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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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1.Signed on September 11, 1989; Entered into force on September 11, 1989.
September 1, 1989
Mr. C. S. Pan
Director, Economic Division
Coordination Council for
North American Affairs
4301 Connecticut Avenue. N.W.
Suite 420
Washington, D.C. 20008
Dear Mr. Pan :
Enclosed are two originals of a letter which, if accepted by you
, will constitute an amendment to the "Guidelines for Cooperati-
ve Program in the Agricultural Sciences between the American In-
stitute in Taiwan and the Coordination Council for North Americ-
an Affairs, "which became effective on January 28, 1986. If this
amendment is acceptable to CCNAA, please sign and date both ori-
ginals and return one to me.
Thank you for your continuing cooperation.
Clarke N. Ellis
Deputy Managing Director
CE / cd
Enclosures : As stated
September 1, 1989
Mr. C. S. Pan
Dirctor, Economic Division
Coordination Council for
North American Affairs
4301 Connecticut Avenue. N.W.
Suite 420
Washington, D.C. 20008
Dear Mr. Pan :
I refer to the "Guidelines for a Cooperative Program in the Agr-
icultural Sciences between the American Institute in Taiwan and
the Coordination Council for North American Affairs, "which bec-
ame effective on January 28, 1986. A copy of that document is e-
nclosed for your reference.
I herewith propose that Article 6 of the Guidelines entitled ;I-
nitial Areas of Cooperation;, be amended by adding four (4) add-
itional topics to the six (6) topics listed. The additional top-
ics will be as follows :
7 Product marketing and development.
8 Forest management.
9 Research and professional enhancement involving natural reser-
ves and wildlife management.
10 Professional enhancement and assistance involving agricultu-
re, forestry, land preservation, land planning and urban de-
velopment. The funding of cooperative activities is delinea-
ted in Article 4 of the Guidelines. At present, the U. S. D-
epartment of Agriculture (USDA) makes funds available to the
Taipei Office of the American Institute in Taiwan (AIT/T) to
carry out cooperative programs in Taiwan agreed to by the U-
SDA and the Council of Agriculture (COA). Those funds are t-
hen sent by AIT/T to the Taipei office of the Coordination
Council for North American Affairs (CCNAA / T ) for payment
to the COA. It is my understanding that the COA is also pre-
pared to make funds available to the USDA for relevant prof-
essional enhancement cooperative programs with the common c-
onsent of USDA and COA to be carried out in the United Stat-
September 1, 1989
Mr. C. S. Pan
Dirctor, Economic Division
Coordination Council for
North American Affairs
4301 Connecticut Avenue. N.W.
Suite 420
Washington, D.C. 20008
Dear Mr. Pan :
I refer to the "Guidelines for a Cooperative Program in the
Agricultural Sciences between the American Institute in Tai-
wan and the Coordination Council for North American Affairs,
"which became effective on January 28, 1986. A copy of that
document is enclosed for your referen.
I herewith propose that Article 6 of the Guidelines entitled
Initial Areas of Cooperation, be amened by adding four (4)
additional topics to the six (6) topics listed. The additio-
nal topics will be as follows :
7 Product marketing and development.
8 Forest mangement.
9 Research and professional enhancement involving natural r-
eserves and wildlife management.
10 Professional enhancement and assistance involving agricul-
ture, forestry, land preservation, land planning and urban
development. The funding of cooperative activities is del-
ineated in Article 4 of the Guidelines. At present, the U.
S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) makes funds available
to the Taipei Office of the American Institute in Taiwan (
AIT/T) to carry out cooperative programs in Taiwan agreed
to by the USDA and the Council of Agriculture (COA) . Tho-
se funds are then sent by AIT/T to the Taipei office of t-
he Coordination Council for North American Affairs (CCNAA
/ T) for payment to the COA. It is my understanding that
the COA is also prepared to make funds availabe to the US-
DA for relevant professional enhancement cooperative prog-
rams with the common consent of USDA and COA to be carried
out in the United States.
It is herewith proposed that the Washington office of the
American Institute in Taiwan (AIT/W) will upon the receipt
of invoices presented by the USDA submit those invoices to
the Washington office of the Coordination Council for Nor-
th American Affairs (CCNAA/W) for payment. Upon receipt of
payment from CCNAA/W, AIT/W will in turn make payment to
the USDA.
Please confirm your acceptance of the amendment to Article
6 Of the Guidelines and to the payment procedures contain-
ed in the previous paragraph to this letter by signing bo-
th copies of this letter and returning one copy to this o-
Clarke N. Ellis
Deputy Managing Director
Accepted this 1lth day
of Sepetember, 1989.
By: C.S.Pan
Director, Economic Division
Coordination Council for
North American Affairs
September 11, 1989
Mr. Clarke N. Ellis.
Deputy Managing Director
American Institute in Taiwan
1700 N. Moore Street, #1705
Arlington, Va 22209
Dear Mr. Ellis :
This is to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of Sept-
ember 1, 1989 and the attached two copies of the "Guideli-
nes for a Cooperative Program in the Agricultural Science
between the American Institute in Taiwan and the Coordina-
tion Council for North American Affairs" .
I have duly signed both copies on behalf of the Coordinat-
ion Council for North American Affairs. I am returning he-
rewith one of them to you.
Best regards,
C. S. Pan
Sincerely yours,
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)