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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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1.Segned and Exchanged on October 11 and November 29, 1988; Entered into force on November 29, 1988.
October ll, 1988
Grant No.: FG-Ta-102
Project No.: TW--AES--3
Amendment No. 1
Mr. James W. C. Wang
Business Division
Coordination Council for
North American Affairs
133 Po Ai Road
Taipei, Taiwan
Dear Mr. Wang :
The purpose of this amendment is to extend the completion date
of the project under foreign research grant entitled "Reproduct-
ion Physiology and control maturation of tiger-prawn (Penaeus m-
onodon)." The research is being carried out at the National Tai-
wan University, Taipei, Taiwan.
We have received from Dr. Ching--ming Kuo, Principal Investigat-
or of this project, a request for a 1--year extension without a-
dditional funds of this research. Since the added research and
its results would be mutually beneficial, a 1--year extension of
this project is hereby approved. The termination date of Grant
No. FG-Ta-102, is hereby changed from september 29,1989, as con-
templated under the grant, to September 29, 1990. All other pro-
visions of the grant remain unchanged.
This amendment will become official upon your signature in the
space provided below. Please retain copy marked for you and ret-
urn the original to the Chief of Agricultural Affairs Section,
American Institute in Taiwan, Taipei, Taiwan.

Concurred in :
Program Leader
Special Foreign
Currency Program
(James W. C. Wang)
Chief, Business Division
(Date) 11-29-88
November 2, 1989
AIT B-759
Mr. David K.P. Liu
Business Division
Coordination Council for
North American Affairs
133 Po Ai Road
Taipei, Taiwan

Dear Mr. Liu :
Mr. Valdis Mezainis, Director of International Research Divisio-
n, OICD / USDA, has asked me to forward the original and three
copies of a research project amendment to you for your signature
The research project is entitled" Avian Influenza Surveillance
in Taiwan,R.O.C".
This amendment takes effect when you sign it. Please keep two c-
opies for CCNAA and council of Agriculture files and return the
original and one copy with your signature to me.
Please contact me if you have any questions.
Kenneth E. Howland
Agricultural Affairs Section

enc: one original and three copies of
research project amendment
Grant No.: FG-TA-101
Preject No.: TW-ARS-6
Amendment No.: 2
October 12, 1989
Mr. David K.P. Liu
Business Division
Coordination Council for
North American Affairs
133 Po Ai Road
Taipei, Taiwan
Dear Mr. Liu :
The purpose of this amendment is to extend the completion date
of the research and increase the financial support under forei-
gn research grant entitled" Avian Influenza Surveillance in Ta-
iwan, R.O.C.".
It is deemed mutually beneficial to approve a 7-month extension
with additional funds to this grant to complete the research u-
nderway and bring the project to a satisfactory conclusion. Ac-
cordingly, the termination date of Grant No. FG--Ta--lOl is he-
reby changed from November 30, 1989, as contemplated under Ame-
ndment No. 1, to June 30, 1990. The additional funds authorized
by this adendment shall not exceed NT$628,840. All other condi-
tions of the grant remain unchanged.
This amendment will become official upon your signature in the
space provided below. Please retain copy of the amendment so m-
arked for you and return the original to the Chief of Agricult-
ural Affairs Section, American Institute in Taiwan, Taipei, Ta-
Concurred in :
Valdis Mezainis
International Research
(David K.P. Liu)
(Chief, Business Division)
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)