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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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Chapter Law Content

Chapter I General Principles
Article 1
These Regulations are adopted in accordance with the provisions of Article 36-1 of the Securities and Exchange Act ("the Act").
Article 2
Public companies shall handle the acquisition or disposal of assets in compliance with these Regulations; provided, where financial laws or regulations provide otherwise, such provisions shall govern.
When banks, insurance companies, bill finance companies, securities firms, futures commission merchants, leverage transaction merchants, or other financial enterprises whose operation requires special approval, conduct derivatives trading business or engage in derivatives trading, they shall do so in accordance with the provisions of the other laws and regulations that govern their sectors, and are exempt from the provisions of Chapter II, Section IV herein.
Article 3
The term "assets" as used in these Regulations includes the following:
1.Investments in stocks, government bonds, corporate bonds, financial bonds, securities representing interest in a fund, depositary receipts, call (put) warrants, beneficial interest securities, and asset-backed securities.
2.Real property (including land, houses and buildings, investment property, and construction enterprise inventory) and equipment.
4.Patents, copyrights, trademarks, franchise rights, and other intangible assets.
5.Right-of-use assets.
6.Claims of financial institutions (including receivables, bills purchased and discounted, loans, and overdue receivables).
8.Assets acquired or disposed of in connection with mergers, demergers, acquisitions, or transfer of shares in accordance with law.
9.Other major assets.
Article 4
Terms used in these Regulations are defined as follows:
1.Derivatives: Forward contracts, options contracts, futures contracts, leverage contracts, or swap contracts, whose value is derived from a specified interest rate, financial instrument price, commodity price, foreign exchange rate, index of prices or rates, credit rating or credit index, or other variable; or hybrid contracts combining the above contracts; or hybrid contracts or structured products containing embedded derivatives. The term "forward contracts" does not include insurance contracts, performance contracts, after-sales service contracts, long-term leasing contracts, or long-term purchase (sales) contracts.
2.Assets acquired or disposed through mergers, demergers, acquisitions, or transfer of shares in accordance with law: Refers to assets acquired or disposed through mergers, demergers, or acquisitions conducted under the Business Mergers and Acquisitions Act, Financial Holding Company Act, Financial Institution Merger Act and other acts, or to transfer of shares from another company through issuance of new shares of its own as the consideration therefor (hereinafter "transfer of shares") under Article 156-3 of the Company Act.
3.Related party or subsidiary: As defined in the Regulations Governing the Preparation of Financial Reports by Securities Issuers.
4.Professional appraiser: Refers to a real property appraiser or other person duly authorized by law to engage in the value appraisal of real property or equipment.
5.Date of occurrence: Refers to the date of contract signing, date of payment, date of consignment trade, date of transfer, dates of boards of directors resolutions, or other date that can confirm the counterpart and monetary amount of the transaction, whichever date is earlier; provided, for investment for which approval of the competent authority is required, the earlier of the above date or the date of receipt of approval by the competent authority shall apply.
6.Mainland China area investment: Refers to investments in the mainland China area approved by the Ministry of Economic Affairs Investment Commission or conducted in accordance with the provisions of the Regulations Governing Permission for Investment or Technical Cooperation in the Mainland Area.
7.Investment professional: Refers to financial holding companies, banks, insurance companies, bill finance companies, trust enterprises, securities firms operating proprietary trading or underwriting business, futures commission merchants operating proprietary trading business, securities investment trust enterprises, securities investment consulting enterprises, and fund management companies, that are lawfully incorporated and are regulated by the competent financial authorities of the jurisdiction where they are located.
8.Securities exchange: "Domestic securities exchange" refers to the Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation; "foreign securities exchange" refers to any organized securities exchange market that is regulated by the competent securities authorities of the jurisdiction where it is located.
9.Over-the-counter venue ("OTC venue", "OTC"): "Domestic OTC venue" refers to a venue for OTC trading provided by a securities firm in accordance with the Regulations Governing Securities Trading on the Taipei Exchange; "foreign OTC venue" refers to a venue at a financial institution that is regulated by the foreign competent authority and that is permitted to conduct securities business.
Article 5
Professional appraisers and their officers, certified public accounts, attorneys, and securities underwriters that provide public companies with appraisal reports, certified public accountant's opinions, attorney's opinions, or underwriter's opinions shall meet the following requirements:
1. May not have previously received a final and unappealable sentence to imprisonment for 1 year or longer for a violation of the Act, the Company Act, the Banking Act of The Republic of China, the Insurance Act, the Financial Holding Company Act, or the Business Entity Accounting Act, or for fraud, breach of trust, embezzlement, forgery of documents, or occupational crime. However, this provision does not apply if 3 years have already passed since completion of service of the sentence, since expiration of the period of a suspended sentence, or since a pardon was received.
2. May not be a related party or de facto related party of any party to the transaction.
3. If the company is required to obtain appraisal reports from two or more professional appraisers, the different professional appraisers or appraisal officers may not be related parties or de facto related parties of each other.
When issuing an appraisal report or opinion, the personnel referred to in the preceding paragraph shall comply with the self-regulatory rules of the industry associations to which they belong and with the following provisions:
1. Prior to accepting a case, they shall prudently assess their own professional capabilities, practical experience, and independence.
2. When conducting a case, they shall appropriately plan and execute adequate working procedures, in order to produce a conclusion and use the conclusion as the basis for issuing the report or opinion. The related working procedures, data collected, and conclusion shall be fully and accurately specified in the case working papers.
3. They shall undertake an item-by-item evaluation of the appropriateness and reasonableness of the sources of data used, the parameters, and the information, as the basis for issuance of the appraisal report or the opinion.
4. They shall issue a statement attesting to the professional competence and independence of the personnel who prepared the report or opinion, and that they have evaluated and found that the information used is appropriate and reasonable, and that they have complied with applicable laws and regulations.
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)