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Exchange of Letters of the Agreemnet between the Government of the Repbulic of China and the government of the Republic of Malawi on Technical and vocational Training cooperation
Abolished Date:
1.Signed and Exchanged on April 18 and July 16, 2002. Entered into force on July 16, 2002.
Note No.91/037
The Embassy of the Republic of China presents its compliments to
the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of
the Republic of Malawi and, has the honour to inform the latter
that an "Agreement Between the Government of the Republic of Ch-
ina and the Government of the Republic of Malawi on Technical a-
nd Vocational raining cooperation "was signed on April 15, 2002.
The Embassy has further the honouir to inform the esteemes Mini-
stry that initially the old agreement was due to expire on Dece-
mber 31, 2001. However, its validity was extended to April 14,
2002 as some article in the new agreement had been awating amen-
dments. In this regard, the last pargaraph of the abovementioned
new agreement signed on April 5, 2002 should read as follows: "
DONE in duplicate in Chinese and English, both testx being equa-
lly authentic, at Lilongwe City on this fifteenth day of the fo-
urth month of the ninety first year of the Republic of China, c-
orresponding to the fifteenth day f the fourth month of the year
two thousand and two".
Enclose herewith is a copy of the April 15, 2002 - signed Agree-
ment for the Ministry's reference.
The Embassy of the Repbulic of China avails itself of this oppo-
rtunity to renew to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Interna-
tional Cooperation of the Republic of Malawi th assurances of i-
ts highest consideration.
April 18, 2002/8/13
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation
Republic of Malawi
cc:The principal secretary
Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training
The Principal
Lilongwe Technical Coolege
Note No.21/2002
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of
the Republic of Malawi Presents its compliments to the Embassy
of the Republic of China and is pleased to confirm that the pro-
posed amendment to the Agreement between the government of China
and the Government of Malawi on technical and vocational traini-
ng cooperation is acceptable to the Government of Malawi.
The Ministry regrets any inconveniences caused by its delay in
conforming its decision on this matter.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of
the Republic of Malawi avails itself of this opportunity to ren-
ew to the Embassy of the Republic of China the assurances of its
highest consideration.
Lilongwe 3
16th July, 2002
The Embassy of the Republic of China
Lilongwe, Malawi
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)