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1.Signed on September 30, 1986; Entered into force on September 30, 1986.
I Note from Mr. Jerry S. Walker, Program leader of Special Fore-
ign Currency Program of the American Institute in Taiwan , to
Mr. Robert Hsiao, Chief of Business Division of the Coordinat-
ion Council for North American Affairs.

Grant No.: FG-TA-100
Project No.: TW-FS-11
Mr. Robert Hsiao
Business Division
Coordination Council for
North American Affairs
133, Po Ai Road,
Taipei, Taiwan
Dear Mr. Hsiao:

We are prepared to make a grant to your council under United St-
ates Public Law 480, 83rd Congress, as amended, to undertake a
research project entitled, "Mycorhizae and establishment of tre-
es on mine soils. "The research will be carried out at the Taiw-
an Forestry Research Institute, Taipei, Taiwan in collaboration
and through Council of Agriculture (COA), Taipei, Taiwan.

The amount of the grant shall not exceed 3,798,000 New Taiwan D-
ollars to carry out the research during a period not to exceed
four (4) years.

The arrangements for carrying out the project were mutually agr-
eed upon during negotiations on September 27, 1986, at the Taiw-
an Forest Research Institute, Taipei, Taiwan. Present at negoti-
ations were Dr. Hsu-ho Chung for the Taiwan Forestry Research I-
nstitute and Dr. Jerry S. Walker and Mrs. Gloria Yanosky for the
American Institute in Taiwan.

Your signature in the space provided below is required to indic-
ate your acceptance of this grant and your agreement to the att-
ached General Provisions Applicable to Foreign Agricultural Res-
earch Grants. This letter when signed and dated by you is autho-
rity to proceed with the project. Please retain copy marked for
you and return the executed original with attachments to the Ch-
ief of Agricultural Affairs Section, American Institute in Taiw-

Funds for this project, limited to 3,798,000 New Taiwan dollars
will be sent to Coordination Council for North American Affairs
(CCNAA), for Grant No.
Jerry S. Walker
Program Leader
Special Foreign
Currency Program

Robert Hsiao
Chief, Business Div.
Spt. 30, 1986

(1) DURATION. The grant period will start on the day the attach-
ed grant letter is signed and dated by the authorized repre-
sentative of the grantee organization and it shall remain in
force and effect until completion of the agreed research, b-
ut it is not to exceed the number of years stated in the gr-
ant letter or any amendment thereto. However, the grant may
be terminated at any time by mutual agreement of the grantee
and the Deputy Director for International Research, Office
of International Cooperation and Development, U.S. Departme-
nt of Agriculture, (hereinafter referred to as the Deputy D-
irector), or by the Deputy Director alone for good cause.
(2) MAXIMUM OBLIGATION. The maximum obligation of the United St-
ates Government shall not exceed the total amount of the gr-
ant or any amendments thereto.
(3) PAYMENTS. An advance payment in the currency of the country
of the grantee will be made as soon as possible after recei-
pt by the Deputy Director or his regional office representa-
tive of the signed and dated original grant letter. Payments
other than the first advance payment will be made upon rece-
ipt from the grantee of satisfactory research progress repo-
rts and fiscal reports as required elsewhere under these Ge-
neral Provisions.
(4) ACCOUNTING FOR FUNDS. Payments made by the United States Go-
vernment and the expenses charged against such payments for
the purpose of the proposal identified in the attached grant
letter will be recorded separately in the accounts of the g-
rantee organizetion. Such funds may be used only for the pu-
rposes outlined in the proposal identified in the attached
grant letter. Expenditures will be supported by receipts or
other appropriate documentation. The grantee will also keep
a separate record of any interest earned on grant funds. Su-
ch interest must be returned to the United States Treasury.

At the termination of the grant a statement of financial co-
ndition will be prepared by the Deputy Director, or his des-
ignated representative, for concurrence by the grantee orga-
nization. It is recommended that records and accounts be es-
tablished and maintained so as to accomraodate the requirem-
ents of the fiscal report.
(5) UNSPENT GRANT FUNDS. Any grant funds in the possession of t-
he grantee organization not spent or firmly obligated for
payment of expenses at the end of the grant period are to be
returned on request.
(6) REPORTING REQUIREMENTS. For each year of this grant, two fi-
scal reports showing the amount of grant funds spent and two
technical progress reports showing the progress of the rese-
arch are to be submitted by the grantee. Detailed informati-
on and instructions concerning the preparation and submissi-
on of these reports including reporting dates will be provi-
ded to the grantee promptly after the original grant letter
is signed and returned from the grantee institution. At the
termination of the grant a final report will be required co-
vering the technical aspects of the research performed duri-
ng the entire period of the grant. In addition, the grantee
will furnish such other reports relating to the grant funds
and to the grant research as may be required by the Deputy
Director, or his designated representative. All reports are
required to be in English.
resentatives of the United States Government shall have acc-
ess at any reasonable time to the laboratories, offices, or
other facilities related to the work. Also, all data, infor-
mation, records, reports, and accounts of the grantee organ-
ization relating to the project shall be made available to
these representatives. Such data, information, records, rep-
orts, and accounts shall be maintained available for review
a minimum of two years beyond the termination date of the g-
rant. Officers and employees of the grantee organization, or
other personnel, assigned to or engaged in the conduct of t-
he project shall be available for consultation with such re-
presentatives at any reasonable time.
(8) RESEARCH ASSISTANCE. The grantee organization is responsible
for performing the proposed research in an effective and ef-
ficient manner. No contract, grant, or other arrangement sh-
all be made by the grantee with any other party for perform-
ing all or any portion of the research except as may be aut-
horized by the Deputy Director.
(9) TRAVEL. Grant funds may be used to finance travel of grantee
representatives which is necessary for the effective prosec-
ution of the research. Such travel within the country where
the research is being performed should be in accordance with
the regulations or regular procedures of the grantee organi-
zation. Travel outside such country is to be authorized in
writing by the Deputy Director, or his designated represent-
ative, before travel is undertaken.
(10) CAPITAL ASSETS. The use of grant funds is authorized for t-
he purchase of capital assets identified on the attached l-
ist. No additional capital asset items may be purchased fr-
om grant funds and the total amount indicated may not be e-
xceeded except as may be approved by the Deputy Director,
or his designated representative. At the termination of the
grant, the United States Government reserves the right to
appraise all capital assets purchased entirely with grant
funds and to determine their disposition. In case this gra-
nt is terminated prior to its normal expiration date, the
disposition of capital assets purchased in part with grant
funds will be determined mutually.
(11) PUBLICATION OF RESEARCH RESULTS. Results determined by the
Deputy Director, or his designated representative, as not
supporting a United States patent application may be publi-
shed either by the grantee or the United States Government
in such manner and wherever considered most feasible. Manu-
scripts prepared by the grantee shall be furnished the Uni-
ted States Department of Agriculture intriplicate, with at
least one copy in English, when the article is submitted f-
or publication. The preparation, content, editing, approval
and publication of such manuscripts are the responsibility
of the grantee. Review of these manuscripts prior to submi-
ssion for publication will not be made by the United States
Department or Agriculture unless specific request is made
for review and comments. All manuscripts, prepared by the
grantee and related reprints are required to contain a foo-
tnote such as "This research has been financed in part by a
grant made by the United States Department of Agriculture,
Office of International Cooperation and Development, Speci-
al Foreign Currency Research Program." Upon publication, __
____copies of reprints shall be furnished to the Deputy Di-
rector or his regional representatives.
(12) PATENT AND LICENSE RIGHTS. Any patentable results which de-
velop from research under this grant must be made available
to the public in the United States. The Deputy Director wi-
ll determine how this will be done. In countries other than
the United States, the grantee institution may secure pate-
nts on the results from this research, but the United Stat-
es Government must be granted a worldwide, nonexclusive, i-
rrevocable, royalty-free license to use the patent for Uni-
ted States Government purpose.
(a) To enable the United States Government to file a patent
application in the United States, the grantee organiza-
tion agrees:
(1) To advise the Deputy Director promptly as soon as re-
sults which may be patentable have been obtained und-
er the grant.
(2) To cooperate, when requested, in the preparation and
processing of a U.S. patent application.
(3) To prepare and/ or sign any necessary papers relating
to the United States application.
(4) To secure the cooperation of any employee of the gra-
ntee institution which is needed to make a U.S. pate-
nt.application. Any such cooperation employee may not
receive additional pay from the United States for se-
rvices furnished while assisting in development of a
U.S. patent application.
(5) If the laws of the country of the grantee require th-
at patent applications on inventions made in that co-
untry be first filed there before any such applicati-
ons are filed abroad, the grantee shall promptly take
appropriate steps to preserve the right of the United
States Government to obtain a patent in the United S-
tates and to receive the benefit of the earlier fili-
ng date under the Lisbon 1958 Revision of the Intern-
ational Convention for the Protection of Industrial
Property. This shall include promptly filing a patent
application in the country of the grantee and, as so-
on as possible thereafter, furnishing the Deputy Dir-
ector a certified copy of the application and a cert-
ified translation, when the original application is
not in the English language.
Expenses required to secure a United States patent are a r-
esponsibility of the United States. These include the cost
of prior art searches, the formal preparation and filing of
applications, the determination of questions of novelty, p-
atentability and inventorship as well as other functions of
a U.S. patent attorney.
(13) PROHIBITION AGAINST CERTAIN FEES. The grantee organization
warrants that no person or selling agency has been employed
or retained to solicit or secure this grant upon an agreem-
ent or understanding for a commission, percentage, brokera-
ge, or contingent fee, excepting bona fide employees or bo-
na fide established commercial or selling agencies maintai-
ned by the organization for the purpose of securing busine-
ss. For breach or violation of this warranty, the Deputy D-
irector shall have the right to annul this grant without l-
iability, or, in his descretion, to deduct from the agreed
amount or consideration the full amount of such commission,
percentage, brokerage, or contingent fee.
(14) PERSONAL BENEFITS. No member of or delegate to the United
States Congress, or resident Commissioner, shall be admitt-
ed to any share or part of this grant or any benefit that

II Note from Mr. Jerry S. Walker, Program Leader of Special For-
eign Currency Program of the American Institue in Taiwan, to
Mr. Robert Hsiao, Chief of Business Division of the Coordina-
tion Council for North American Affairs.

Grant No.: FG-TA-101
Project No.: TW-ARS-6

Mr. Robert Hsiao

may arise therefrom, unless it be made with a corporation for
its general benefit.
(15) RESEARCH MATERIALS. Upon request the grantee will provide
the U.S. Department of Agriculture with seeds, plants, vac-
cines, or any other such research materials discovered or
develbped during the life of the grant.
(16) AMENDMENTS. The grant may be amended by mutual consent bet-
ween the grantee organization and the Deputy Director when-
ever considered necessary or desirable.
that provision for travel of USDA personnel to the
participating country is included in the proposal or
the negotiations, funds for such travel may be incl-
uded as an obligation in this grant. If included in
the grant, USDA may withhold from the grant an amou-
nt sufficient to purchase the airline tickets throu-
gh United States sources, and to make advances for
and payment in foreign currencies of per diem and m-
iscellaneous travel costs incurred locally. The gra-
nt letter and the budget (cost estimates) must clea-
rly indicate these facts.
Business Division
Coordination Council for
North American Affairs
133, Po Ai Road,
Taipei, Taiwan

Dear Mr. Hsiao:
We are prepared to make a grant to your council under United St-
ates Public Law 480, 83rd Congress, as amended, to undertake a
research project entitled, "Avian Influenza Surveillance in Tai-
wan, R.O.C." The research will be carried out at the Department
of Veterinary Medicine, National Chung Hsing University and the
Department of Epidemiclogical Research, Taiwan Provincial Resea-
rach Institute for Animal Health in Collaboration and through C-
ouncil of Agriculture (COA), Taipei, Taiwan.
The amount of the grant shall not exceed 3,710,000 New Taiwan D-
ollars to carry out the research during a period not to exceed
three(3) years.
The arrangements for carrying out the project were mutually agr-
eed upon during negotiations on September 25, 1986, at the Taiw-
an Provincial Research Institute for Animal Health, Taipei, Tai-
wan. Present at negotiations were Dr. Happy K. Shieh for the Na-
tional Chung Hsing University, Drs. Y. S. Lu and Lee Long-huw f-
or the Taiwan Provincial Research Institute for Animal Health,
Dr. H. T. Sung and Miss Yu-ching Cheng for the Council of Agric-
ulture and Mrs. R. Kao, Dr. Jerry S. Walker and Mrs. Gloria Yan-
osky for the American Institute in Taiwan.
Your signature in the space provided below is required to indic-
ate your acceptance of this grant and your agreement to the att-
ached General Provisions Applicable to Foreign Agricultural Res-
earch Grants. This letter when signed and dated by you is autho-
rity to proceed with the project. Please retain copy marked for
you and return the executed original with attachments to the Ch-
ief of Agricultural Affairs Section, American Institute in Taiw-
Funds for this project, limited to 3,710,000 New Taiwan dollars
will be sent to Coordination Council for North American Affairs
(CCNAA) for Grant No. FG-Ta-101.

Jerry S. Walker
Program Leader
Special Foreign Currency Program


Robert Hsiao
Chief, Business Div.
(date) Spt. 30, 1986

(1) DURATION. The grant period will start on the day the attach-
ed grant letter is signed and dated by the authorized repre-
sentative of the grantee organization and it shall remain in
force and effect until completion of the agreed research, b-
ut it is not to exceed the number of years stated in the gr-
ant letter or any amendment thereto. However, the grant may
be terminated at any time by mutual agreement of the grantee
and the Deputy Director for International Research, Office
of International Cooperation and Development, U.S. Departme-
nt of Agriculture, (hereinafter referred to as the Deputy D-
irector), or by the Deputy Director alone for good cause.
(2) MAXIMUM OBLIGATION. The maximum obligation of the United St-
ates Government shall not exceed the total amount of the gr-
ant or any amendments thereto.
(3) PAYMENTS. An advance payment in the currency of the country
of the grantee will be made as soon as possible after recei-
pt by the Deputy Director or his regional office representa-
tive of the signed and dated original grant letter. Payments
other than the first advance payment will be made upon rece-
ipt from the grantee of satisfactory research progress repo-
rts and fiscal reports as required elsewhere under these Ge-
neral Provisions.
(4) ACCOUNTING FOR FUNDS. Payments made by the United States Go-
vernment and the expenses charged against such payments for
the purpose of the proposal identified in the attached grant
letter will be recorded separately in the accounts of the g-
rantee organization. Such funds may be used only for the pu-
rposes outlined in the proposal identified in the attached
grant letter. Expenditures will be supported by receipts or
other appropriate documentation. The grantee will also beep
a separate record of any interest earned on grant funds. Su-
ch interest must be returned to the United States Treasury.
At the termination of the grant a statement of financial co-
ndition will be prepared by the Deputy Director, or his des-
ignated representative, for concurrence by the grantee orga-
nization. It is recommended that records and accounts be es-
tablished and maintained so as to accommodate the requireme-
nts of the fiscal report.
(5) UNSPENT GRANT FUNDS. Any grant funds in the possession of t-
he grantee organization not spent or firmly obligated for p-
ayment of expenses at the end of the grant period are to be
returned on request.
(6) REPORTING REQUIREMENTS. For each year of this grant, two fi-
scal reports showing the amount of grant funds spent and two
technical progress reports showing the progress of the rese-
arch are to be submitted by the grantee. Detailed informati-
on and insteructions concerning the preparation and submiss-
ion of these reports including reporting dates will be prov-
ided to the grantee promptly after the original grant letter
is signed and returned from the grantee institution. At the
termination of the grant a final report will be required co-
vering the technical aspects of the research performed duri-
ng the entire period of the grant. In addition, the grantee
will furnish such other reports relating to the grant funds
and to the grant research as may be required by the Deputy
Director, or his designated representative. All reports are
required to be in English.
resentatives of the United States Government shall have acc-
ess at any reasonable time to the laboratories, offices, or
other facilities related to the work. Also, all data, infor-
mation, records, reports, and accounts of the grantee organ-
ization relating to the project shall be made available to
these representatives. Such data, information, records, rep-
orts, and accounts shall be maintained available for review
a minimum of two years beyond the termination date of the g-
rant Officers and employees of the grantee organization or
other personnel, assigned to or engaged in the conduct of t-
he project shall be available for consultation with such re-
presentatives at any reasonable time.
(8) RESEARCH ASSISTANCE. The grantee organization is responsible
for performing the proposed research in an effective and ef-
ficient manner. No contract, grant, or other arrangement sh-
all be made by the grantee with any other party for perform-
ing all or any portion of the research except as may be aut-
horized by the Deputy Director.
(9) TRAVEL. Grant funds may be used to finance travel of grantee
representatives which is necessary for the effective prosec-
ution of the research. Such travel within the country where
the research is being performed should be in accordance with
the regulations or regular procedures of the grantee organi-
zation. Travel outside such country is to be authorized in
writing by the Deputy Director, or his designated represent-
ative, before travel is undertaken.
(10) CAPITAL ASSETS. The use of grant funds is authorized for t-
he purchase of capital assets identified on the attached l-
ist. No additional capital asset items may be purchased fr-
om grant funds and the total amount indicated may not be e-
xceeded except as may be approved by the Deputy Director,
or his designated representative. At the termination of the
grant, the United States Government reserves the right to
appraise all capital assets purchased entirely with grant
funds and to determine their disposition. In case this gra-
nt is terminated prior to its normal expiration date, the
disposition of capital assets purchased in part with grant
funds will be determined mutually.
(11) PUBLICATION OF RESEARCH RESULTS. Results determined by the
Deputy Director, or his designated representative, as not
supporting a United States patent application may be publi-
shed either by the grantee or the United States Government
in such manner and wherever considered most feasible. Manu-
scripts prepared by the grantee shall be furnished the Uni-
ted States Department of Agriculture in triplicate, with at
least one copy in English, when the article is submitted f-
or publication. The preparation, content, editing, approval
and publication of such manuscripts are the responsibility
of the grantee. Review of these manuscripts prior to submi-
ssion for publication will not be made by the United States
Department of Agriculture unless specific request is made
for review and comments. All manuscripts prepared by the g-
rantee and related reprints are required to contain a foot-
note such as "This research has been financed in part by a
grant made by the United States Department of Agriculture,
Office of International Cooperation and Development, Speci-
al Foreign Currency Research Program." Upon publication,___
_copies of reprints shall be furnished to the Deputy Direc-
tor or his regional representatives.
(12) PATENT AND LICENSE RIGHTS. Any patentable results which de-
velop from research under this grant must be made available
to the public in the United States. The Deputy Director wi-
ll determine how this will be done, In countries other than
the United States, the grantee institution may secure pate-
nts on the results from this research, but the United Stat-
es Government must be granted a worldwide, nonexclusive, i-
rrevocable, royalty-free license to use the patent for Uni-
ted States Government purpose.
(a) To enable the United States Government to file a patent
application in the United States, the grantee organiza-
tion agrees:
(1) To advise the Deputy Director promptly as soon as re-
sults which may be patentable have been obtained und-
er the grant.
(2) To cooperate, when requested, in the preparation and
processing of a U.S patent application.
(3) To prepare and/or sign any necessary papers relating
to the United States application.
(4) To secure the cooperation of any employee of the gra-
ntee institution which is needed to make a U.S. pate-
nt application. Any such cooperating employee may not
receive additional pay from the United States for se-
rvices furnished while assisting in development of a
U.S. patent application.
(5) If the laws of the country of the grantee require th-
at patent applications on inventions made in that co-
untry be first filed there before any such applicati-
ons are filed abroad, the grantee shall promptly take
appropriate steps to preserve the right of the United
States Government to obtain a patent in the United S-
tates and to receive the benefit of the earlier fili-
ng date under the lisbon 1958 Revision of the Intern-
ational Convention for the Protection of Industrial
Property. This shall include promptly filing a patent
application in the country of the grantee and, as so-
on as possible thereafter, furnishing the Deputy Dir-
ector a certified copy of the application and a cer-
tified translation, when the original application is
not in the English language.
Expenses required to secure a United States patent a-
re a responsibility of the United States. These incl-
ude the cost of prior art searches, the formal prepa-
ration and filing of applications, the determination
of questions of novelty, patentability and inventors-
hip as well as other functions of a U.S. patent atto-
(13) PROHIBITION AGAINST CERTAIN FEES. The grantee organization
warrants that no person or selling agency has been employed
or retained to solicit or secure this grant upon an agreem-
ent or understanding for a commission, percentage, brokera-
ge, or contingent fee, excepting bona fide employees or bo-
na fide established commercial or selling agencies maintai-
ned by the organization for the purpose of securing busine-
ss. For breach or violation of this warranty, the Deputy D-
irector shall have the right to annul this grant without l-
iability, or, in his discretion, to deduct from the agreed
amount or consideration the full amount of such commission,
percentage, brkerage, or contingent fee.
(14) PERSONAL BENEFITS. No member of or delegate to the United
States Congress, or resident Commissioner, shall be admitt-
ed to any share or part of this grant or any benefit that
may arise therefrom, unless it be made with a corporation
for its general benefit.
(15) RESEARCH MATERIALS. Upon request the grantee will provide
the U.S. Department of Agriculture with seeds, plants, vac-
cines, or any other such research materials discovered or
developed during the life of the grant.
(16) AMENDMENTS. The grant may be amended by mutual consent bet-
ween the grantee organization and the Deputy Director when-
ever considered necessary or desirable.
that provision for travel of USDA personnel to the
participating country is included in the proposal
or the negotiations, funds for such travel may be
included as an obligation in this grant. If includ-
ed in the grant, USDA may withhold from the grant
an amount sufficient to purchase the airline ticke-
ts through United States sources, and to make adva-
nces for and payment in foreign currencies of per
diem and miscellaneous travel costs incurred local-
ly. The grant letter and the budget (cost estimates
) must clearly indicate these facts.
III Note from Mr. Jerry S. Walker, Program Leader of Special Fo-
reign Currency Program of the American Institute in Taiwan,
to Mr. Robert Hsiao, Chief of Business Division of the Coor-
dination Council for North American Affaiirs.

Grant No.:FG-Ta-102
Project No,:TW-AES-3
Mr. Robert Hsiao
Business Division
Coordination Council for
North American Affairs
133, Po Ai Road,
Taipei, Taiwan

Dear Mr. Hsiao :
We are prepared to make a grant to your council under United St-
ates Public Law 480, 83rd Congress, as amended, to undertake a
research project entitled," Reproduction Physiology and control
maturation of tiger-prawn (Penaeus monodon). The research will
be carried out at the National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan
in Collaboration and through Council of Agriculture (COA), Taip-
ei, Taiwan.
The amount of the grant shall not exceed 4,923,000 New Taiwan D-
ollars to carry out the research during a period not to exceed
three (3) years.
The arrangements for carrying out the project were mutually agr-
eed upon during negotiations on September 26, 1986, at the Nati-
onal Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan. Present at negotiations
were Dr. Ching-ming Kuo and Siu-wen Lou for the National Taiwan
University, Dr. Dah-wen Shieh and Mrs. Tsai for the Councilf of
Agriculture and Dr. Jerry S., Walker and Mrs. Gloria Yanosky for
the American Institute in Taiwan.
Your signature in the space provided below is required to indic-
ate Your acceptance of this grant and your agreement to the att-
ached General Provisions Applicable to Foreign Agricultural Res-
earch Grants. This letter when signed and dated by your is auth-
ority to proceed with the project. Please retain copy marked for
you and return the executed original with attachments to the Ch-
ief of Agricultural Affairs Section, American Institute in Taiw-
Funds for this project, limited to 4,923,000 New Taiwan dollars
will be sent to Coordination Council for North American Affairs
(CCNAA) for Grant No. FG-Ta-102.

Jerry S. Walker
Program Leader
Special Foreign Currency Program

Accepted :

Robert Hsiao
Chief, Business Div.
(date) Spt. 30, 1986

(1) DURATION. The grant period will start on the day the attach-
ed grant letter is signed and dated by the authorized repre-
sentative of the grantee organization and it shall remain in
force and effect until completion of the agreed research, b-
ut it is not to exceed the number of years stated in the gr-
ant letter or any amendment thereto. However, the grant may
be terminated at any time by mutual agreement of tha grantee
and the Deputy Director for International Research, Office
of International Cooperation and Development, U.S. Departme-
nt of Agriculture, (hereinafter referred to as the Deputy D-
irector), or by the Deputy Director alone for good cause.
(2) MAXIMUM OBLIGATION. The maximum obligation of the United St-
ates Government shall not exceed the total amount of the gr-
ant or any amendments thereto.
(3) PAYMENTS. An advance payment in the currency of the country
of the grantee will be made as soon as possible after recei-
pt by the Deputy Director or his regional office representa-
tive of the signed and dated original grant letter. Payments
other than he first advance payment will be made upon recei-
pt from the grantee of satisfactory research progress repor-
ts and fiscal reports as required elsewhere under these Gen-
eral Provisions.
(4) ACCOUNTING FOR FUNDS. Payments made by the United States Go-
vernamet and the expenses charged against such payments for
the purpose of the proposal identified in the attached grant
letter will be recorded separately in the accounts of the g-
rantee organization. Such funds may be used only for the pu-
rposes outlined in the proposal identified in the attached
grant letter. Expenditures will be supported by receipts or
other appropriate documentation. The grantee will also keep
a separate record of any interest earned on grant funds. Su-
ch interest must be returned to the United States Treasury.
At the termination of the grant a statement of financial co-
ndition will be prepared by the Deputy Director, or his des-
ignated representative, records and accounts be established
and maintained so as to accommodate the requirements of the
fiscal report.
(5) UNSPENT GRANT FUNDS. Any grant funds in the possession of t-
he grantee organization not spent or firmly obligated for p-
ayment of expenses at the end of the grant period are to be
returned on request.
(6) REPORTING REQUIREMENTS. For each year of this grant, two fi-
scal reports showing the amount of grant funds spent and two
technical progress reports showing the progress of the rese-
arch are to be submitted by the grantee. Detailed informati-
on and instructions concerning the preparation end submissi-
on of these reports including reporting dates will be provi-
ded to the grantee promptly after the original grant letter
is signed and returned from the grantee instituation. At the
termination of the grant a final report will be required co-
vering the technical aspects of the research performed duri-
ng the entire period of the grant. In addition, the grantee
will furnish such other reports relating to the grant funds
and to the grant research as may be required by the Deputy
Director, or his designated representative. All reports are
required to be in English.
resentatives of the United States Government shall have acc-
ess at any reasonable time to the laboratories, offices, or
other facilities related to the work. Also, all data, infor-
mation, records, reports, and accounts of the grantee organ-
ization relating to the project shall be made available to
these representatives. Such data, information, records, rep-
orts, and accounts shall be maintained available for review
a minimum of two years beyond the termination date of the g-
rant. Officers and employees of the grantee organization, or
other personnel, assigned to or engaged in the conduct of t-
he project shall be available for consultation with such re-
presentatives at any reasonable time.
(8) RESEARCH ASSISTANCE. The grantee organization is responsible
for performing the proposed research in an effective and ef-
ficient manner. No contract, grant, or other arrangement sh-
all be made by the grantee with any other party for perform-
ing all or any portion of the research except as may be aut-
horized by the Deputy Director.
(9) TRAVEL. Grant funds may be used to finance travel of grantee
representatives which is necessary for the effective prosec-
ution of the research. Such travel within the country where
the research is being performed should be in accordance with
the regrlations or regular in writing procedures of the gra-
ntee organization, Travel outside such country is to be aut-
horized by the Deputy Director, or his designated represent-
ative, before travel is undertaken.
(10) CAPITAL ASSETS. The use of grant funds is authorized for t-
he purchase of capital assets identified on the attached l-
ist. No additional capital asset items may be purchased fr-
om grant funds and the total amount indicated may not be e-
xceeded except as may be approved by the Deputy Director,
or his designated reprsentative. At the termination of the
grant, the United States Government reserves the right to
appraise all capital assets purchased entirely with grant
funds and to determine their disposition. In case this gra-
nt is terminated prior to its normal expiration date, the
disposition of capital assets purchased in part with grant
funds will be determined mutually.
(11) PUBLICATION OF RESEARCH RESULTS. Results determined by the
Deputy Director, or his designated representative, as not
supporting a United States patent application may be publi-
shed either by the grantee or the United States Government
in such manner and wherever considered most feasible. Manu-
scripts prepared by the grantee shall be furnished the Uni-
ted States Department of Agriculture in triplicate, with at
least one copy in English, when the article is submitted f-
or publication. The preparation, content, editing, approval
and publication of such manuscripts are the responsibility
of the grantee. Review of these manuscripts prior to submi-
ssion for publication will not be made by the United States
Department of Agriculture unless specific request is made
for review and commments. All manuscripts prepared by the
grantee and related reprints are required to contain a foo-
tnote such as "This research has been financed in part by a
grant made by the United States Department of Agriculture,
Office of International Cooperation and Development, Speci-
al Foreign Currency Research Program. "Upon publication,___
_copies of reprints shall be furnished to the Deputy Direc-
tor or his regional representatives.
(12) PATENT AND LICENSE RIGHTS. Any patentable results which de-
velop from research under this grant must be made available
to the public in the United States. The Deputy Director wi-
ll determine how this will be done. In countries other than
the United States, the grantee institution may secure pate-
nts on the results from this research, but the United Stat-
es Government must be granted a worldwide, nonexclusive, i-
rrevocable, royalty-free license to use the patent for Uni-
ted States Government purpose.
(a) To enable the United States Government to file a patent
application in the United States, the grantee organiza-
tion agrees:
(1) To advise the Deputy Director promptly as soon as
results which may be patentable have been obtained
under the grant.
(2) To cooperate, when requested, in the preparation a-
nd processing of a U.S. patent application.
(3) To prepare and/or sign any necessary papers relati-
ng to the United States application.
(4) to secure the cooperation of any employee of the g-
rantee institution which is needed to make a U.S.
patent application. Any such cooperating employee
may not receive additional pay from the United Sta-
tes for services furnished while assisting in deve-
lopment of a U.S. patent application.
(5) If the laws of the country of the grantee require
that patent applications on inventions made in that
country be first filed there before any such appli-
cations are filed abroad, the grantee shall prompt-
ly take appropriate steps to preserve the right of
the United States Government to obtain a patent in
the United States and to receive the benefit of the
earlier filing date under the Lisbon 1958 Revision
of the International Convention for the Protection
of Industrial Property. This shall include promptly
filing a patent application in the country of the
grantee and, as soon as possible thereafter, furni-
shing the Deputy Director a certified copy of the
application and a certified translation, when the
original application is not in the English language
Expenses required to secure a United States patent
are a responsibility of the United States. These i-
nclude the cost of prior art searches, the formal
preparation and filing of applications, the determ-
ination of questions of novelty, patentability and
inventorship as well as other functions of a U.S.
patent attorney.
(13) PROHIBITION AGAINST CERTAIN FEES. The grantee organization
warrants that no person or selling agency has been employed
or retained to solicit or secure this grant upon an ageeme-
nt or understanding for a commission, percentage, brokerage
, or contingent fee, excepting bona fide employees or bona
fide established commercial or selling agencies maintained
by the organiztion for the purpose of securing business. F-
or breach or violation of this warranty, the Deputy Direct-
or shall have the right to annul this grant without liabil-
ity, or, in his descretion, to deduct from the agreed amou-
nt or consideration the full amount of such commission, pe-
rcentage, brokerage, or contingent fee.
(14) PERSONAL BENEFITS. No member of or delegate to the United
States Congress, or resident Commissioner, shall be admitt-
ed to any share or part of this grant or any benefit that
may arise therefrom, unless it be made with a corporation
for its general benefit.
(15) RESEARCH MATERIALS, Upon request the grantee will provide
the U.S. Depatment of Agriculture with seeds, plants, vacc-
ines, or any other such research materials discovered or d-
eveloped during the life of the grant.
(16) AMENDMENTS. The grant may be amended by mutual consent bet-
ween the grantee organization and the Deputy Director when-
ever considered necessary or desirable.
that provision for travel of USDA personnel to the
participating country is included in the proposal
or the negotiations, funds for such travel may be
included as an obligation in this grant, If includ-
ed in the grant,
IV Note from Mr. Jerry S. Walker, Program Leader of Special For-
eign Currency Program of the American Institute in Taiwan, to
Mr. Robert Hsiao, Chief of Business Division of the Coordina-
tion Council for North American Affaiirs.

Grant No.:FG-Ta-103
Project No.:TW-AES-8
Mr.Robert Hsiao
Business Division
Coordination Council for
North American Affairs
133,Po Ai Road,

Dear Mr.Hsiao :
We are prepared to make a grant to your council under United St-
ates Public Law 480, 83rd Congress, as amended, to undertake a
research project entitled, "Phage-induced changes in genetic ch-
aracteristics and their effects on virulence and pathogenicity
of Xanthomonas campestris pv. citri". The research will be carr-
ied out at the National Chung Hsing University, Taichung, Tawain
in collaboration and through Council of Agriculture (COA), Taip-
ei, Taiwan.
The amount of the grant shall not exceed 2,339,600 New Taiwan D-
ollars to carry out the research during a period not to exceed
three(3) years.
The arrangements for carrying out the project were mutually agr-
eed upon during negotiations on September 26, USDA may withhold
from the grant an amount sufficient to purchase the airline tic-
kets through United States sources,and to make advances for and
payment in foreign currencies of per diem end miscellaneous tra-
vel costs incurred locally. The grant letter and the budget (co-
st estimates) must clearly indicate these facts.
1986, at the National Chung Hsing University, Taichung, Taiwan.
Present at negotiations were Dr. Wen Chuan Wu for the National
Chung Hsing University, Dr. Jerry S. Walker and Mrs.Gloria Yano-
sky for the American Institute in Taiwan.
Your signature in the space provided below is required to indic-
ate your acceptance of this grant and your agreement to the att-
ached General Provisions Applicable to Foreign Agricultural Res-
earch Grants. This letter when signed and dated by you is autho-
rity to proceed with the project. Please retain copy marked for
you and return the executed original with attachments to the Ch-
ief of Agricultural Affairs Section, American Institute in Taiw-
Funds for this project, limited to 2,339,600 New Taiwan dollars
will be sent to Coordination Council for North American Affairs
(CCNAA) for Grant No. FG-Ta-103.
Jerry S.walker
Program Leader
Special Foreign
Currency Program
Accepted :

Robert Hsiao
Chief,Business Div.
Sep. 30, 1986

(1) DURATION. The grant period will start on the day the attach-
ed grant letter is signed and dated by the authorized repre-
sentative of the grantee organization and it shall authoriz-
ed representative of the grantee organization and it shall
remain in force and effect until completion of the agreed r-
esearch, but it is not to exceed the number of years stated
in the grant letter or any amendment thereto. However, the
grant may be terminated at any time by mutual agreement of
the grantee and the Deputy Director for International Resea-
rch, Office of International Cooperation and Development, U.
S. Department of Agriculture, (hereinafter referred to as t-
he Deputy Director), or by the Deputy Director alone for go-
od cause.
(2) MAXIMUM OBLIGATION. The maximum obligation of the United St-
ates Government shall not exceed the total amount of the gr-
ant or any amendments thereto.
(3) PAYMENTS. An advance payment in the curreney of the country
of the grantee will be made as soon as possible after recei-
pt by the Deputy Director or his regional office representa-
tive of the signed and dated original grant letter. Payments
other than the first advance payment will be made upon rece-
ipt from the grantee of satisfactory research progress repo-
rts and fiscal reports as required elsewhere under these Ge-
neral Provisions.
(4) ACCOUNTING FOR FUNDS. Payments made by the United States Go-
vernment and the expenses charged against such payments for
the purpose of the proposal identified in the attached grant
letter will be recorded separately in the accounts of the g-
rantee organization. Such funds may be used only for the pu-
rposes outlined in the proposal identified in the attached
grant letter. Expenditures will be supported by receipts or
other appropriate documentation. The grantee will also keep
a separate record of any interest earned on grant funds. Su-
ch interest must be returned to the United States Treasury.
At the termination of the grant a statement of financial co-
ndition will be prepared by the Deputy Director, or his des-
ignated representative, for concurrence by the grantee orga-
nization. It is recommended that records and accounts be es-
tablished and maintained so as to accommodate the requireme-
nts of the fiscal report.
(5) UNSPENT GRANT FUNDS. Any grant funds in the possession of t-
he grantee organization not spent or firmly obligated for p-
ayment of expenses at the end of the grant period are to be
returned on request.
(6) REPORTING REQUIREMENTS. For each year of this grant, two fi-
scal reports showihg the amount of grant funds spent and two
technical progress reports showing the progress of the rese-
arch are to be submitted by the grantee. Detailed informati-
on and instructions concerning the preparation and submissi-
on of these reports including reporting dates will be provi-
ded to the grantee promptly after the original grant letter
is signed and returned from the grantee institution. At the
termination of the grant a final report will be required co-
vering the technical aspects of the research performed duri-
ng the entire period of the grant. In addition, the grantee
will furnish such other reports relating to the grant funds
and to the grant research as may be required by the Deputy
Director, or his designated representative. All reports are
required to be in English.
resentatives of the United States Government shall have acc-
ess at any reasonable time to the laboratories, offices, or
other facilities related to the work. Also, all data, infor-
mation, records, reports, and accounts of the grantee organ-
ization relating to the project shall be made available to
these representatives.
Such data, information, records, reports, and accounts shall
be maintained available for review a minimum of two years b-
eyond the termination date of the grant. Officers and emplo-
yees of the grantee organization, or other personnel, assig-
ned to or engaged in the conduct of the project shall be av-
ailable for consultation with such representatives at any r-
easonable time.
(8) RESEARCH ASSISTANCE. The grantee organization is responsible
for performing the proposed research in an effective and ef-
ficient manner.
No contract, grant, or other arrangement shall be made by t-
he grantee with any other party for performing all or any p-
ortion of the research except as may be authorized by the D-
eputy Director.
(9) TRAVEL. Grant funds may be used to finance travel of grantee
representatives which is necessary for the effective prosec-
ution of the research.
Such travel within the country where the research is being
performed should be in accordance with the regulations or r-
egular procedures of the grantee organization. Travel outsi-
de such country is to be authorized in writing by the Deputy
Director, or his designated representative, before travel is
(10) CAPITAL ASSETS. The use of grant funds is authorized for t-
he purchase of capital assets identified on the attached l-
ist. No additional capital asset items may be purchased fr-
om grant funds and the total amount indicated may not be e-
xceeded except as may be approved by the Deputy Director,
or his designated representative. At the terminatian of the
grant, the United States Government reserves the right to
appraise all capital assets purchased entirely with grant
funds and to determine their disposition. In case this gra-
nt is terminated prior to its normal expiration date, the
disposition of capital assets purchased in part with grant
funds will be determined mutually.
(11) PUBLICATION OF RESEARCH RESULTS. Results determined by the
Deputy Director, or his designated representative, as not
supporting a United States patent application may be publi-
shed either by the grantee or the United States Government
in such manner and wherever considered most feasible. Manu-
scripts prepared by the grantee shall be furnished the Uni-
ted Stated Department of Agriculture in triplicate, with at
least one copy in English, when the article is submitted f-
or publication. The preparation, content, editing, approval
and publication of such manuscripts are the responsibility
of the grantee. Review of these manuscripts prior to submi-
ssion for publication will not be made by the United States
Department of Agriculture unless specific request is made
for review and comments. All manuscripts prepared by the g-
rantee and related reprints are required to contain a foot-
note such as "This research has been financed in part by a
grant made by the United States Department of Agriculture,
Office of International Cooperation and Development, Speci-
al Foreign Currency Research Program." Upon publication,___
_copies of reprints shall be furnished to the Deputy Direc-
tor or his regional representatives.
Any patentable results which develop from research under t-
his grant must be made available to the public in the Unit-
ed States. The Deputy Director will determine how this will
be done.
In countries other than the United States, the grantee ins-
titution may secure patents on the results from this resea-
rch, but the United States Government must be granted a wo-
rldwide, nonexclusive, irrevocable, royalty-free license to
use the patent for United States Government purpose.
(a) To enable the United States Government to file a patent
application in the United States, the grantee organiza-
tion agrees :
(1) To advise the Deputy Director promptly as soon as res-
ults which may be patentable have been obtained under
the grant.
(2) To cooperate, when requested, in the preparation and
processing of a U.S. patent application.
(3) To prepare and/or sign any necessary papers relating
to the United States application.
(4) To secure the cooperation of any employee of the gran-
tee institution which is needed to make a U.S. patent
application. Any such cooperating employee may not re-
ceive additional pay from the United States for servi-
ces furnished while assisting in development of a U.S.
patent application.
(5) If the laws of the country of the grantee require that
patent applications on inventions made in that country
be first filed there before any such applications are
filed abroad, the grantee shall promptly take appropr-
iate steps to preserve the right-of the United states
Government to obtain a patent in the United States and
to receive the benefit of the earlier filing date und-
er the Lisbon 1958 Revision of the Industrial Convent-
ion for the Protection of International Property. This
shall include promptly filing a patent application in
the country of the grantee and, as soon as possible t-
hereafter, furnishing the Deputy Director a certified
copy of the application and a certified translation,
when the original application is not in the English l-
Expenses required to secure a United States Patent are
a responsibility of the United States. These include
the cost of prior art searches, the formal preparation
and filing of applications, the determination of ques-
tions of novelty, patentability and inventorship as w-
ell as other functions of a U.S. patent attorney.
(13) PROHIBITION AGAINST CERTAIN FEES. The grantee organization
warrants that no person or selling agency has been employed
or retained to solicit or secure this grant upon an agreem-
ent or understanding for a commission, percentage, brokera-
ge, or contingent fee, excepting bona fide employees or bo-
na fide established commercial or selling agencies maintai-
ned by the organization for the purpose of securing busine-
ss. For breach or violation of this warranty, the Deputy D-
irector shall have the right to annul this grant without l-
iability, or, in his decretion, to deduct from the agreed
amount or consideration the full amount of such commission
, percentage, brokerage, or contingent fee.
(14) PERSONAL BENEFITS. No member of or delegate to the United
States Congress, or resident Commissioner, shall be admitt-
ed to any share or part of this grant or any benefit that
may arise therefrom, unless it be made with a corporation
for its general benefit.
(15) RESEARCH MATERIALS. Upon request the grantee will provide
the U. S. Department of Agriculture with seeds, plants, va-
ccines, or any other such research materials discovered or
developed during the life of the grant.
(16) AMENDMENTS. The grant may be amended by mutual consent bet-
ween the grantee organization and the Deputy Director when-
ever considered necessary or desirable.
V Note from Mr. Jerry S. Walker, Program Leader of Special Fore-
ign Currency Program of the American Institute in Taiwan, to
Mr. Robert Hsiao, Chief of Business Division of the Coordinat-
ion Council for North American Affairs.
Grant No.:FG-Ta-104
Project No.:TW-AES-7
Mr.Robert Hsiao
Business Division
Coordination Council for
North American Affairs
133,Po Ai Road,
Dear Mr.Hsiao :
We are prepared to make a grant to your council under United
States Public Law 480, 83rd Congress, as amended, to undertake
a research project entitled, "Epizootiological survey and pre-
vention of pseudorabies infection in Taiwan". The research wi-
ll be carried out at the National Chung Hsing University, Tai-
that provision for travel of USDA personnel to the participat-
ing country is included in the proposal or the negotiations,
funds for such travel may be included as an obligation in this
grant. If included in the grant, USDA may withhold from the g-
rant an amount sufficient to purchase the airline tickets thr-
ough United States sources, and to make advances for and paym-
ent in foreign currencies of per diem and miscellaneous travel
costs incurred locally.
The grant letter and the budget (cost estimates) must clearly
indicate these facts. chung, Taiwan and the Taiwan Provincial
Research Institute for Animal Health, Taipei, Taiwan in colla-
boration and through Council of Agriculture (COA), Taipei, Ta-
The amount of the grant shall not exceed 7,929,000 New Taiwan
Dollars to carry out the research during a period not to exce-
ed five(5) years.
The arrangements for carrying out the project were mutually a-
greed upon during negotiations on September 25, 1986, at the
National Chung Hsing University, Taichung, Taiwan. Present at
negotiations were Drs. J. T. Wang, Happy Shienk, Fuming Wu, C-
hing-J Lie and Tein-jye Chang for the National Chung Hsing Un-
iversity, Dr. Shui-ho Cheng for the Council of Agriculture and
Dr. Jerry S. Walker and Mrs. Gloria Yanosky for the American
Institute in Taiwan.
Your singnature in the space provided below is required to in-
dicate your acceptance of this grant and your agreement to the
attached General Provisions Applicable to Foreign Agricultural
Research Grants. This letter when signed and dated by you is
authority to proceed with the project. Please retain copy mar-
ked for you and return the executed original with attachments
to the Chief of Agricultural Affairs Section, American Instit-
ute in Taiwan.
Funds for this project, limited to 7,929,000 New Taiwan dolla-
rs will be sent to Coordination Council for North American Af-
fairs (CCNAA) for Grant No.
Jerry S.walker
Program Leader
Special Foreign
Currency Program
Accepted :
Robert Hsiao
Chief,Business Div.
Spt. 30, 1986
(1) DURATION. The grant period will start on the day the attach-
ed grant letter is signed and dated by the authorized repre-
sentative of the grantee organization and it shall remain in
force and effect until completion of the agreed research, b-
ut it is not to exceed the number of years stated in the gr-
ant letter or any amendment thereto. However, the grant may
be terminated at any time by mutual agreement of the grantee
and the Deputy Director for International Research, Office
of International Cooperation and Development, V.S. Departme-
nt of Agriculture, (hereinafter referred to as the Deputy D-
irector), or by the Deputy Director alone for good cause.
(2) MAXIMUM OBLIGATION. The maximum obligation of the United St-
ates Government shall not exceed the total amount of the gr-
ant or any amendments thereto.
(3) PAYMENTS. An advance payment in the currency of the country
of the grantee will be made as soon as possible after recei-
pt by the Deputy Director or his regional office representa-
tive of the signed and dated original grant letter. Payments
other than the first advance payment will be made upon rece-
ipt from the grantee of satisfactory research progress repo-
rts and fiscal reports as required elsewhere under these Ge-
neral Provisions.
(4) ACCOUNTING FOR FUNDS. Payments made by the United States Go-
vernment and the expenses charged against such payments for
the purpose of the proposal identified in the attached grant
letter will be recorded separately in the accounts of the g-
rantee organization. Such funds may be used only for the pu-
rposes outlined in the proposal identified in the attached
grant letter. Expenditures will be supported by receipts or
other appropriate documentation. The grantee will also keep
a separate record of any interest earned on grant funds. Su-
ch interest must be returned to the United States Treasury.
At the termination of the grant a statement of financial co-
ndition will be prepared by the Deputy Director, or his des-
ignated representative, for concurrence by the grantee orga-
nization. It is recommended that records and accounts be es-
tablished and maintained so as to accommodate the requireme-
nts of the fiscal report.
(5) UNSPENT GRANT FUNDS. Any grant funds in the possession of t-
he grantee organization not spent or firmly obligated for p-
ayment of expenses at the end of the grant period are to be
returned on request.
(6) REPORTLNG REQUIREMENTS. For each year of this grant, two fi-
scal reports showing the amount of grant funds spent and two
technical progress reports showing the progress of the rese-
arch are to be submitted by the grantee. Detailed informati-
on and instructions concerning the preparation and submissi-
on of these reports including reporting dates will be provi-
ded to the grantee promptly after the original grant letter
is signed and returned from the grantee institution. At the
termination of the grant a final report will be required co-
vering the technical aspects of the research performed duri-
ng the entire period
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