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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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1.Signed on October 03, 2005; Entered into force on May 21, 2005.
In order to strengthen and consolidate the existing friendly
relations between the two countries and promote agricultural
technical cooperation, the Government of the Republic of China
(Taiwan) (hereinafter referred to as "Taiwan") and the
Government of the Republic of The Gambia (hereinafter referred
to as "The Gambia") have agreed through their respective
representatives upon the following Articles:

Taiwan agrees to dispatch an agricultural technical cooperation
mission (hereinafter referred to as "the Mission") to The Gambia
by extending technical assistance for:
a.the development of rice production and the tidal irrigation
b.the development of rice seed production and the training of
rice seed producing farmers in close cooperation with related
c.the development of a commercial rice mill in Jahally area and
a wholesale agricultural produce marketing center in the
Greater Banjul area;
d.the improvement of vegetable production in the areas to be
agreed upon, including Ndemban and Bakau women's vegetable
gardens, with special emphasis on the improvement of vegetable
marketing in the Greater Banjul Area;
In executing the above clauses, the Mission should work in close
partnership with senior level counterparts of related
institutions under Department of State for Agriculture (DOSA).

Taiwan agrees to: the traveling expenses of the members of the Mission to
and from The Gambia;
b.defray the salaries and insurances of the members of the
Mission during their tour of service in The Gambia;
c.provide the Mission with transport facilities and farm

The Gambia agrees to:
a.provide the members of the Mission free of charge with
furnished housing with water and electricity facilities;
b.exempt the members of the Mission from taxes on the salaries
and allowances;
c.exempt the members of the Mission and their dependants from
all import tariffs, duties and other taxes on their personal
and household effects on their first arrival in The Gambia;
d.exempt the Mission from all import tariffs, duties and other
taxes on the equipment, seeds, fertilizers, pesticides, farm
machinery and other materials necessary for the services of
the Mission; and
e.provide adequate protection to the members of the Mission and
to grant them the treatment awarded to the technicians of any
third nation and international organizations serving in The
Gambia in the context of technical cooperation.

The Gambia agrees to provide the Mission with indispensable
labour force and help in undertaking land clearing and
development of the extension area.

The products produced by the Mission in the experimental and
demonstration zone(s), except for an appropriate portion
necessary to the Mission, may be sold. The revenues from their
sale shall be deposited in a special bank account designed to
support the extension of the on-going projects. The modalities
of the management of the special bank account shall be
determined through mutual agreement between the two Parties.

Taiwan agrees to invite the personnel nominated by The Gambia to
participate in study tours or seminars on agricultural
technology. Taiwan shall pay for the traveling expenses to and
from Taiwan and their meals, accommodations, training courses
and daily allowances during the stay of the Gambian personnel in

The present Agreement shall enter into force retrospectively on
21 May 2005 and shall remain valid for a period of three years.
The present Agreement shall automatically be extended, each time
for three years, unless either Government terminates it upon
written notice to the other, six months prior to its expiry.

The present Agreement may be amended by mutual agreement between
the two Governments through the exchange of notes.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the undersigned, being duly authorized
thereto by their respective Governments, have signed the present
DONE at Banjul, in the Chinese and English languages, both texts
being equally authentic, this third day of the tenth month of
the ninety-fourth year of the Republic of China (Taiwan),
corresponding to the third day of October, two thousand and five

For the Government of the For the Government of the
Republic of China (Taiwan) Republic of The Gambia

Patrick P. C. Chang Mousa Gibril Bala-Gaye
Ambassador Secretary of State for Foreign
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)