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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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1.Signed on October 23, 1993 Entered into retroactively on October 27, 1991
Taipei, August 1993
Dear Sir:
Re: Extension of Agricultural Technical Cooperation Agreement b-
etween the Taipei Economic and Trade Office in Indonesia (T-
ETO) and the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce to Taipei
This is to refer to the Agricultural Technical Cooperation Agre-
ement attached herewith, which was signed on May 25, 1989, betw-
een Taipei Economic and Trade Office (TETO) in Indonesia and the
Indonesian Chamber of Commerce to Taipei, and expired on October
26, 1991.
Considering those positive results which were very useful in su-
pporting agricultural development programs in Central Java and
Yogyakarta, I propose that this Agreement be further extended f-
or another 4 (four) years retroactively from on 27 October 1991
to 26 October 1995 with some improvements, i.e. special attenti-
on be given to demonstration centres as written in the attached
Annex 1. Hence, for this extension a number of specialists, as
listed in Annex 2, would be needed.
If this proposal is agreeable to TETO, I further propose that t-
his note and your reply concurring herein shall constitute an a-
greement extending the above-mentioned cooperation.
Please accept, Sir, the assurances of my highest consideration.

[Signed] [Signed]
Representative . Chairman
Taipei Economic and Trade Office The Indonesian Chamber of
in Jakarta to Taipei

Oct. 23, 1993
Ref No.82/10/326
Dear Sir,
I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note of Aug-
ust, 1993, which reads as follows:
"Dear Sir:
Re: Extension of Agricultural Technical Cooperation Agreement b-
etween the Taipei Economic and Trade Office in Indonesia (T-
ETO) and the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce to Taipei
This is to refer to the Agricultural Technical Cooperation Agre-
ement attached herewith which was signed on May 25, 1989, betwe-
en Taipei Economic and Trade Office (TETO) in Indonesia and the
Indonesian Chamber of Commerce to Taipei, and expired on October
26, 1991.
Considering those positive results which were very useful in su-
pporting agricultural development programsin Central Java and Y-
ogyakarta, I propose that this Agreement be further extended for
another 4 (four) years retroactively from 27 October 1991 to 26
October 1995 with some improvements, i.e. special attention be
given to demonstration centres as written in the attached Annex
I. Hence, for this extension a number of specialists, as listed
in Annex II, would be needed.
If this proposal is agreeable to TETO, I further propose that t-
his note and your reply concurring herein shall constitute an a-
greement extending the above-mentioned cooperation.
Please accept, Sir, the assurances of my highest consideration.
In reply, I have further honor to confirm, on behalf of the Gov-
ernment of the Republic of China, that your note and this reply
concurring herein shall constitute an Agreement extending the a-
bove-mentioned cooperation.
Please accept, Sir, the renewed assurances of my highest consid-
Taipei Economic and Trade Office in Jakarta
The Indonesian Chamber of Commerce to Taipei


1.Wonocatur 1. Tegal
2. Ngipiksari 2. Purbalingga
3. Kaliurang 3. Ungaran
4. Sawungan 4. Boyolali
5. Wates 5. Salatiga
6. Pati

Remarks: Location of the Centres are subject to the result of s-
urvey and determined by the specialists.

│ │Number of Speciali│
│ │st │
│Expertise ├────┬────┤
│ │Central │Yogyakar│
│ │Java │ta │
│1. Mission Leader/deputy │ O │ 1 │
│2. Deputy of the Mission Leader │ 1 │ O │
│3. Agronomist │ 2 │ 2 │
│4. Plant Protection Specialist │ 1 │ O │
│5. Horticulturies (mushroom Vegetables) │ 2 │ 2 │
│6. Animal Laboratory Diagnosis │ 1 │ O │
│7. Animal Breading Specialist │ O │ 1 │
│8. Brackisk Water Auaculturist │ 1 │ O │
│9. Fresh Water Aquaculturist │ 1 │ O │
│10. Post Harvest Processing Specialist │ O │ 1 │
│ or Fruit andVegetable Processing Sp-│ │ │
│ ecialist │ │ │
│11. Agricultural Marketing Specialist │ O │ O │
│12. Horticultural Crop Processing Speci-│ O │ O │
│ alist │ │ │
│13. Seed Breeder │ O │ 1 │
│14. Tea Cultivation and Processing Spec-│ 1 │ O │
│ ialist │ │ │
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)