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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

Print Time:2024/09/27 16:29

Chapter Law Content

Title: Act of Military Service System CH
Category: Ministry of National Defense(國防部)
CHAPTER – 1 General Principles
Article 1
In accordance with the Law, the male citizens of the Republic of China are obligated to take military service.
Article 2
The Military Services in this Act refers to: Military Officer Service,Non Commission Officer Service, Enlisted Man, Substitute Service.
Article 3
A man aged 18 starts his military service day from January 1st of the proceeding year and be discharged on December 31st of the year at the age of 36, called the Male's Service Age. However, the discharged age of fficers , NCOs and volunteer soldiers are not restricted to this rule.
The so-called Man of Approaching Service Age refers to the period from January 1st of the proceeding year of a man of 15 years old, to December 31st of the year he reaches the age of 18.
Article 4
One with any of the following situations is exempted from the Military Service, called "Exempted from Induction":
Subparagraph 1- Unable to take military service because of physical or mental impediment or serious illness.
Subparagraph 2- Inappropriate to take military service because of that the height, weight, or Body Mass Index are over high or over low.
Article 5
A man with one of the following situation is prohibited from enlisting to Military Service, called Prohibited from Service:
1-Hawing been sentenced to more than 5 years of imprisonment.
2-Serving the prison terms totaling to 3 years.
The terms of those who have been sentenced for rehabilitation should be accumulated into the period stated on the above Paragraph-2.
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)