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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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1.Signed on December 3, 1999; Entered into force on December 3, 1999.
The Government of the Republic of China and the Government of t-
he Republic of Malawi (hereinafter referred to as the "Contract-
ing Parties") ; BEING desirous to strengthen and consolidate the
existing friendly relations between the two countries; and WISH-
ING to promote cooperation in technical and vocational training;

HEREBY AGREE as follows:
Mission of Experts
(1) The Government of the Republic of China, at the request of
the Government of the Republic of Malawi, agrees to dispatch
a Vocatiojnal Training Advisory Mission of four experts in
the fields of computers, electricaI engineering, motor vehi-
cle repairs (auto-electrics, motor vehicle mechanics and mo-
tor vehicle body repairs ) and cabinet-making to the Republ-
ic of Malawi to render assistance to Lilongwe Technical Col-
lege of Malawi in developing its technical and vocational t-
raining programs aimed for industrial development.
(2) The tenure of their service lasts for a period of six months
; it may be extended until the expiry of this Agreement if
(3) The Government of the Republic of China agrees to pay travel
expknses for members of the Mission to and from the Republic
of Malawi, and their salaries, allowances, insurance costs
and local transportation costs in the Republic of Malawi.
(4) The Government of the Repubblic of Malawi agrees to:
(a) provide members of the Mission, free of charge, furnished
housing and offices;
(b) exempt members of the Mission from taxes on their salaries
and allowances earned from sources outside Malawi;
(c) exempt members of the Mission and their dependants fiom a-
ll import tariffs, duties and other taxes on their person-
al and household effects for a period of six months begin-
ning their arrival in the Republic of Malawi. The members
of the Mission should also be exempted from export tariffs
for personal effects shipped out of the Republic ofMalawi
at the end of their service;
(d) exempt the Mission from all import tariffs, duties and ot-
her taxes on the equipment, machinery and other materials
required for the work of the Mission; and
(e) provide adequate security to members of the Mission and g-
rant them the same treatment as is accorded to the person-
nel of any third nation and international organizations s-
erving in the field of technical cooperation in the Repub-
lic of Malawi.

Floor Planning of Plants
(1) The Government of the Republic of China agrees to dispatch
experts to the Republic of Malawi to assist in establishing
training plants.
(2) The Government of the Republic of Malawi agrees to assign
counterpart experts to work with the experts of the Republic
of China in planning training plants.

Construction of Plants
(l) The Government of the Republic of Malawi shall be responsib-
le for necessary modifications or alterations of existing b-
uildings according to the floor plan as jointly determined
by the experts of the Republic of China and the Republic of
(2) The Government of the Republic of Malawi shall be responsib-
le for all costs associated with plant modifications in acc-
ordance with construction regulations of Malawi.

Training Equipment
(1) The Government of the Republic of China agrees to purchase
and donate to the Government of the Republic of Malawi nece-
ssary training equipment, including computers, machinery, t-
ools and measuring and testing instrruments.
(2) The Government of the Republic of China agrees to transport
the above-mentioned equipment to Lilongwe Technical College
and to bear shipping insurance fees.
(3) The Government of the Republic of China agrees to dispatch
experts to assist in installing and testing the above-menti-
oned equipment. The Government of the Republic of Malawi ag-
rees to provide the needed manpower and logistical support.
(4) The Government of the Republic of Malawi agrees to:
(a) establish inventory control of the equipment, and to be r-
esponsible for maintaining training equipment; and
(b) provide inventory control and other relevant information
at the request of the Government of the Republic of China.

Courses and Teaching Materials
The teaching materials, using the English teaching materials pr-
ovided by the Government of the Republic of China as reference,
shall be progressively developed by the experts assigned by the
Contracting Parties according to the results of instruction.

Training of Instructors
(1) The Government of the Republic of China agrees to accept pe-
rsonnel selected by the Governmnent of the Republic of Mala-
wi to participate in study tours or seminars organized for
overseas vocational instructors.
The Government of the Republic of China shall pay the travel
expenses of Malawian participants to and from the Republic
of China, as well as their living and training expenses dur-
ing their stay in the Republic of China.
(2) The Malawian participants shall meet the training qualifica-
tions and criteria set by the contracting Parties.

Use of Materials
The training equipment and teaching materials donated by the Go-
vernment of the Republic of China shall be used for the coopera-
tion programs stipulated in this Agreement.

Amendment of Agreement
China as reference, shall be progressively developed by the exp-
erts assigned by the Contracting Parties according to the resul-
ts of instruction.

Training of Instructors
(1) The Government of the Republic of China agrees to accept pe-
rsonnel selected by the Government of the Republic of Malawi
to participate in study tours or seminars organized for ove-
rseas vocational instructors.
The Government of the Republic of China shall pay the travel
expenses of Malawian participants to and from the Republic
of China, as well as their living and training expenses dur-
ing their stay in the Republic of China.
(2) The Malawian participants shall meet the training qualifica-
tions and criteria set by the contracting Parties.

Use of Materials
The training equipment and teaching materials donated by the Go-
vernment of the Republic of China shall be used for the coopera-
tion programs stipulated in this Agreement.

Amendment of Agreement
This Agreement may be amended by mutual consent by the Contract-
ing Parties through the exchange of diplomatic notes.

Period ofValidity
This Agreement shall enter into force on the date of signature
by the Contracting Parties and sall remain valid until December
31, 2000. This Agreenaent may be extended upon mutual consent by
the Contracting Parties through the exchange of diplomatic notes
for a period of one year.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned, duly authorized thereto by
their respective Governments, have signed this Agreement.
DONE in duplicate in Chinese and English, both texts being equa-
lly, at Taipei City on this third day of the twelfth month of t-
he eighty-eighth year of the Republic of China, corresponding to
the third day of December of the year nineteen hundred and nine-

For the Government of For the Government of
the Republic of China the Republic of Malawi

─────────── ───────────
Dr. Hou-sheng Chan Brown Mpinganjira, M.P
Chairman of Council Minister of foreign
of Labor Affairs, Affairs and International
Executive Yuan Cooperation
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)