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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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1.Signed on Octorber 3, 1989; Entered into force on Octorber 3, 1989.
Mr.David K. P. Liu
Business Division
Coordination Council for
North American Affairs
133, Po Ai Rd.,
Taipei, Taiwan
Dear Mr. Liu :
We are prepared to make a grant to your council under United St-
ates Public Law 480, 83rd Congress, as amended, to undertake a
research project entitled, "Molecular biology and biotechnology
of monodon baculovirus " .
The research will be carried out at the Academia Sinica and Nat-
ional Pingtung Institute of Agriculture in collaboration and th-
rough Council of Agriculture (COA), Taipei, Taiwan.
The amount of the grant shall not exceed NT$9,607,000. The Amer-
ican Institute in Taiwan will provide NT$4,377,000 and the Cunc-
il of Agriculture will provied NT$5,230,000 to carry out the re-
search during a period not to exceed four (4) years beginning J-
uly 1, 1989. First year funds in the amount of NT$824,200 is pr-
ovided at this time by the American Institute in Taiwan.
The arrangements for carry out the project were mutually agreed
upon during negotiations on September 27, 1989, at the Council
of Agriculture. Present at negotiations were Dr. Jen-Leih Wu for
the Academia Sinica and Prof. M. C. Tung for the National Pingt-
ung Institute of Agriculture, Dr. Hsun Tu and Mr. Ming-Hwa Lin
for the Council of Agriculture and Dr. Valdis E. Mezainis and Ms
. Tina Ou-Yang for the American Institute in Taiwan.
Your singnature in the space provided below in required to indi-
cate your acceptance of this grant and your agreement to the at-
tached General Provisions Applicable to Foreign Agricultural Re-
search Grants. This letter when signed and dated by you is auth-
ority to proceed with the project. Please retain copy marked for
you and return the executed original with attachments to the Ch-
ief of Agricultural Affairs Sections, American Institute in Taiwan.
Validis E. Mezainis
International Research
Accepted :
David K. P. Liu
Chief Business Division
1o / 03 / 89
Mr. David K. P. Liu
Business Division
Coordination Council for
North American Affairs
133, Po Ai Rd.;
Taipei, Taiwan
Dear Mr. Liu :
We are prepared to make a grant to your Council under United St-
ates Public Law 480, 83rd Congress, as amended, to undertake a
research project entitled, "Studies on the causes of mortalities
of cultured black carp, Muolpharyngodon piceus".
The research will be carried out at the National Taiwan Univers-
ity and the Taiwan Fisheries Research Institute in collaboration
and through Council of Agriculture (COA), Taipei, Taiwan.
The amount of the grant shall not exceed NT$4,118,000. The Amer-
ican Institute in Taiwan will provide NT$2,048,000 and the Coun-
cil of Agriculture will provide NT$2,070,000 to carry out the r-
esearch during a period not to exceed three (3) years beginning
July 1, 1989. First year funds in the amount of NT$619,000 is p-
rovided at this time by the American Institute in Taiwan.
The arrangements for carry out the project were mutually agreed
upon during negotiations on September 27, 1989, at the Council
of Agriculture. Present at negotiations were Dr. I-Chiu Liao for
the Taiwan Fisheries Research Institute, Dr. Hsun Tu and Mr. Mi-
ng-Hwa Lin for the Council of Agriculture and Dr. Valdis E. Mez-
ainis and Ms. Tina Ou-Yang for the American Institute in Taiwan.
Your signature in the space provided below is required to indic-
ate your acceptance of this grant and your agreement to the att-
ached General Provisions Applicable to Foreign Agricultural Res-
earch Grants. This letter when signed and dated by you is autho-
rity to proceed with the project. Please retain copy marked for
you and return the executed original with attachments to the Ch-
ief of Agricultural Affairs Sections, American Institute in Tai-
Valdis E. Mezainis
International Research
Accepted :
David K. P. Liu
Chief Business Division
1o / 03 / 89
Mr. David K. P. Liu
Business Division
Coordination Council for
North American Affairs
133, Po Ai Rd.,
Taipei, Taiwan
Dear Mr. Liu :
We are prepared to make a grant to your Council under United St-
ates Public Law 480, 83rd Congress, as amended, to undertake a
research project entitled, "Rapid method for diagnosing ornamen-
tal plant viruses and their control measures".
The research will be carried out at the Taiwan Agricultural Res-
earch Institute and the National Chung Hsing University in coll-
aboration and through Council of Agriculture (COA), Taipei, Tai-
The amount of the grant shall not exceed NT$5,062,000. The Amer-
ican Institute in Taiwan will provide NT$2,666,000 and the Coun-
cil of Agriculture will provide NT$2,396,000 to carry out the r-
esearch during a period not to exceed four (4) years beginning
July 1, 1989. First year funds in the amount of NT$712,000 is p-
rovided at this time by the American Institute in Taiwan.
The arrangements for carry out the project were mutually agreed
upon during negotiations on September 27, 1989, at the Council
of Agriculture. Present at negotiations were Dr. C. A. Chang for
the Taiwan Agricultural Research Institute, Dr. Chiou-Nan Chen,
Dr. Ching-Wen Kao and Mr. Ming-Hwa Lin for the Council of Agric-
lture and Dr. Valdis E. Mezainis and Ms. Tina Ou-Yang for the A-
merican Institute in Taiwan.
Your signature in the space provided below is required to indic-
ate your acceptance of this grant and your agreement to the att-
ached General Provisions Applicable to Foreign Agricultural Res-
earch Grants. This letter when signed and dated by you is autho-
rity to proceed wit the project. Please retain copy marked for
you and return the executed original with attachments to the Ch-
ief of Agricultural Affairs Sections, American Institute in Tai-
Valdis E. Mezainis
International Research
Accepted :
David K. P. Liu
Chief Business Division
1o / 03 / 89
Mr. David K. P. Liu
Business Division
Coordination Coulicil for
North American Affairs
133, Po Ai Rd.,
Taipei, Taiwan
Dear Mr. Liu :
We are prepared to make a grant to your Council under United St-
ates Public Law 480, 83rd Congress, as amended, to undertake re-
search project entitled, "Expression of papaya ringspot virus g-
enes in transgenic papaya ".
The research will be carried out at the National Chung Hsing Un-
iversity in collaboration and through council of Agriculture (C-
OA), Taipei, Taiwan.
The amount of the grant shall not exceed NT$5,140,000. The Amer-
ican Institute in Taiwan will provide NT$2,300,000 and the Coun-
cil of Agriculture will provide NT$2,840,000 to carry out the r-
esearch during a period not to exceed four (4) years beginning
July 1, 1989. First year funds in the amount of NT$442,000 is p-
rovided at this time by the American Institute in Taiwan.
The arrangements for carry out the project were mutually agreed
upon during negotiations on September 27, 1989, at the Council
of Agriculture. Present at negotiations were Dr. Shyi-Dong Yeh
for the National Chung Hsing University,Dr. Chiou-Nan Chen, Dr.
Ching-Wen Kao and Mr. Ming-Hwa Lin for the Council of Agricultu-
re and Dr. Valdis E. Mezainis and Ms. Tina Ou-Yang for the Amer-
ican Institute in Taiwan.
Your signature in the space provided below is required to indic-
ate your acceptance of this grant and your agreement to the att-
ached General Provisions Applicable to Foreign Agricultural Res-
earch Grants. This letter when signed and dated by you is autho-
rity to proceed with the project. Please retain copy marked for
you and return the executed original with attachments to the Ch-
ief of Agricultural Affairs Sections, American Institute in Tai-
Valdis E. Mezainis
International Research
Accepted :
David K. P. Liu
Chief Business Division
1o / 03 / 89
Mr. David K. P. Liu
Business Division
Coordination Council for
North American Affairs
133, Po Ai Rd.,
Taipei, Taiwan
Dear Mr. Liu :
We are prepared to make a grant to your Council under United St-
ates Public Law 480, 83rd Congress, as amended, to undertake a
research project entitled, "Detection and mechanism of soils su-
ppressive to root rot caused by Phytophora species in Taiwan " .
The research will be carried out at the Taiwan Agricultural Res-
earch Institute, Chia-yi in collaboration and through Council of
Agriculture (COA), Taipei, Taiwan.
The amount of the grant shall not exceed NT$3,770,000. The Amer-
ican Institute in Taiwan will provide NT$1,910,000 and the Coun-
cil of Agriculture will provide NT$1,860,000 to carry out the r-
esearch during a period not to exceed four (4) years beginning
July 1, 1989. First year funds in the amount of NT$400,000 is p-
rovided at this time by the American Institute in Taiwan.
The arrangements for carry out the project were mutually agreed
upon during negotiations on September 27, 1989, at the Council
of Agriculture.
Present at negotiations were Dr. Pao-Jen Ann for the Taiwan Agr-
icultural Re- search Institute, Dr. Chiou-Nan chen, Dr. Ching-W-
en Kao and Mr. Ming-Hwa Lin for the Council of Agriculture and
Valdis E. Mezainis and Ms. Tina OUYang for the American Institu-
te in Taiwan.
Your singature in the space provided below is required to indic-
ate your acceptance of this grant and your agreement to the att-
ached General Provisions Applicable to Foreign Agricultural Res-
earch Grants. This letter when signed and dated by you is autho-
rity to proceed with the project. Please retain copy marked for
you and return the executed Original with attachments to the Ch-
ief of Agricultural Affairs Sections, American Institute in Tai-
Valdis e. Mezainis
International Research
Accepted :
David K. P. Liu
Chief Business Division
1o / 13 / 89
Mr. David K. P. Liu
Business Division
Coordination Council for
North American Affairs
133, Po Ai Rd.,
Taipei, Taiwan
Dear Mr. Liu :
We are prepared to make a grant to your Council under United St-
ates Public Law 480, 83rd Congress, as amended, to undertake a
research project entitled, "Effects of long term consumption of
low-level aflatoxin on the immune fuction, general pelformance,
profiles of hematology and blood chemistry and morphology of sw-
ine " .
The research will be carried out at the Pig Research Institute,
Chunan in collaboration and through Council of Agriculture (COA)
, Taipei, Taiwan.
The amount of the grant shall not exceed NT$5,093,000. The Amer-
ican Institute in Taiwan will provide NT$2,093,000 and the Coun-
cil of Agriculture will provide NT$3,000,000 to carry out the r-
esearch during a period not to exceed three.(3) years beginning
July 1, 1989. First year funds in the amount of NT$571,000 is p-
rovided at this time by the American Institute in Taiwan.
The arrangements for carry out the project were mutually agreed
upon during negotiations on September 26, 1989, at the Council
of Agriculture. Present at negotiations were Dr. Jih-Fang Wu for
the Pig Research Institute, Dr. Hsun Tu, Mr. W. F. Chang and Mr.
Ming-Hwa Lin for the Council of Agriculture and Dr.Valdis E. Me-
zainis and Ms. Tina Ou-Yang for the American Institute in Taiwan
Your signature in the space provided below is required to indic-
ate your acceptance of this grant and your agreement to the att-
ached General Provisions Applicable to Foreign Agricultural Res-
earch Grants. This letter when signed and dated by you is autho-
rity to proceed with the project. Please retain copy marked for
you and return the executed original with attachments to the Ch-
ief of Agricultural Affairs Sections, American Institute in Tai-
Valdis E. Mezainis
International Research
Accepted :
David K. P. Liu
Chief Business Division
1o / 03 / 89
Mr. David K. P. Liu
Business Division
Coordination Council for
North american Affairs
133, Po Ai rd.,
Taipei, Taiwan
Dear Mr. Liu :
We are prepared to make a grant to your Council under United St-
ates Public Law 480, 83rd congress, as amended, to undertake a
research project entitled, "Development of lactoferrin transgen-
ic swine ".
The research will be carried out at the Pig Research Institute,
Chunan in collaboration and through Council of Agriculture (COA)
, Taipei, Taiwan.
The amount of the grant shall not exceed NT$6,072,000. The Amer-
ican Institute in Taiwan will provide NT$3,382,000 and the Coun-
cil of Agriculture will provide NT$2,690,000 to carry out the r-
esearch during a period not to exceed four (4) years beginning
July 1, 1989. First year funds in the amount of NT$832,000 is p-
rovided at this time by the American Institute in Taiwan.
The arrangements for carry out the project were mutually agreed
upon during negotiations on September 26, 1989, at the Council
of Agriculture. Present at negotiations were Dr. Redman Chu for
the Pig Research Institute, Dr. Hsun Tu, Mr, W. F. Chang and Mr.
Ming-Hwa Lin for the Council of Agriculture and Dr.Valdis E. Me-
zainis and Ms. Tina Ou-Yang for the American Institute in Taiwan
Your signature in the space provided below in required to indic-
ate your acceptance of this grant and your agreement to the att-
ached General Provisions Applicable to Foreign Agricuftural Res-
earch Grants. This letter when signed and dated by you is autho-
rity to proceed with the project. Plesse retain copy marked for
you and return the executed original with attachments to the Ch-
ief of Agricultural Affairs Sections, American Institute in Tai-
Valdis E. Mezainis
International Research
Accepted :
David K. P. Liu
Chief Business Division
l0 / 03 / 89
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)