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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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1.Signed on October 4, 1993 Entered into force on October 4, 1993
1.In order to meet the ever increasing need to formalise and to
expand the agricultural relation, the Council of Agriculture
and the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature Management and Fisher-
ies decided to set up an Agricultural Wording Group (hereinaf-
ter referred to as AWG); this is in acknowledgement of the im-
portant role which cooperation in agriculture can play in the
economic development of the two countries. The activities of
the Wording Group will be carried out within the framework of
this Agreement.
1) The AWG will consist of delegations of the two parties. Ea-
ch delegation will be headed by a high ranking official fr-
om, respectively, the Council of Agriculture and the Minis-
try of Agriculture, Nature Management and Fisheries.
2) Each party will decide upon the necessary number of experts
and advisors in its delegation. Representatives of other M-
inistries, interested organizations, private or state owned
enterprises can be invited to join in each delegation.
3) The AWG will meet alternately in Taipei and the Hague at d-
ates that will be agreed upon between the chairmen of the
two delegations.
4) The agenda for each meeting will be established on the bas-
is of suggestions from both sides. In this respect each de-
legation will make its suggestions not later than one month
before the meeting. The two chairmen will inform each other
as soon as possible before each meeting on the number and
composition of their delegations.
5) The chairman of the receiving delegation is responsible for
the oganizagion of the meeting of the AWG and will preside
over the meeting. Each delegation will bear its own costs
2.The AWG will stimulate the further development and intensific-
ation of economic cooperation between both countries in the f-
ield of agriculture including fisheries, forestry, livestock,
agro-and food industry.
3.For this purpose the subjects to be discussed in the AWG will
cover a broad spectrum of items such as expansion of bilateral
trade, transfer of know-how and technology and investments and
reduction of trade barriers.
4.As for the identification of possible cooperation, the AWG wi-
ll examine the possibilities for cooperation by analyzing sec-
tors and fields that are best suited. Also programs and proje-
cts for economic cooperation between public institutions or o-
rganizagions, and private or state owned enterprises of both
countries shall be identified.
5.Within the limits dfits competence, AWG will promote, coordin-
ate and guide activities related to the implementation of ide-
ntified cooperation programs and projects. To that end the AWG
may recommend.
-the organizagion of exhibitions, seminars, training courses;
-the exchange of specialists and research reports and data;
-the organization of feasibility and other relevant studies;
-cooperation in the field of marketing of agricultural produc-
-monitoring the implementation of on-going activities in the
field of agriculture.
-the cooperation in agricultural sciences and extention.
6.The AWG will periodically need to plan and review the programs
of activities and to consider additional actions to promote s-
uch activities.
7.The minutes of the meetings of the working groups will be pre-
pared in the English language, and will be signed by the chai-
rman of each delegation.
8.This agreement shall enter into force on the date of signature
thereof. The agreement shall be terminated upon ninety days p-
rior notice in writing by either party to the ether party.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned, being duly authorized ther-
eto by their respective Governments, have signed this Agreement.
DONE in Taipei on this fourth day of the tenth month of the year
nineteen ninety three.

For the Council ofAgriculture For the Ministry ofAgriculture,
Nature Management & Fisheries
[Signed] [Signed]
Dr. Paul M.H. SUN Dr. P. Bukman
(for him, Dr. Spencer Chyr, (for him, Mr. A.J.A. van Royen,
Director, Dept. ofAnimal Deputy Managing Director for
Industry, COA) Trade and Industry, MAFN)
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)