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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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1.Signed on August 1, 2000; Entered into force on August 1, 2000.
This letter of Agreement between the American Institute in Taiw-
an (AIT) and the Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Of-
fice in the United States (TECRO) provides a framework by which
AIT, acting through its designated representative, the Graduate
School of the Department of Agriculture (hereinafter referred to
as GS), can provide academ-ic and exchange program services for
civil servants from the territory represented by TECRO, and TEC-
RO acting through its designated representative, the Internatio-
nal Cooperation Department of the Ministry of Economic Affairs (
hereinafter referred to as the ICD), can request and supervise
the implementation of the program.

This Letter of Agreement is entered into pursuant to the Taiwan
Relations Act of April 10, 1979, Public Law 96-8 (22 USC 3301 et

AIT, through its designated representative, the Graduate School,
will provide:
A. Academic Placement: (Phase I) The placement of participants
in U.S. institutions of higher education for a degree or non-
degree program includes all items as defined in the appendix
to this agreement.
B. Observational Training Program: (Phase II) Programs arranged
prior, during and following a participant's academic program
of study in accordance to applicable regulations and as defi-
ned in the appendix.
C. Program of Observational Training which is designed for part-
icipants seeking professional networking opportunities and h-
ands-on experience as further defined in the appendix.
D. Administrative responsibilities pursuant to A, B and C refer-
enced above and detailed in the appendix.

TECRO will provide AIT all the required funds paid by ICD to GS
through AIT pursuant to the fixed price Program Fee Schedule in
the appendix.

A. Activities under this Letter of Agreement are conducted under
a fixed price program fee reflecting the Program Fee Schedule
in the appendix.
B. AIT, after receiving the invoices from GS, will provide TECRO
with such invoices, pursuant to the fixed Program Fee Schedu-
le in the Appendix. TECRO, after receiving payment from the
ICD, will make payment for these services payable to the Ame-
rican Institute in Taiwan at the following address:

Deputy Managing Director
American Institute in Taiwan
1700 N. Moore Street, Suite 1700
Arlington, VA 22209

No modification of this Letter of Agreement shall be enforceable
unless such modification has been reduced to writing and signed
by AIT and TECRO, the parties to this Letter of Agreement.

AIT and TECRO shall consult, upon request of either party, rega-
rding any matter related to the terms of this Letter of Agreeme-
nt, and shall endeavor jointly in a spirit of cooperation and m-
utual trust to resolve by informal means any difficulties or mi-
sunderstandings that may arise.

GS and ICD have the right to terminate this letter of agreement
with a minimum four-week notice of intent. Upon termination by
either party, GS shall remain responsible for the completion of
all observational training programs and academic applications in
progress. ICD is responsible for all payments under the Program
Fee Schedule related to the completion of such programs and the
closeout of program administration.

This letter of Agreement is in effect for a period of two years
from August 1, 2000 to July 31, 2002.


MAME:Barbara J. Schrage NAME:Benjamin J. Y. Lo
TITLE:Deputy Managing Director TITLE:Deputy Representative
DATE:8/1/2000 DATE:8/1/2000

Academic Placements
Complete processing of application materials $600
for a maximum of four institutions.
Fee for each additional request $100

Observational Study Program
15 Day Observational Program $1,800
16-30 Day Observational Program $2,400
31-90 Day Observational Program $3,000

Group Projects
3-7 participants $3,500
8-12 participants $3,700
13-20 participants $5,500

Health Insurance (if requested by ICD)
Per month for each individual $175

NOTE: Program fee is effective on the date the Action Copy is re
ceived by GS/USDA.

The International Institute, Graduate School,USDA provides the
following services:
1) Placement of participants at academic institutions (Phase 1)
and Observational Training (Phase II).
2) Programs of Observational Training only. The participants are
categorized as an individual or as a group.

A. Academic Placement
PHASE I - The placement of participants in U.S. institutions of
higher education for degree or non-degree programs includes the
1. GS will process application materials for a maximum of four
institutions. In selecting schools, GS will consider the pro-
gram of study, application deadlines, participant's TOEFL/GRE
/GMAT score, other admission requirements, and resources ava-
ilable to the participant. Participants are encouraged to li-
st universities of their preference with the understanding t-
hat GS will pursue admission to those universities that can
offer the participant the opportunity to study. Additional a-
pplications can be completec by request for a supplementary
2. Participants are responsible for submitting the required doc-
uments needed to complete an application and forwarding them
directly to the university before the indicated deadline. GS
will inform participants (by E-Mail or fax to ICD) of all do-
cuments required by each school providing addresses and dead-
lines (including letters of recommendation, official TOEFL/G-
MAT/GRE scores, official transcripts, and essays).
3. Letters of financial support to the Universities will be pro-
vided by GS. If application fees are processed by GS, these
funds will be provided by TECRO through AIT as set out in Ar-
ticle V, section B of the AIT/GS/USDA Letter of Agreement.
4. Participants will be notified on the status of applications (
email/fax to ICD) on a periodic basis.Information concerning
housing, visa, and other relevant matters will also be forwa-
rded as they are received from the univefiity.
5. Upon arrival in the U.S., participants are requested to info-
rm GS of their addresses and telephone program and other mat-
erials will be forwarded. Participants may, at any time, con-
tact GS program numbers. Once GS receives this information,
guidelines for planning an observational training officers d-
irectly for additional information or assistance. An 800 toll
free number is provided for this purpose.

B. Observationhl Training: Programs PHASE II - Observational tr-
aining programs are arranged prior, during, and following a
participant's academic program of study in accordance to res-
pective sponsor regulations. The training programs are imple-
mented as follows:
1. Participants are requested to forward to GS a proposed progr-
am at least six week in advance. An itinerary will be design-
ed and implemented upon the receipt of the proposal and after
consultation with the participant.
2. Observational training programs are arranged during school b-
reaks (spring, summer, winter) with the exception of the Chr-
istmas and Thanksgiving holidays. Program length and itinera-
ries will be determined by the schedule and program days awa-
rded to the participant by the sponsoring agency.

C. Program of Observational Training Only:
Observational Training Programs are designed for participants
seeking to network, to obtain hands-on experience, and to ex-
perience practical short-term development training. Particip-
ants will have the opportunity to meet and consult with their
professional counterparts as well as experience the social,
economic, and cultural life in the U.S. Under this program,
GS responsibilities include:
1. Upon receipt of the training request (Action Copy), GS will
develop a proposed program itinerary. The training request s-
hould be submitted to GS at least six weeks prior to the com-
mencement of the program. The proposal is then forwarded to
ICD, at least 30 days prior to the planned arrival date.
2. Upon approval of the proposed program, GS will proceed with
the final arrangements. In order to ensure adequate planning
time, ICD is requested to respond with program approval or p-
rogram modification requests at least 21 days prior to the p-
articipants arrival in the U.S., ICD should also inform GS if
the participant will need flight and accommodation arrangeme-
nts. Discounts are given for tickets purchased 14 and 21 days
in advance.
3. A programming session with the GS program officer will be sc-
heduled immediately upon arrival in Washington, D.C. During
this meeting, GS will review and discuss the program itinera-
ry; any minor program adjustments should be addressed at this
time. Havever schedule alterations should be forwarded before
arrival in the U.S. After this meeting, no further changes s-
hould be made without prior consultation with GS.
4. Itineraries will be designed according to the participant's
professional training objectives. In addition, cultural even-
ts and sightseeing will be included by request and whenever
5. Adequate English language proficiency is required for all pa-
rticipants who are not accompanied by an escort/interpreter,

D. Administrative Responsibilities of II/GS/USDA and ICD
In implementing each of the above training programs, GS and
ICD administrative responsibilities include the following:
1. Participants planning to study in the U.S. will also receive
an International Visitors Handbook from ICD prior to their
departure. Once they arrive in the U.S., GS will send them G-
uidelines for Planning Observational Training Programs and o-
ther related materials. Upon arrival in Washington,D.C., par-
ticipants will receive a welcome packet containing a letter
of introduction, information on GS, and sightseeing materials
2. Medical insurance will be furnished for participants in the
observational training program (1-6 months). Insurance is pr-
ovided by Internabional Group Services. Participants will re-
ceive I.D. cards, claim forms and insurance coverage informa-
3. Clearance required by U.S. federal government agencies will,
be requested by GS through the American Institute in Taiwan (
AIT) or as required by each respective agency.
4. Accommodations will be arranged at hotels with convenient lo-
cations and reasonable rates. The government rate will be de-
signated by GS whenever possible. Where possible, a letter w-
ill be provided to participants to obtain government rate di-
scounts at hotels.
5. U.S. travel arrangements, including air/train and car reserv-
ations, will be coordinated by GS. If travel fees are proces-
sed by GS, these funds will be provided by TECRO through AIT
as set out in Article V, section B of the AIT/GS/USDA Letter
of Agreement.
6. If conference registration, application fees and other relat-
ed training expenses are processed by GS, these funds will be
provided by TECRO through AlI as set out in Article V, secti-
on B of the AIT/GS/USDA Letter of Agreenlent.
7. Participants will receive a complete and detailed U.S. progr-
am itinerary which includes U.S. city maps (when available),
calendars, city descriptions and program related information.
8. GS and ICD will monitor participant programs and provide sup-
port through professional guidance, consultation, and counse-
ling for the duration of their stay in the U.S.
9. GS will inform ICD and TECRO (via far, Internet E-Mail; expr-
ess/regular mail, and phone) of any issues, problems and oth-
er relevant matters pertaining to participant programs.
10. A final program copy for all participants will be faxed or
mailed directly to ICD. TECRO will receive a travel schedule
for those participants for monitoring reference.
11. An evaluation of each Observational Training Program will.
be administered with participants,and a summary of results
will be provided to TECRO and ICD on an annual basis.
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)