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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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1.Signed and exchanged on September 21, 1988; Entered into force on September 21, 1988.
I Letter from Mr. Jerry S. Walker, Program Leader, Special Fore-
ign Program Leader, Special Foreign Currency Program of the A-
merican Institute in Taiwan to Mr. James W. C. Wang, Chief of
Business Division of the Coordination Council for North Ameri-
can Affairs
Grant No: FG-TA-120
Preject No.: TW-ARS-27
Mr. James W. C. Wang
Business Division
Coordination Council for
North American Affairs
133 Po Ai Road
Taipei, Taiwan
Dear Mr. Wang :
We are prepared to make a grant to your Council under United
States Public Law 480, 83rd Congress, as amended, to undertake
a research project entitled,"Keeping the quality of postmortem
grass prawn and utilization of the discards form processing."
The research will be carried out at the National Taiwan Colle-
ge of Marine Science and Technology, Keelung in collaboration
and through Council of Agriculture (COA), Taipei, Taiwan.
The amount of the grant shall not exceed NT$ 6,937,200. The A-
merical Institute in Taiwan will provide NT$ 3,345,200 and the
Council of Agriculture will provide NT$3,592,000 to carry out
the research during a period not to exceed four (4) years beg-
inning July 1, 1988.
The arrangements for carrying out the project were mutually a-
greed upon during negotiations on September 9, 1988, at the C-
ouncil of Agriculture. Present at negotiations were Dr. Hsing
Chen Chen for the National Taiwan College of Marine Science a-
nd Technology, Mr. Ming-Hwa Lin for the Council of Agriculture
and Dr. Jerry S. Walker, Mr. David Hamer, Mrs. Ou, and Ms. Gl-
oria J. Yanosky for the American Institute in Taiwan.
Your signature in the space provided below is required to ind-
icate your acceptance of this grant and your agreement to the
attached General Provisions Applicable to Foreign Agricultrual
Research Grants. This letter when signed and dated by you is
authority to proceed with the project. Please retain copy mar-
ked for you and return the executed original with attachments
to the Chief of Agricultural Affairs Sections, American Insti-
tute in Taiwan.
Jerry S. Walker
Program Leader
Special Foreign
Currency Program
Accepted :
James W. C. Wang
Chief, Business Division
Sept. 21, 1988
Ⅱ Letter from Mr. Jerry S. Walker, Program Leader, Special For-
eign Currency Program of the American Institute in Taiwan to
Mr. James W. C. Wang, Chief of Business Division of the Coor-
dination Council for North American Affairs
Grant No: FG-TA-121
Preject No,: TW-AES-24
Mr. James W. C. Wang
Business Division
Coordination council for
North American Affairs
133 Po Ai Road
Taipei, Taiwan
Dear Mr. Wang :
We are prepared to make a grant to your Council under United
States Public Law 480, 83rd Congress, as amended, to underta-
ke a research project entitled, "The biomedical analysis and
genetic selection of tilapia to cold tolerance. "
The research will be carried out at the National Taiwan Coll-
ege of Marine Science and Technology and Taiwan Fishery Rese-
arch Institute Keelung in collaboration and through Council
of Agriculture (COA), Taipei, Taiwan.
The amount of the grant shall not exceed NT$ 5,737,500. The
American Institute in Taiwan will provide NT$ 2,402,500 and
the Council of Agriculture will provide NT$ 3,335,000 to car-
ry out the research during a period not to exceed four (4) y-
ears beginning July 1, 1988.
The arrangements for carrying out the project were mutually
agreed upon during negotiations On September 9, 1988, at the
Council of Agriculture. Present at negotiations were Dr. Chi-
ng--Fong Chang for the National Taiwan College of Marine Sci-
ence and Technology, Mr. Ming-Hwa Lin for the Council of Agr-
iculture, Dr. Jerry S. Walker, Mr. David Hamer, Mrs. Qu, and
Ms. G1oria J. Yanosky for the American Institute in Taiwan.
Your signature in the space provided below is required to in-
dicate your acceptance of this grant and your agreement to t-
he attached General Provisions Applicable to Foreign Agricul-
tural Research Grants. This letter when signed and dated by
you is authority to proceed with the project. Please retain
copy marked for you and return the executed original with at-
tachments to the Chief of Agricultural Affairs Sections, Ame-
rican Institute in Taiwan.
Jerry S. Walker
Program Leader
Special Foreign
Currency Program
James W. C. Wang
Chief, Business Division
Sept. 21, 1988

Ⅲ Letter from Mr. Jerry S. Walker, Program Leader, Special For-
eign Currency Program of the American Institute in Taiwan to
Mr. James W. C. Wang, Chief of Business Division of the Coor-
dination Council for North American Affairs
Grant No: FG-TA-122
Preject No.: TW-AES-22
Mr. James W. C. Wang
Business Division
Coordination council for
North American Affairs
133 Po Ai Road
Taipei, Taiwan
Dear Mr. Wang :
We are prepared to make a grant to your Council under United
States Public Law 480, 83rd Congress, as amended, to underta-
ke a research project entitled, "Engineering protected culti-
vation systems in Taiwan."
The research will be carried out at the Taiwan Agricultural
Mechanization Research Center (TAMRC) in collaboration and t-
hrough Council of Agriculture (COA), Taipei, Taiwan.
The amount of the grant shall not exceed NT$5,613,700. The A-
merican Institute in Taiwan will provide NT$ 1,713,100 and t-
he Council of Agriculture will provide NT$3,900,600 to carry
out the research during a period not to exceed three (3) yea-
rs beginning July 1, 1988.
The arrangements for carrying out the project were mutually
agreed upon during negotiations on September 9, 1988, at the
Council of Agriculture. Present at negotiations were Drs. C-
hung--Hsing Wu and Jai--Tsung Shaw for the National Taiwan U-
niversity, Dr. T. Y. Ku and Mr. Ming--Hwa Lin for the Council
of Agriculture and Dr. Jerry S. Walker, Mr. David Hamer, Mrs.
Ou, and Ms. Gloria J. Yanosky for the American Institute in
Your signature in the space provided below is required to in-
dicate your acceptance of this grant and your agreement to t-
he attached General Provisions Applicable to Foreign Agricul-
tural Research Grants. This letter when signed and dated by
you is authority to proceed with the project. Please retain
copy marked for you and return the executed original with at-
tachments to the Chief of Agricultural Affairs Sections, Ame-
rican Institute in Taiwan. Sincerely,
Jerry S. Walker
Program Leader
Special Foreign
Currency Program
Accepted :
James W. C. Wang
Chief, Business Division
Sept. 21, 1988

IV Letter from Mr. Jerry S. Walker, Program Leader, Special For-
eign Currency Program of the American Institute in Taiwan to
Mr. James W. C. Wang, Chief of Business Division of the Coor-
dination Council for North American Affairs
Grant No: FG-TA-123
Preject No.: TW-FSIS-2
Mr. James W. C. Wang
Business Division
Coordination council for
North American Affairs
133 Po Ai Road
Taipei, Taiwan
Dear Mr. Wang :
We are prepared to make a grant to your Council under United
States Public Law 480, 83rd Congress, as amended, to underta-
ke a research project entitled, "Influence of cooking / proc-
essing conditions on pesticide / drug residues in meat and p-
The research will be carried out at the National Taiwan Univ-
ersity in collaboration and through Council of Agriculture (C
OA) , Taipei, Taiwan.
The amount of the grant shall not exceed NT$5,588,000. The A-
merican Institute in Taiwan will provide NT$ 2,646,000 and t-
he Council of Agriculture will provide NT$2,942,000 to carry
out the research during a period not to exceed three (3) yea-
rs beginning July 1, 1988.
The arrangements for carrying out the project were mutually
agreed upon during negotiations on September 10, 1988, at the
Council of Agriculture. Present at negotiations were Dr. Shau
-Yao Hsu for the National Taiwan University, Drs. T. Y. Ku a-
nd C. Huang for the Council of Agriculture and Dr. Jerry S.
Walker, Mrs. Ou, and Ms. Gloria J. Yanosky for the American
Institute in Taiwan.
Your signature in the space provided below is required to in-
dicate your acceptance of this grant and your agreement to t-
he attached General Provisions Applicable to Foreign Agricul-
trual Research Grants. This letter when signed and dated by
you is authority to proceed with the project. Please retain
copy marked far you and return the executed original with at-
tachments to the Chief of Agricultural Affairs Sections, Ame-
rican Institute in Taiwan.
Jerry S. Walker
Program Leader
Special Foreign
Currency Program
Accepted :
James W. C. Wang
Chief, Business Division
Sept. 21, 1988

V Letter from Mr. Jerry S. Walker, Program Leader, Special Fore-
ign Currency Program of the American Institute in Taiwan to Mr
. James W. C Wang, Chief of Business Division of the Coordina-
tion Council for North American Affairs
Grant No: FG-TA-124
Preject No.: TW-FSIS-3
Mr. James W. C. Wang
Business Division
Coordination council for
North American Affairs
133 Po Ai Road
Taipei, Taiwan
Dear Mr. Wang :
We are prepared to make a grant to your Council under United
States Public Law 480, 83rd Congress, as amended, to undertake
a research project entitled, "Effects of ionizing radiation on
pork, poultry and prawns."
The research will be carried out at the National Taiwan Unive-
rsity in collaboration and through Council of Agriculture (COA
), Taipei, Taiwan.
The amount of the grant shall not exceed NT$ 5,864,800. The A-
merican Institute in Taiwan will provide NT$ 2,144,800 and the
Council of Agriculture will provide NT$3,720,000 to carry out
the research during a period not to exceed three (3) years be-
ginning July 1, 1988.
The arrangements for carrying out the project were mutually a-
greed upon during negotiations on September 10, 1988, at the
Council of Agriculture. Present at negotiations were Dr. Lung-
Bin Hau for the National Taiwan University, Drs. T. Y. Ku and
C. Huang for the Council of Agriculture and Dr. Jerry S. Walk-
er, Mrs. Ou, and Ms. Gloria J. Yanosky for the American Insti-
tute in Taiwan.
Your signature in the space provided below is required to ind-
icate your acceptance of this grant and your agreement to the
attached General Provisions Applicable to Foreign Agricultural
Research Grants. This letter when signed and dated by you is
authority to proceed with the project. Please retain copy mar-
ked for you and return the executed original with attachments
to the Chief of Agricultural Affairs Sections, American Insti-
tute in Taiwan.
Jerry S. Walker
Program Leader
Special Foreign
Currency Program
Accepted :
James W. C. Wang
Chief, Business Division
Sept. 21, 1988

VI Letter from Mr. Jerry S. Walker, Program Leader, Special For-
eign Currency Program of the American Institute in Taiwan to
Mr. James W. C. Wang, Chief of Business Division of the Coor-
dination Council for North American Affairs
Grant No: FG-TA-125
Preject No.: TW-AES-2O
Mr. James W. C. Wang
Business Division
Coordination council for
North American Affairs
133 Po Ai Road
Taipei, Taiwan
Dear Mr. Wang :
We are prepared to make a grant to your Council under United
States Public Law 480, 83rd Congress, as amended, to underta-
ke a research project entitled, "Development of serological
probes for detection of citrus pathogens and application of
labeled probes for measuring pathogen infection and dispersal
The research will be carried out at National Taiwan Universi-
ty in collaboration and through Council of Agriculture (COA),
Taipei, Taiwan.
The amount of the grant shall not exceed NT$4,969,400. The A-
merican Institute in Taiwan will provide NT$ 2,337,400 and t-
he Council of Agriculture will provide NT$2,632,000 to carry
out the research during a period not to exceed three (3) yea-
rs beginning July 1, 1988.
The arrangements for carrying out the project were mutually
agreed upon during negotiations on September 10, 1988, at the
Council of Agriculture.
Present at negotiations were Dr. Hong-Ji Su for the National
Taiwan University, Dr. T. Y. Ku for the Council of Agricultu-
re and Dr. Jerry S. Walker, Mrs. Ou, and Ms. Gloria J. Yanos-
ky for the American Institute in Taiwan.
Your signature in the space provided below is required to in-
dicate your acceptance of this grant and your agreement to t-
he attached General Provisions Applicable to Foreign Agricul-
tural Research Grants. This letter when signed and dated by
you is authority to proceed with the project. Please retain
copy marked for you and return the executed original with at-
tachments to the Chief of Agricultural Affairs Sections, Ame-
rican Institute in Taiwan.
Jerry S. Walker
Program Leader
Special Foreign
Currency Program
Accepted :
James W. C. Wang
Chief, Business Division
Sept. 21, 1988
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)