verbal, physical or other forms of violence will be under the category of sexual bullying not sexual harassment.
iv) Sex- or gender-related behavior by a principal or faculty member that violates professional ethical standards: cases where a principal or faculty member develops an intimate relationship with an underage student, or exploits an unequal power relationship in the course of teaching, providing guidance to, training, evaluating, managing, or counseling a student, or providing a work opportunity to a student, to develop a relationship that violates professional ethical standards in the context of sex- or gender-related interpersonal interactions.
4. Gender identity: an individual's perception and acceptance of his or her own gender.
Article 4
The central competent authority shall establish a gender equity education committee whose tasks include:
1. Draft laws, regulations, policies and annual projects related to gender equity education at national level.
2. Coordinate and integrate related resources, assist and fund the regional competent authority and schools and social education institutions under its jurisdiction in order to implement and develop gender equity education.
3. Supervise and evaluate gender equity-related activities carried out by the regional competent authority, schools and social education institutions under its jurisdiction under its jurisdiction.
4. Promote research and development of curricula, teaching, and assessments on gender equity education and related issues.
5. Plan and implement gender equity education personnel training programs.
6. Provide consultation services related to gender equity education, and investigate and handle cases pertinent to this Act.
7. Promote gender equity in family education and social education at national level.
8. Other matters related to gender equity education at national level.
Article 5
The competent authority of the municipal government at municipal level and the county or city government at county or city level shall establish a gender equity education committee whose tasks include:
1. Draft regional laws and regulations, policies and annual projects related to gender equity education.
2. Coordinate and integrate related resources, assist and fund the regional competent authority and schools and social education institutions under its jurisdiction in order to implement and develop gender equity education.
3. Supervise and evaluate gender equity-related activities carried out by schools and social education institutions under its jurisdiction.
4. Promote research on curricula, teaching, and assessments on gender equity education and related issues.
5. Provide schools and social education institutions under its jurisdiction consultation service related to gender equity education, and investigate and handle cases pertinent to this Act.
6. Implement in-service education programs for faculty and personnel in schools under its jurisdiction.
7. Promote gender equity in family education and social education.
8. Other regional matters related to gender equity education.
The competent authorities for military academies, preparatory schools, police academies of all levels, and juvenile correctional institutions shall establish gender equity education committees with the following responsibilities:
1. Provide appropriate resources to assist the schools under their jurisdiction in implementing and developing gender equity education.
2. Supervise and assess the implementation of gender equity education-related work at the schools under their jurisdiction.
3. Handle matters related to gender equity education at the schools under their jurisdiction as stipulated in Article 5, Article 6, and other relevant provisions.
Article 6
The school shall establish a gender equity education committee whose tasks include:
1. Integrate related resources in various departments of the school, draft gender equity education projects, and implement and examine the results of the projects.
2. Plan and implement activities related to gender equity education for students, staff, faculty, and parents.
3. Research, develop and promote courses, teaching, and assessments on gender equity education.
4. Plan implementation of gender equity education and regulations for preventing and handling of gender-related incidents on campus, establish mechanisms to coordinate and integrate related resources.
5. Investigate and handle cases pertinent to this Act.
6. Plan and establish a safe and gender-fair campus.
7. Promote gender equity in family education and social education at community level.
8. Other matters related to gender equity at school or community level.
Article 7
The gender equity education committee of the central competent authority shall consist of seventeen to twenty-three members, who shall serve for specific terms. The Minister of Education shall be chair of the committee. Committee members shall have an awareness of gender equity and not engage in behaviors contrary to gender equity. At least half of the committee members shall be women. Experts, scholars, NGO/NPO representatives, student representatives, and practitioners from fields related to gender equity education shall make up at least two-thirds of the committee members.
The aforesaid committee shall hold at least one meeting every three months, and appoint staff to handle related matters. The means of the committee's organization, meetings, committee member qualifications, duration of appointment, grounds for dismissal, dismissal procedure, and other related matters shall be prescribed by the central competent authority.
Article 8
The gender equity education committee of the municipal government and county or city level shall consist of nine to twenty-three members, who shall serve specific terms. The mayor of the municipality, the magistrate of the county or the mayor of the city government shall be chair of the committee. Committee members shall have an awareness of gender equity and not engage in behaviors contrary to gender equity. At least half of the committee members shall be women. Experts, scholars, NGO/NPO representatives, student representatives, and practitioners from fields related to gender equity education shall make up at least one-third of the committee members.
The aforesaid committee shall hold at least one meeting every three months, and appoint staff member(s) ad hoc to handle related matters. Guidelines regarding the committee's organization, meetings, committee member qualifications, duration of appointment, grounds for dismissal, dismissal procedure, and other related matters shall be prescribed by the central competent authority. Competent authorities at the municipal and county (city) level shall, in accordance with these guidelines, prescribe autonomous regulations governing their gender equity education committees.
The gender equity education committees of the competent authorities for military academies, preparatory schools, police academies of all levels, and juvenile correctional institutions shall consist of nine to twenty-three members, with fixed terms of appointment. The head official of the competent authority with jurisdiction over schools shall serve as the chairperson of the committee. Committee members shall have an awareness of gender equity and not engage in behaviors contrary to gender equity. At least half of the committee members shall be women. Committee members who are experts in fields related to gender equity education shall account for at least half of total committee membership.
The aforesaid committees shall hold at least one meeting every three months and appoint staff member(s) ad hoc to handle related matters. The means of the committees' organization, meetings, committee member qualifications, duration of appointment, grounds for dismissal, dismissal procedure, tasks that may be delegated to affiliated agencies, and other related matters shall be prescribed by the competent authority with jurisdiction over schools.
Article 9
The gender equity education committee of the school shall consist of five to twenty-one members, who shall serve specific terms. The school principal or president shall be chair of the committee. The committee members shall have an awareness of gender equity and not engage in behaviors contrary to gender equity. At least one half of the committee members shall be women. Representatives of faculty, staff, parents, students, and experts and scholars from fields related to gender equity education may be invited to be committee members.
The aforesaid committee shall hold at least one meeting every three months, and appoint a staff member or teacher ad hoc to handle related matters. Guidelines regarding the committee's organization, meetings, committee member qualifications, duration of appointment, grounds for dismissal, dismissal procedure, and other related matters shall be prescribed by the central competent authority. Schools shall, in accordance with these guidelines, prescribe relevant regulations governing their gender equity education committees.
Article 10
The competent authority shall designate budgeting in accordance with all the projects planned by its gender equity education committee.
Article 11
The competent authority shall supervise schools, social education institutions, or institutions under its jurisdiction to carry out tasks pertinent to gender equity education, as well as provide assistance where necessary. Those who accomplish significant achievements shall be awarded, whereas those who have substandard achievements shall be corrected and supervised for improvement.
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)