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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

Print Time:2024/07/16 18:33

Chapter Law Content

Chapter 1 General Articles
Article 1
This Statue has been incorporated pursuant to Article 50 of Enforcement Regulations of Conscription Law.
Article 2
Beneficiaries entitled to those favors provided in these Regulations include:
1. Active servicemen and their dependents.
2. A reservist:
(1) Who has completed Standing Commissioned Officer Service, Reserved Ranking Officer Service, Standing Non Commissioned Officer Service, Reserved Non Commissioned Officer Service, or Regular Service and has been duly discharged from the field service.
(2) Who is duly discharged from the field service due to injury in combat or in performing the official duty.
(3) Who is a Reserved Ranking Officer, or Reserved Non Commissioned Officer having successfully completed the training but not yet called for field service.
Article 3
Dependents referred in the Statute include:
1. Spouse of the serviceman.
2. Direct blood of the serviceman.
3. Any other is legally supported by and lives together with the serviceman.
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)