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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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1.Signed on September 12, 2016 Entered into force on September 12, 2016
Taipei Economic and Cultural Center in India and the
India-Taipei Association in Taipei (hereinafter referred to as
the “ Parties ” and separately as a “ Party ” );

DESIRING to cooperate particularly in the fields of agriculture,
horticulture, animal husbandry, fisheries, aquaculture and food
processing industries;

CONVINCED of the need for effective cooperation in the
agriculture, horticulture, animal husbandry, fisheries,
aquaculture and food processing fields that will enhance
economic and social development;

CONSIDERING their common interest to promote and encourage their
agricultural, horticulture, animal husbandry, fisheries,
aquaculture and food processing progress and to the reciprocal
advantages resulting from cooperation in the fields of mutual
interest that will enhance economic and social development;

HAVE REACHED the following understanding:

Article I
Development of Cooperation

On the basis of equality and mutual advantage, the Parties will
endeavor to promote bilateral cooperation in the fields of
planning, production, processing and marketing of agriculture,
horticulture, animal husbandry, fisheries, aquaculture and food
processing, and also in that of producing materials, genetic
resources, as well as environmental sustainability. The Parties
shall also encourage cooperation between private sectors in
their respective territories in the area of agriculture,
horticulture, animal husbandry, fisheries, aquaculture, food
processing and related industries.

Article II
Competent Authorities and Applicable Law
1. The competent authorities for the implementation of this
Memorandum of Understanding will be the Council of
Agriculture, represented by the Taipei Economic and Cultural
Center in India and the Ministry of Agriculture, represented
by the India-Taipei Association in Taipei.
2. The implementation of this Memorandum of Understanding will
take place in accordance with the domestic law applicable to
the Parties and the availability of appropriated funds.

Article III
Encouragement and Promotion of Direct Cooperation
1. The Parties intend to encourage and promote direct
cooperation between scientific and technological institutes,
enterprises and other entities.
2. The Parties may, if necessary, conclude appropriate
implementing instruments within the framework of this
Memorandum of Understanding in accordance with the applicable
domestic law.
3. The Parties intend to mutually determine the subject matter
of joint cooperation, the financial terms and conditions and
the utilization of the output of cooperative activities, as
well as other relevant issues.

Article IV
Nature of Cooperation

The Parties intend to cooperate with regard to the following:
1. Exchanges of visits, information, technology and training to
facilitate cooperation on matters of mutual concerns;
2. Review and discussion of issues of mutual interest, and of
any relevant bilateral problems requiring resolution;
3. Encouragement of technical cooperation, promotion of research
and training activities, and exchange and transfer of
technology on commercial terms;
4. Facilitation of cooperation between industry representatives
to foster closer commercial linkages and interrelations in
agricultural and agribusiness; and
5. Expansion of agricultural trade and reduction of trade

Article V
Joint Working Committee for Cooperation in Agriculture,
Husbandry and Fisheries

For purposes of the execution of this Memorandum of
Understanding the Parties will consider to set up a Joint
Working Committee for cooperation in agriculture, horticulture,
animal husbandry, fisheries, aquaculture and food processing

(hereinafter referred to as the “ Committee ” )to perform the
following functions:
1. Consider the policy aspects relevant to the implementation of
this Memorandum of Understanding;
2. Identify priority areas of mutual interest, taking into
account both academic and financial feasibility;
3. Set up permanent or ad hoc expert groups for individual areas
of scientific and technological cooperation and to engage
experts to assist in its own work if necessary;
4. Follow-up the progress of the implementation of this
Memorandum of Understanding; and
5. Propose specific measures to enhance the range and quality of
cooperation under this Memorandum of Understanding.
The Committee may discuss and review this Memorandum of
Understanding-related activities and this Memorandum of
Understanding itself. The meeting will be held alternately in
the territory represented by the Parties once in every two

The sending Party shall bear the cost of international air
travel and the receiving Party shall provide local hospitality
for such persons deputed under the Work Plan pursuant to this
Memorandum of Understanding. Activities pursuant to this
Memorandum of Understanding are subject to the availability of
the resources and subject to the laws and regulations of the

Article VI
Intellectual Property Rights

Should activities under this Memorandum of Understanding give
rise to intellectual property rights, the Parties will, prior to
carrying out any such activities, enter into separate
arrangements that will specifically provide for the ownership
and management of such rights.

Any result of activities which are performed under this
Memorandum of Understanding shall be subject to the laws and
regulations concerning the protection of intellectual property
rights in the respective territories of the Parties.

Article VII

The Parties may consult on any matter arising from the
interpretation or application of this Memorandum of
Understanding, and any differences of interpretation or
application thereof are to be settled in an amicable way.

Article VIII
Entry into Effect, Amendment and Termination
1. This Memorandum of Understanding shall enter into force on
the date of its signing and shall remain valid for a period
of 5 (five) years. Thereafter, it shall automatically be
renewed for a subsequent period of 5 (five) years at a time,
unless either Party notifies the other in writing six months
before the expiration of the validity period, of its
intention to terminate it.
2. Termination of this Memorandum of Understanding will not
affect the completion of any existing activities, projects or
other cooperation already agreed by the Parties under this
Memorandum of Understanding.
3. Any amendment to this Memorandum of Understanding may be made
at any time by mutual agreement of the parties by exchange of
written notes. Amendments will take effect from the date of
the latest signature on the exchange of notes.

Article IX
Supplementary Provision

This Memorandum of Understanding shall, in no way, affect the
commitments of the existing bilateral agreements between the

In witness whereof the undersigned, being duly authorized
thereto, have signed this Memorandum of Understanding.

Signed at Taipei on 19, Sept. 2016 in two originals in the
English language.

__________________ __________________
Chung-Kwang Tien Sridharan Madhusudhanan
Representative Director General
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)